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CAMBRIDGE ‘rances Treloar eRe eR cue) Weamerwce OMPACT KEY FOR SCHOOLS SECOND EDITION RY == Av010 Sends A2 WORKBOOK WITHOUT ANSWERS Frances Treloar For the revised exam from 2020 | My family, my friends & me In my free time Eating in, eating out What are you doing now? Great places to visit Getting there School rules! We had a great time! What's on? Are you an outdoors person? Healthy body, healthy mind Technology & me Vocabulary Extra Audio scripts Acknowledgements rE 4 36 40 44 48 52 58 contents Grammar have got El rite sentences or questions and short answers with tha correct form of have go John and Joe / black hair John and. Joe have got black hair. 2. Muhammed / blue eyes? / Yes Has Muhammed got blue eyes? Yes, he has 3 We/six cousins 4: she /older sister? /Yes 5 I/not/a younger brother 6 Harry/ very shor fair hair 7 your fiends / nicknames? /No 8 They/not/ thelr trainers with them © Exam candidates often make mistakes with have ‘got. Correct the mistakes in these sentences. 1. Igota free day at the weekend. rive. 92 2. Iget a new job near home. 3 Igot flu and am lying in bed now. 4 I getanew room. 5 | bought strange shoes because everyone got them, 6 We've to bring a pencil and a rubber. 7. Ithaven't got a radio.. 8 I'veterrific news. There's going to be a Rillieux. GE, serio rote ermine aims My family, my friends & me EI Read the information about Laura and complete the Present simple sentences. wake up 650 945 | walkto school 8.25 = a havelunch 1220 1.00 do homework 630 : watchTV 7.00 10.00, 2.00, 8.00 gotobed | 9.15 1030 1 Laura. pokes. ten to seven on school days. 2 She at twenty-five past eight on school days, but she in the holidays. 3. She at one o'clock in the holidays. 4 She. hher homework at 6.30 on school days, but she any homework in the holidays. 5 She TValotiin the holidays 6 She ‘at quarter past nine on school days Question words Complete the questions with the words in the box. How What Whettime ‘When Where Who 7 what. you get up on school days? do you travel to school? do you have for breakfast? is your school? is your bestfriend? does your next schoo! holiday start? ‘Answer the questions in Exercise 4 for you. Write complete sentences. 1 _|.get up. at half past seven on schol daus, Vocabulary ‘Use the family tree to complete Joanna's sentences with the words in the box. ‘There are some words you do not need. niece husband sisters Uncle father Isabella Benicio Cinthia Diana ‘Oliver Joanna Ben Myname’s Joanna. t've got one brother, but | haven't got any sisters fam my parents only ‘liver, is their only My Aunt Diana is married to my Diana is Jacob's ‘lana and Jacob have got two 429d Joe. Ben and Joe are my ‘My aunt Veronica hasn't gota doesn't want to get married yet. The two people with white hair are my mum's ‘mother and ‘My randfather Jorge is one month younger than 7» . 2 My brother, 3 Jacob, =Ben ~she Listen and check. sister wife cousins nephew daughter grandmother children son Jorge Jacob Veronica Joe Ell complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. do homework gethome gotobed startschoo!_wake up _walkto school watch TV | start school at 9.00 every morning. Inthe morning, | at 7.00, Then | get out of bed, [ride my bike to school, but my friend can because he lives very near. Leave school on my bike at 3.00 pm. and. at 3.15 p.m. My mum is always there. I'ma good student because! my every day. Nike to with my family in the evening, At night, | early because | need a lot of sleep. Listen and check. nmr my Fam, my FRIENDS 2.6 @ Exam tasks Reading and Writing Part 2 For each question, choose the correct answer. Which person can't visit some of her grandparents? Which person is learning something from one of her grandparents? Which person says one of her grandparents still has a job? Which person lives near all four of her grandparents? ‘Which person lives with one grandparent? Which person finds one thing difficult when she visits her grandparents? Which person eats with her grandmother once a week? Shaziye >> p>r>p>> eeeneoe anananan Me and my grandparents Shaziye 4 Frida {ive with my parents in the city of Bursa, Turkey, and both my mother's and my father’s parents lve in a village by the sea not far from us. When they were younger, my father’s parents lived and worked in Bulgaria. They ‘were both teachers, and came back to Turkey