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Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (AASTU)

College of Social Sciences

Course Title: Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn
Course Code: GeES 1005
Academic Year: 2015Ec
Target groups: Sections 23-28
Credit Hour: 3
Contact Hour: ----
Course Instructor: Kiros Tsegaye Derbew (Asst. Professor)
Course Objectives
At the end of the course, the trainees will be able to:
- Discuss location, size and shape of Ethiopia and the Horn
- Recognize the major geographical events and their results
- Comprehend the basic skills of Map Reading
- Understand the Geological processes, and land formation
- Comprehend the events of Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras
- Appreciate the rocks and minerals of Ethiopia
- Recognize the physiographic regions of Ethiopia
- Appreciate the drainage systems and water resource of Ethiopia and the horn
- Discuss climate of Ethiopia and The Horn
- Locate the distribution of soils and natural vegetation of Ethiopia
- Analyze the distribution and characteristics of Ethiopian population
- Realize the major economic activities and their roles in economic growth of Ethiopian
- Debate the Economic activities and policies of Ethiopia and the Horn
Course Description
This course is designed to familiar trainees with the basic geographic concepts particularly in relation to
Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. It is also meant to provide students a sense of place and time (geographic
literacy) that are pivotal in producing knowledgeable and competent citizens who are able to comprehend
and analyze spatial problems and contribute to their solutions. To be geographically illiterate is to deny
oneself not only the ability to comprehend spatial problems but also the opportunity to contribute
meaningfully to the development of policies for dealing with them. As such, the course provides an
opportunity for the reader to understand the implications of the location, shape and size of Ethiopia, as
well as the country’s physical and human resources diversity and abundance on its socioeconomic
The course consists of four parts.

The first part provides a brief description on the location, shape and size of Ethiopia as well as basic
skills of reading maps. The second part introduces the physical background and natural resource
endowment of Ethiopia and the Horn which includes its geology and mineral resources, topography,
climate, drainage and water resources, soil, fauna and flora. The third part of the course focuses on the
demographic characteristics of the country and its implications on economic development. The fourth
component of the course offers treatment of the various economic activities of Ethiopia and the Horn
which include agriculture, manufacturing and the service sectors.

Course Content
Chapter 1 (Introduction)
1. Physical Environment
1.1 Geography: Definition, Scope and Themes
1.1.1 Meaning of Geography
1.1.2 The Scope, Approaches and Themes of Geography

1.2 Location, Size and Shape of Ethiopia and the Horn
1.2.1 Location of Ethiopia
Ways of describing location
Significance of location
1.2.2 Size of Ethiopia
Total areal and service size
Sub-divisions of Federal States of Ethiopia
Significance of size
1.2.3 Shape of Ethiopia and its implication
Boundary demarcation
Measurement of shape
Significance of shape
1.3 Basic Skills of Map Reading
Basic Principles of Map Reading

Geology of Ethiopia and The Horn
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Geological Processes: Endogenic and Exogenic forces
2.3 The Geological Time Scale and Age dating techniques
2.4 Geological Processes and the Resulting Landforms of Ethiopia and the Horn
2.4.1 The Precambrian Era Geological Processes (4.5bi-600mi years ago)
2.4.2 The Paleozoic Era Geological Processes (600-225mi years ago)
2.4.3 The Mesozoic Era Geological Processes (225-70mi years ago)
2.4.4 The Cenozoic Era Geological Processes (70mi years ago-Present)
2.5 Rock and Mineral Resources of Ethiopia
2.5.1 Briefs facts and current state of main minerals in Ethiopia
2.5.2 Mineral potential sites of Ethiopia

Chapter III

Topography of Ethiopia and The Horn

3.1. Introduction
3.2. The physiographic divison of Ethiopia
3.2.1 The Western highlands and lowlands
3.2.2 The Southeastern highlands and lowlands
3.2.3 The Rift valley
3.3 The impact of relief on biophysical and socioeconomic conditions

Chapter IV
Drainage System and Water Resources of Ethiopia and the Horn
4.1. Introduction
4.2 Major drainage systems of Ethiopia
4.3 Water resources: Rivers, lakes and sub-surface water
4.3.1. The Ethiopian Rivers
4.3.2. The Ethiopia Lakes
4.3.3. Subsurface (ground) water resources of Ethiopia

