Professional Practice Assignment Part C

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Professional Practice – Part C

Professional Associations/Organization

Tyra Barr

PRNU 115

Vancouver Island University


Professional Organization Selected: National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly

The professional organization I have selected is the National Initiative for the Care of the

Elderly (NICE). NICE is an international network of researchers, practitioners, students, nurses,

and seniors who are dedicated to improving the care of older adults. NICE is partnered with

International Collaboration for the Care of the Elderly (ICCE) and has researchers and students

from nine countries that contribute to the overall care of the elderly. Working through teams and

committees to create their research into practice. While finding the best practices to help create

interdisciplinary collaboration.

NICE offers many resources for caregivers, elder abuse, and mental health. They have

created team-based tools for many different occasions that may be going on throughout an

elder’s life. These tools are a great resource for anyone. From the elderly to youth, they are

meant for people to learn more about the elderly. They give expert advice and answer many

frequently asked questions with reliable resources.

My Reason for Selecting This Organization

I decided to select NICE for my research purpose due to their dedication to improving the

care of the elderly in communities. After watching their video and looking at the website I am

intrigued to find they provide creditable resources for different provinces in Canada such as BC,

Quebec, Ontario, and Newfoundland. These resources range from elder abuse prevention to

Canadian Pension Plan applications.

While looking through other organization links provided, NICE was the only website that

I was able to subscribe to for free (See appendix). I find this helpful not only for myself but also

for others and the elderly who may not be able to afford to subscribe for a price. This can detour

anyone away, losing the ability to find expert resources because you must pay. That is one of the

reasons I think this organization is great, as it is user-friendly and supports a diverse amount of

people. This organization is setting a great example for other resources. It is accessible and

creditable with a significant amount of knowledge. Resources such as NICE are great ways to

learn and provided the best care possible for the elderly.

What I Have Learned About This Organization

I have learned from NICE organization there are three main goals that this website

applies to which are to help address how actual practices occurs for the elderly.

The first goal is “Help close the gap between evidence-based research and actual

practice.” (NICE, n.d., para. 2). This is their goal as there is not the full truth on how to provide

best practice care for the elderly and how practice is truly carried out. This is where they are

trying to get people to be aware and educated about the reality of the actual practice provided for

the elderly. Although sometimes it can be hard to hear the truth, you would not want someone

you love to experience poor care. While trying to stop poor care, learning about reality, and

stepping in to do something about it can help promote better care for elders.

The second goal is “Improve training of existing practitioners, geriatric educational

curricula, and interest new students in specializing in geriatric care.” (NICE, n.d., para. 2). This

is due to the increase in the elderly population. Although there is a shortage of healthcare

providers everywhere, there is a shortage of healthcare providers specializing in geriatric care.

With more people and education involved in geriatric care, this will further benefit the elderly

society while improving their overall dignity.


The last rule is “Effect positive policy changes for the care of older adults.” (NICE, n.d.,

para. 2). This rule is implemented by many volunteers, health care workers and students,

incorporated with universities, government, and other organizations from around the world to

help the elderly. While implementing positive policy changes NICE is incorporating the elderly

to help provide more ethical care while recognizing every elder’s belief.

Importance of This Organization to LPNs

This organization is not only important to licensed practical nurses but also to the

healthcare system as a whole. Licensed practical nurses can have a resource to supply to others

or the elderly with creditable information. This can be knowledgeable in many circumstances.

These resources can help refresh licensed practical nurses’ knowledge and remind them that

everyone is applicable to equal care no matter their age, gender, or culture.

I would recommend NICE organization to anyone including future geriatric healthcare

workers or an elder. I believe this website has great resources that could help someone further

their knowledge significantly.



NICE. (n.d.). National initiative for the care of the elderly

NICE (n.d.) Online tools for the care of the elderly


Screenshot of my subscription to NICE ENewsletters.

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