I Written TEST 9th I Term 2023

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High school´s name: CANS Total Points:20pts

English teacher: Gabriela Méndez Barboza Obtained Pts:________
I Period 2023 Earned %: ___________
Grade: 9th Grade:______________
English Department Group: 9- __
Student´s name________________________________ Date: April 17th, 2023

General Instructions for the test

1. Make sure you have turned off and put away any electronic device before
starting the test.
2. Lending or borrowing any school supply or personal belonging during the test
period is prohibited.
3. Using a dictionary or any kind of translator is prohibited during the test.
4. Make sure the test has 5 pages and 4 different parts, otherwise ask the teacher
in charge of the administration for a complete test.
5. Write your name in each page in the blank provided for this purpose.
6. Read the specific instructions of the test completely before answering any part.
7. Follow the specific instruction(s) of each part to carry out the task requested.
8. Use only blue or black inked pen to answer the test.
9. Cross out any mistake and write the correct answer clearly next to it. If you have
an objection based on an item that is made with pencil, erasable inked pen or
illegible marking or confusing writing; your objection will be inadmissible.

R.1. extracts the important information about experiences related to exercise, sports and games in
print materials.
R.3. distinguishes important information from texts related to past experiences and events
R.4. extracts the main points and supporting details from texts related to experiences and events in
simple, clearly drafted print materials.
W.1. writes a short description of personal experiences without using an aid, such as a dictionary

Written Comprehension (17 pts)

Indicator: R.1. Extracts the important information about experiences related to exercise, sports and games in print
Multiple Choice. Instructions: There are 5 items related to the reading “Exergaming: Give it a try”. Based on the
text write an (X) inside the parentheses that precede the correct option and fulfills each statement. 1 point each
correct choice. (5pts, 1 p each correct answer)

1. Aaron is playing ______________ at home.

A. golf B. tennis C. volleyball

2. Exergaming is for _________________.

A. only young people. B. only men. C. everyone.

3. Exergamers can enjoy ________________sports.

A. only individual B. only team C. a variety of

4. An advantage of exergaming is that rain is _________________ a problem.

A. always B. usually C. never

5. Exergaming is motivating, cheap, and ____________.

A. boring B. difficult C. fun

R.3. distinguishes important information from texts related to past experiences and events
Short Answer . Instructions: There are 5 items related to What’s your secret dream? Based
on the text, answer each yes/no question below. (1 point each correct answer) (5pts, 1 pt each
correct answer)
We asked five people,
“What’s your secret dream?”

“Actually, I’ve always wanted to be a “Well, David and I have gone camping a
professional photographer. I haven’t had few times with Friends, and we’ve had a
any formal training, but I’ve taken many lot of fun. So, our dream is to buy our
good photos. So, my dream is to study own camper. But, we haven´t saved
photography.” enough money!”

-Karen Smith -Mary and David Sanchez

Vancouver, Canada. Sydney, Australia

“My dream? To go white-water “Well, my parents have never

rafting. I’ve never tried it before, but traveled outside of Costa Rica, so I
my sister goes white-water rafting all want to take them to Peru. I’ve been
the time. She’s even rafted in there many times, so I know all the
Reventazon river in Costa Rica. ” best places to go like Machu Pichu! ”
-Rachel Bloom -Santiago Rojas
New York, USA San José, Costa Rica

1. Is Karen a professional photographer? ________________________________ 1pt

2. Have Mary and David gone camping before? ________________________________1pt

3. Has Rachel gone white-water ratfing? ________________________________ 1pt

4. Have Santiago’s parents been to Peru? ________________________________ 1pt

5. Has Santiago been to Peru before? ________________________________ 1pt

R.4. extracts the main points and supporting details from texts related to experiences and events in simple, clearly
drafted print materials.
Short Answer . Instructions: There are 5 items related to A Traveler’s Adventure. Based on the text, answer
each information question below. (1 point each correct answer) (7pts, 1 pt each correct answer)
A Traveler’s Adventure
Kevin I got an e-mail from Pamela today. She writes a blog of her travel experiences.
Lucy Really? I didn’t know she was a blogger. Well, how is she? Where is she?
Kevin She is doing fine. She is on vacation in the White Mountains.
Lucy Oh, nice! I’ve never been to the White Mountains, but I’ve heard they’re spectacular.
Kevin We, Pamela says it’s beautiful there, but the weather is cool and rainy.
Lucy So, what has she been doing?
Kevin Well, she wanted to try hang gliding. But it’s very windy, so she hasn’t been able to do it. But she
has done hiking, and she is taking lots of photos.
Lucy Well… that’s good.
Kevin Yes. Oh, and she has also gone windsurfing on the lake.
Lucy Really? Wow, she really loves all kinds of sports. It sounds like she is having fun.

1. Where is Pamela? ________________________________ 1pt

2. Why is she there?


3. What is the weather like? ________________________________ 1pt

4. What activity has she been unable to do? ________________________________ 1pt

5. What three activities has Pamela enjoyed?

________________________________ 1pt

________________________________ 1pt

________________________________ 1pt

Written production (9pts)

Indicator: W.1. writes a short description of personal experiences without using an aid.

Directions: Read the “to do list”. Write 6 true sentences about the activities you have done or
haven’t done. Remember to follow the structure subject+ have + past participle verb +
complement. You will be evaluated with the chart at the bottom of the page.

Things I want to do
1. play soccer
2. go skiing
3. surf in Dominical, Costa Rica
4. run in my free time
5. sing Karaoke
6. do yoga
7. try windsurfing
8. go to the beach
9. travel to USA My Personal Experiences
Not achieved In progress Achieved
(1 pt) (2 pts) (3 pts)
Student writes
Student writes Student writes
simple sentences
simple sentences simple sentences
about things he or about things he or
about things he or
she likes to do in she likes to do in
Content she likes to do in
his or her free his or her free
his or her free
time with much time with difficulty
time (5 -6
difficulty (1-2 (3-4 sentences)
Student has 2 or
Student has many Student has no
Spelling 3 spelling
spelling mistakes spelling mistakes
Student uses few Student uses Student
words of the most of the incorporates
vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary
studied in class studied in class effectively

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