when they finished work. Im. lad we all lve in the same country now because we can see each other every week. | ove their village, but they always get up very early and I do as well when I stay there. That's not easy for me! Six people lve in my house in the city of Leon, Mexico. My mothers ‘mother, my parents, my two brothers and me. Im really lucky because my father’s parents als live in a street near our fiat, so | vist them nearly every day, too. | call my mother's mother Bela. She had a restaurant and now cooks fantastic meals for us. Mum can't cook well, but | can because Bela teaching me. | often visit my father’s parents because they live close to us. But my ‘mothers parents are travelling around the world so it’s not possible to go ‘and see them. We often chat on the internet. My father’s father works ten hours every week. He's a doctor, so we always phone him when we feel il. My father’s mother was also a doctor, but she doesn't work now. have lunch with her on Saturdays. TT HER. irs wy ramucy, my FRIENDS & ME ing and Writing Part 7 at the three pictures. the story shown in the pictures. 35 words or more in your notebook. listening Part 3 HELG] For each question, choose the correct answer. ‘You will hear Kelly talking to her mum about her ‘singing lessons. 4. When is kelly's next singing lesson? A 8th August B 15th August € 22nd August 2 Where will they get the music book from? A the bookshop B thelibrary the music shop 3. Which day will they get the book? A Tuesday B Wednesday € Thursday 4 Kelly's mum will meet Kelly at A345 pom. B 400 pm. C415pm. 5 What kind of food does Kelly want to eat afterwards? A pizza B fish C burgers Uni 1 Famity, ty FRIENDS &. me AE TM ALLL) Grammar Adverbs of frequency IE Write sentences about Danny's week with the words [EJ] @ Exam candidates often make mistakes with and phrases in the box. words which describe frequency. Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Gist Gy piers Saree ieee oer 1. Thenews media shwayrmust have something to put OL SURE Pin Ore imen a ne ren intheirheadlines. must always 2 Wehave gone every day to the beach. First we eat salad, with sometimes tomatoes, carrots Go to school in Dad's car, piano and garlic. iuieys | lnceou epee peel pane 4. She kes always to study ean 5 On holiday leat often, ere eee 6 My sonis everyday sick. Tuedny | 0 12 tbl In Dad's cr, band Pacha vite siete eee. Do you lik Id you like il 2? | We like .. ao Scania you like ...? / Would you Wednesday | after school, band practice Ell complete the conversation with the correct form of 530 pm. would like, like or don't like, oa GMa DNT ar bad lian: Did you go to music club yesterday? Tburedt | gradi 600 pal No, they played jazz and II) don’t like jazz much Friday oe be eee What kind of music (2) 2 4.00 pan. Rock, pop, classical - most kinds, but not jazz! ‘Swimming club 10,00 a.m., band 16) ‘to come, too. Can I just come fatondet | ie Goble cor dol have to askthe teacher first? Ue eet le Peter: Just come when you want to.) Sunday | Viet Grandpa ae usual tocome with me next week? Yes please. (5) to join solcan learn to play an instrument. 1 have/apiano lesson 6 ‘all kinds of musi? Danny has a. plano lesson once a week 1) modem music best, but} have /band practice ® tolearn more about classical music and jazz, too. ‘Music club will be perfect for you! {go / to schoo! in his dad's car visit /his grandfather have / swimming club go /to art club. ausun Listen and check. HER, or a rev rnc nn Vocabulary Match the person to the picture. 4 Harry likes watching films. 4 Celia likes taking pictures with her camera. 2 Greg loves sleeping in a tent and eating outside. 5. Noah enjoys playing the guitar and singing. 3 Natalia likes going to concerts with her friends. 6 Jack enjoys reading books before he goes to sleep. PIB compete theopposite sentences with the words IE] Complete the sentences for you, Use the correct frm and phrases in the box. of the words and phrases from Exercise 2. | doesnitlike enjoy hates interested in te cooking, : goodat prefers terrible at 21 singing 3 Im at dancing. 1 Ellie loves watching films. Maisie hates watching 4 tm Fri films S| spending time with my family. 2. les bad at cooking, Maisies 61 going to the countryside and cooking, leaming about nature, 3 Elie enjoys singing, Maisie singing. 4 Ellie likes going to concerts. Maisie doesn’t going to concerts. 