Word List 1-2023-03 - 16

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Companies are spying on job candidates online

Off-colour jokes/remarks

To vet a candidate/applicant

An ill-judged post/remarks

To wield power

To give tacit approval (agreement, conset, support) to sth

due dilligence

to withhold consent to

a conscientious company/student/teacher

Repentance; repent of

A statute of limitations expires/ is applied to/ is imposed on

To castigate sb for sth

An infraction (vs misdemeanor)

Faith in the workplace

To accommodate sth

To make allowances for sth

A rebuke; to rebuke sb for sth

(an) admonition; to admonish sb for doing sth

To win damages

To infringe rights

A high-profile case

To victimize sb

To be guarded about sth; guarded comments/remarks

A devout Catholic/ Muslim/ Jew

To shun sb

To spell out sth

To stand out for sth

Indigenous beliefs/inhabitants

To deem sth worthy /necessary/important 

To deem sb/sth to be something

The upside of sth

A secular state

A conspicuous symbol

An outlier

to prevail (win)

to vindicate sb (vs acquit sb of sth)

to cause disruption; disrupt sth

to endorse sb’s stance

undue hardship/pressure to sb

a ban on sth


 To appeal to/bring a case to a tribunal

 A judicial function
 The Executive
 A welfare state
 The decision is subject to judicial review.
 To lodge a claim against sb
 To resolve a dispute
 A claimant vs a respondent
 Unfair dismissal
 To broker a settlement
 To withdraw a claim
 The costs are borne by the public purse.
 A party to a case
 In respect of sth/sb
 To acknowledge the receipt of sth (a document)
 The merit of a claim

China‘s new gulag. Chaguan. Rights and wrongs

 To leak sth to sb/to the media

 To stamp out sth (corruption/the abuse of human rights)
 Surveillance
 To startle sb
 Reluctant (adj.)
 To placate the public opinion
 To concede that
 Fragile, fragility
 To appal sb
 A signatory to a treaty/ document
 To rebuke sb for sth
 A bipartisan group (support)

Civil procedure

 Breach of contract
 To issue a claim against sb
 To come into force (about rules, laws)
 To set a timetable for litigation
 Insolvency
 This case is subject to Civil Procedure Rules
 To issue a counterclaim
 To file a reply
 The particulars of a case
 A stay in proceedings
 To settle differences out of court

Penalties and punishments

A penal institution

The Penal Code

Punitive damages

To pronounce a sentence

A deterrent to
A remand centre

A concurrent sentence

The International Criminal Court / Sudan

 To depose a political leader

 A /the day of reckoning
 Defiance; defy sth
 To chip away at sth
 Impunity
 To seize power
 To be swept from office
 A long-standing demand
 A conflict/war/controversy erupts
 To induce sth. ( war-induced hunger)
 The bulk of sth
 The blame rests with sb/sth
 To (re)ignite controversy
 A controversy/conflict/situation comes to a head
 To reprimand sb for doing sth
 To deter sb from doing sth
 To conscript sb
 To hinder sth

American juries Part 1-2

 Sth is a stiff test

 To deem sb/sth unsuitable, necessary, important; to deem sb/sth to be sth
 To be exempt from sth
 A crucible
 To sequester a jury; jurors work in sequestration
 a jury; a juror; a prospective juror
 To invoke the right to sth (a jury trial, defence, legal aid, etc.)
 To wave the right to sth (trial by jury)
 To be summoned to court
 To do justice
 Testimony; to give testimony
 To deliberate; deliberations
 To reach a unanimous verdict
 To hand down a heavy/harsh punishment
 To enter into a plea bargain with the prosecutor
 To plead guilty to a lesser offence in exchange for a reduced sentence
 To be adroit in doing sth
 molestation
 sth is a persistent problem
 To have an unwholesome effect on sth
 An untainted jury
 To be loaded in favour of sb or against sb
 To indict sb for sth
 A felony vs misdemeanor (Am.E)
 An inmate
 To derive from
 An impartial jury
 To concede that

Criminal justice and criminal proceedings

 To investigate a crime
 To apprehend a suspect
 To detain sb in custody
 To issue a caution
 To initiate criminal proceedings
 To serve a summons on sb
 To appear before court
 To issue a warrant of arrest
 To provide legal aid
 Summary/minor offences
 Indictable / notifiable offences
 An alleged offence
 indictment
 To plead guilty (to sth)
 To impose a severe penalty
 To grant sb bail
 An adversarial justice system
 Whereabouts
 Manslaughter
 To acquit sb of sth; acquittal
 To convict sb of sth, conviction


Consecutive (for ten consecutive days)

A curfew; impose or lift a curfew

To fall off the wagon (idiom, informal)

To spin sb a line (idiom, informal)

To replicate sth (results, conditions, etc)

to sponsor a bill

Insulate Britain Protester

Contempt of court

Defy the judge‘s instructions

To cause public nuisance

To disregard sth

To discharge the jury (atleisti iš pareigų)


a subsequent hearing

To adjourn proceedings/hearing

To pass a sentence on sb

To stand trial for sth

A custodial sentence

The Court System-Unit 4

 A lay magistrate
 To hear a case /evidence
 A claimant /a plaintiff
 To seek a legal remedy
 To suffer harm or injury
A case may go on appeal to a higher court

To reverse or uphold a decision

An appellant

leave to appeal / to apply to a higher court for leave to appeal

To try/hear a case

A petty crime

To commit an accused person to a higher court

To punish by imprisonment

A minor

To try sb summarily

A homicide

An indictable offence

(An) assault

A person is alleged to have done sth

A defendant

To be guilty of a crime

To charge sb with a crime

To appeal (against) the decision / conviction / sentence /verdict

A jury


Sources of law: legislation Unit 2

Primary and secondary/delegated legislation

Statutory instruments


to pass/ enact a law

to update a law

to amend a law

to enforce a law/ government policy

to ensure compliance with the law

to repeal an obsolete law

to present sth to public scrutiny

to submit a proposal to Parliament

to scrutinise the provisions of a law

to enshrine sth (rights, duties, principles) in the law/the Constitution/ the declaration

to approve a draft/bill/law

to draft a bill/law

to become law

Sources of law: common law - Unit 3

to override sth

the law is subject to interpretation, review

a binding precedent on

the decision sets the precedent

the decision is binding on a lower court

to refer to or cite a precedent/ case

the judge is bound to follow a precedent.

To apply a precedent/ law/ rule; the rule is applicable to the case

The law is pertinent / to the point.

The system pivots on sth

A persuasive argument, opinion

What is law

To prescribe sth/rules (nurodyti/įsakyti)

To impose rules on sb

To enforce laws against citizens

To distinguish A from B

To break rules, laws,

To suffer a penalty (A person suffers a penalty)

To carry a penalty (Crime/ conduct carries a penalty)

To make laws

To commit a crime

To escape, implement justice

To face prosecution for doing sth

To conduct/start an action against sb

To find sb guilty

Legal systems U1

distinction between A and B (civil and criminal law)

a legal person

a natural person

to prosecute the offender

This conduct may give rise to a claim.

To seek, grant, issue an injunction

Substantive v procedural law

Liability for sth

A legislature

A legislative authority, body

To legislate on sth

Accession to the EU, accede to

Law v common sense

To sue sb

A plaintiff

To calculate damages

To deprive sb of sth

Fraud; consumer fraud

To dismiss a case

Justice prevailed.

The rule of law

Proliferation of sth (rules); rules proliferate

A baseless claim

To settle a claim

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