4.4. Water resources potentials and dev’t of Ethiopia

Chapter V

The Climate of Ethiopia and the Horn

5.1. Introduction
5.2. Elements and controls of weather and climate Ethiopia
5.2.1. Controls of weather and climate
5.3. Spatiotemporal patterns and distribution of temperature and rainfall of Ethiopia
5.4. Spatiotemporal distribution of temperature
5.5. Climate change/Global warming: causes, consequences and response mechanisms
5.5.1. Current trends of climate of Ethiopia
5.5.2. Causes of climate change
5.5.3. Consequences of climate change
5.5.4 Climate response mechanisms

Chapter VI
Soil, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife conservation of Ethiopia and the Horn

6.1. Introduction
6.2. Ethiopian Soils; Types, Degradation and Conservation
6.2.1. Major Soil types in Ethiopia
6.2.2. Soil degradation
6.2.3. Soil erosion control measures
6.3. Natural Vegetation of Ethiopia
6.3.1. Natural vegetation degradation
6.3.2. Natural Vegetation conservation
6.4. Wildlife/wild animals in Ethiopia
6.4.1. Wildlife conservation
6.4.2. Challenges of wildlife conservation in Ethiopia
Chapter VII (Assignment)
Population of Ethiopia and the Horn
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Population data: Uses and sources
7.3. Population Dynamics: Fertiity, mortality and migration
7.3.1. Demographic measurements
7.3.2 Levels and Trends in fertility and mortality rates in Ethiopia
7.3.3. Migration in Ethiopia and the Horn
7.4. Population distribution in Ethiopia
7.5.1. Measures of population distribution
7.5.2. Factors affecting population distribution in Ethiopia
7.5.3. Socio cultural aspects of Ethiopian population: Education, Health and Languages
Language families and languages of Ethiopia
7.6. Settlement types and patterns of Ethiopia
7.6.1. Types of settlements

Chapter VIII (Assignment)

8.1. Introduction
8.2. Mining activity in Ethiopia
8.3. Forestry
8.4. Fishery
8.5. Agriculture in Ethiopia
8.5.1. Contribution, potentials and characteristics of Agriculture in Ethiopia
8.5.2. Agricultural systems in Ethiopia
8.5.3. Major problems of Ethiopia agriculture
8.6. Manufacturing industry in Ethiopia
8.6.1. Types and characteristics of manufacturing
8.6.2. The spatial distribution of manufacturing industries in Ethiopia
8.7. The service sector in Ethiopia
8.7.1. Transpiration and communication in Ethiopia: Types, roles and characteristics
8.7.2. Tourism in Ethiopia: Types, major tourist attraction sites, challenges and prospects
Course Evaluation methods
Types of assessment Suggested proportion
- Continuous assessment ----------------------------------- 50%
▪ Quiz/test -------------------------------------------5%
▪ Test I(chapter one)----------------------------- 10%
▪ Test II (chapter two)----------------------------- 15%
▪ Assignment-1 (chapter 7&8)--------------------10%
▪ Assignment-2 (chapter 7-8)----------------------10%
Final Examination -------------------------------------------- 50%
- Total ----------------------------------------------------------------- 100%
Mesfin W. Mariam (1972): An Introductory Geography of Ethiopia, AA. B.S. Printing P.
Aynalem Adugna (1987): The Population of Ethiopia, IDR AAU.
Bekure, W. ((1982, 83). ). Unpublished Teaching Material for the Geography of Ethiopia
Danniel Gemechu (1977): Aspects of Climate and Water Budget in Ethiopia, AAU Press.
UNDP, FAO (1984): Ethiopian Vegetation and Natural Regions and Their Significances for Land Use Planning, Ro
Addis,E.(2014). International Migration in Ethiopia: Challenges and Opportunities. In A.In
A.Bariagaber(ed.).International Migration and Development in Eastern and Southern
Africa. Addis Ababa
Emnet Y., Kassaye A. & Solomom C. (2012). Economic Geography of Ethiopia: Teaching
Module. Jimma: Jimma University
Mesfin W.Mariam. (1972). An Introductory Geography of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa : Addis Ababa
Mohr, P.A. (1960). The Geology of Ethiopia. Addis Abab: Addis Ababa University College
Morgan, R. (2005). Soil Erosion and Conservation. Blackwell Publishing
Taye Mengistu, & Solomon Bellete. (1986). An overview of Ethiopia's Agricultural Production
and Agricultural Policies. Workshop on Food Strategies. Alemaya

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