5 Ellie's brillant at playing computer games. Maisie is playing computer games. 6 Elle ikes dancing more than doing sports. Maisie doing sports to dancing, 7 Ellie thinks history is boring. Maisie is, history. @ Exam tasks Reading and Writing Part 3 For each question, choose the correct answer. WHY | LOVE CAMPING by Helen Menzies 1 first went camping when I was ten. I went to France for two weeks with my family and I hated the first week. } It was really sunny so our tent was too hot and there were insects in it. But in the second week, I started to like it, and now I love it. There are lots of good things about camping. We never go to the same place, so there are always new things to see, and it's great to be outside so much. But even better than those things is spending time with my mum, dad and sisters. When we go camping, | always make new friends. I met Nadia on my first camping trip. Isend her an email once a month, but she writes more than me — usually twice a month. I don't have time to write more because I email other friends from camping every week. ‘We live in a city, so we never camp near cities. My parents love trees and watching nature, so we most often go camping in forests. like being at the beach, so we sometimes go to the sea, too. Once, we went camping in the mountains, but it was too cold in our tents. ‘Camping is a great activity for people of all ages. It's never boring because you always have adventures. Once, a horse tried to walk into our tent! Another time, there was a storm and we had to sleep in our car. You never know what will happen. 11 What does Helen say about her first camping Where does Helen's family usually go camping? holiday? Ain forests ‘A She didn’t lke the type of tent she had. B in the mountains B She only enjoyed one week of it. C by the sea C She felt afraid all the time. 5 Inthe last paragraph, Helen says that camping is 2 What does Helen like most about camping? A the best activity for people her age. A staying in new places B avery exciting activity. B doing lots of things outside C an activity that teaches you a lot being with her family alot 3 How often does Helen write to Nadia? Aevery week B twice a month once amonth DEED. or 2 in er ree nme listening Part 4 HAE] For each question, choose the correct answer. 4 You will hear two friends talking about going to art club. What do they say about going to the countryside to paint? A They prefer painting inside. B They haven't tried painting outside before. They feel happy about painting outside. 2 Youwill hear a git! talking about a competition. What type of competition was it? A a football competition Bamusic competition Catennis competition 3 Youwill heara boy talking about joining a dance club. Why does he want to join the club? Ais friends go to the club. B He wants to do something new. Cit'sa good way to exercise. 4 You will hea a gir, Kate talking toa friend about, films. What type of films does she lke? Acomedy films B horror films Cadventure films 5 Youwill hear two fi nds talking about a concert they went to, What did they think of the concert? A itwas too short. B it was worse than the last one. Citwas na terrible place. Reading & Writ For each question, write the correct answer, Write one word for each gap. jing Part 5 Jo Hi My name's Agnieszka, but everyone calls (0).......Me....Aga. When I have free time, enjoy playing all kinds (1) sport. Table tennis is my favourite game at the moment. {enjoy table tennis because its an indoor sport that I can play (2) is raining or snowing outside. | get (3) play it alot where! lve. Both my sisters love the game too, ol usually play against one of (4)... It really doesn't matter (5) wins because the most important thing is having fun! © do you lke doing in your free time? Please write and tell me! Best wishes, Aga ee | Eating in, eating out Grammar Vocabulary There is/are, a/an, some and any _ [Ef Find thewordsin the grid below. Complete the sentences with isisn'tlarelaren’t and a/ chair cupboard cooker desk fridge an/somefany. lamp mirror shelf shower sofa stairs toilet 1. Theresa chicken in the garden! It’s eating the flowers! 2 there chairs in the kitchen? 3. There ‘orange juice in the fridge. Would you like a glass? 4 Why there: egg on the table? Put it back in the fridge, please. 5 There clock in the hall, but there's one in the kitchen. 6 There ricein the cupboard. We need some more. 7 Doyou think there. vegetables in this soup? 8 There exercises in this book that are difficult - they're all easy! (don’t) have to Read the information about the jobs a sister and brother have this week. Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to and the appropriate verb. wash the dishes x v Eo RAND EAS) Rea ISH EAS LER (RE tidy the living room 4 x tlolelale|plo}s|u make his/her bed v e clelalale ererere wash the kitchen floor v x tidy his/her bedroom z 4 ifs|s|Hjolwie|ria clean the bathroom x 7 Repeslcaaleielnce veal asleemleeh 1. Emily doesn’t have to wash the dishes this week. 2 Oliverhas to wash the dishes this week So fe Oaf ees [cM alsiRa| SR a) Oal any 3 Emily the living room this week. 4 Oliver ching oon wee Ed wens the nares or thetoom ext to'eeaydertiqtiond 5 Oliver and Emily both ‘their beds this 1 There's a whiteboard on the wall and there are lots week. of desks..rrr> Which person had to describe how some parts of the body work? ‘My project about health and the body Three students write about a project they have done. Kemal For my project, | had to find out about our teeth, mouth and stomach. | had to find pictures of them and explain what happens to food, from the moment we put it in our mouths to when itgoes into our stomachs. Then | gave a talk about it ll to my class. Writing the project was interesting and | learned a lot about the body, but I didn't like giving the talk I felt really worried before I did that. Dan | did a project about why and how we get some health problems, such as colds, having a temperature, toothache and pain. With all the information | found, | had to make a web page for, teenagers to use. enjoyed doing the project, especially the talk to my class atthe end. After the talk, | gave them a quiz and they answered everything really well. Perhaps | should be a teacher in the future! Jerzy ‘My project was about what you should do when people getill suddenly or hurt themselves, soit Was really useful. For example, | now know how to help a friend who has cut himself badly ora. family member who has broken an arm ora leg. |had to write a ten-page document for teenagers. {ound most ofthe information | needed online. One thing the project taught me is that I certainly. don't want to be a doctor or a nurse when tm older! UNIT 11 HEALTHY BoDy, HEALTHY MIND Ce Maillot: at: LL) Grammar The passive: present and past El Complete the information with the present passive of the verbs in brackets. FACTFILE Amazing information Be Every day, five billion* videos are watched (watch) con YouTube. 300 hours of video every minute. Each month, YouTube. billion times. YouTube. (use) in 8 different countries and in 76 different languages. ‘About 20 percent of YouTube videos (start) but then left after ten seconds. YouTube videos (see) on mobile phones over one billion times a day. (Over 3.25 billion hours (spent) watching videos on YouTube each month * 1 billion = 1,000,000,000 (put) on YouTube (visit) 1.57 EB Write past passive sentences with on in of or by. 1 Thefist emai/send /1971 The frst email wns sent in TT 2. Thefist digtal cameras /sel/a company called Logitech 3. Thefirstfidge/ build / Jacob Perkins / 1834 4 The ist computer mouse / make / wood 5 The st hairdryer / use /a French hairdresser 6 The first text messages / write / 3rd December, 1992 EE BTS) Listen and check. HDA one 2 recunoiccy a me El Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in bold. eat 1. a Last night, the boys ate some fish for dinner. b The beans | was growing in the garden were eaten by birds. give 2. a Ourdog's lucky ~it food every evening. alarge bowl of b He's waiter so he people their food every day at work take 3a Yesterday Sophie toher friend's 12th birthday party by car. b Yesterday, Mum. me and my sisters tothe 200, ask 4 a Jason's mum always ‘when she's doing the washing-up. Jenny to tidy her bedroom when her grandmother comes to stay. him to help as + adjective + (not) as IE Wee the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 the/as /hot /winter/ summer, /not The /as/s The winter is vit as het as the sumer 2. as physics. is /interesting / biology / think /2s 3 are /big / screens. / Mobile phone / as / screens / as /tablet / not 4 are /as/ Lessons at school / as / school trips. / much fun /not 5 expensive /as/ motorbike / my mum's / cat! /My dad's /as / was 6 not /bike / was / as / My /fast / my / new bike. /as / old Vocabulary [ Write the words under the pitures [ complete the sentences with the verbsin the box. I call, chat download emailaddress play text use 1 I playa football game online with my friends alot. 2. Ilsend it to you. Is your 3 often. music from an online store. 4 Ive got your mobile number, o I you when |artive — 5 6 7 's cheaper than phoning. 1 the internet a lot for my homework. need to ‘my mum to speak to her about giving us lft this evening, My friends and | use a few different apps tO .....0...1nt0 each other, Pies cartence hares 1 Alamp isused a toclean your clothes. 2 Acaseis used b_tocarry things in and to protect them. 3 Afridgeis used € totellyouthe time. 4 Akeyboard is used d_ tomake food hot. 5 Aclockis used @. tohelp you read at night. 6 Acookeris used f tokeep food cold. 7 Awashing machine is used 9. towrite on a computer. unit 12 TECHNOLOGY a me EES @ Exam tasks listening Part 5 For each question, choose the correct answer. You will hear Alice talking to her mum about the things people in her family want to find on the internet. What thing does each person want to find? Things camera clock film holiday ‘musical instrument printer tablet Ww ‘Aunt 2 3. Cousin 4 5 Grandmother ra tmone> Reading and Writing Part 5 Foreach question, write the correct answer. ‘Write one word for each gap. Example:0 or Ss From: Pippa Te: Tracey Hi,Tracey Can i come and use your printer this afternoon (0). this evening? Dad bought one online last week, but it (1) not arived yet. want to print about six photos. They (2) taken by Mum when | went snowboarding - sucha brillant holiday! Pippa x From: Tracey To: Pippa Hi, Pippa i OF course you can use my printer. t's (3) bit slow, but t prints ‘good pictures (4) don't you come at 6.00 this evening? You ‘ean have dinner (5) ‘me and my family before we print the photos. When (6). Your dad think your printer wil arrive? Tracey x HRA. own 12 recttnotocy & me Reading and Writing Part 2 For each question, choose the correct answer. Which person has already received a prize in a competition? Which person is good at several subjects at school? Which person wants to get a job with a computer games company? Which person was given advice about the competition by someone at school? Which person has made films during schoo! time? Which person was paid to check new computer games when she was younger? Which person made a game for a member of her family? Charlotte Charlotte Abigail Francoise 8 p>rr>>> woosoe ‘The computer game competition Three students write about making a computer game for a competition. earned to make games at school in IT and art lessons when I was ten. We made Video cartoons. | also worked on the game for this competition at school. Last year, my brother and | made a different game for a school competition, and we won a trip to.a computer games company with one of the teachers. When | leave school, Id love to work there, but | don't think Ill earn a lot. |Imade the game for fun for my brother. | planned to make a different one for the ‘games competition. However, when | showed it to my IT teacher at school, he thought it was brilliant and said I should enter it! Everyone just loves playing it. fm really excited about the competition, but | don't think m going to win. In the future, | want to start my own technology company. ‘When | was 11, | played video games all the time. So I began to check new video ‘games fora computer games company. We had to play them and find any problems and | earned money for doing it. | also started to get ideas and | began ‘to make the game Im entering for the competition. Ive always worked hard and | Usually pass all my art, T, business and maths exams at school easily. hope to do ‘a course in computer art at college next year. ASA TT I un 12 TecHNotocy & me Ae Vocabulary Extra My family, my friends & me TI Look atthe pictures. Match the sentence halves. [I Match the phrase halves. Then write the correct mired teres 1 Everyone in my family has got a curly har. 2. Mycousins Ben and Joe have got —b_darkeyes. 1 play an. a posters 3 I'vegot cut 2 draw b films 4 My grandmother has got eee 3 cooka © competition Eee eee 4 take with friends Seagal ee steues espoits 5 6 meet up # photos f short 7 play 9 tomusic Ei choose the word which does not fit. foe ree ic Ge oe on ~

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