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Health and Life Skills 7

Module 1: Section 1 Assignment

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© 2005 Alberta Education

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© 2005 Alberta Education



© 2005 Alberta Education

Summary Teacher’s Comments

Section 1
Assignment 60

Health and Life Skills 7

Module 1: Wellness Choices Alberta Education acknowledges with appreciation
Assignment Booklet 1A the Alberta Distance Learning Centre and Pembina
Section 1 Assignment Hills Regional Division No. 7 for their review of this
Alberta Education Assignment Booklet.

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© 2005 Alberta Education

Health and Life Skills 7: Module 1 Assignment Booklet 1A

Attention parents and students:

This form must be filled out to complete Health and Life Skills 7.

Human sexuality education is offered in grades 7 to 9 as a mandatory component of the program of

studies. Parents, however, retain the right to exempt their child from school instruction in human
sexuality education. After completing Module 1: Wellness Choices, students must do either Part A:
Human Sexuality or, if they are exempt from human sexuality instruction at the request of a parent or
guardian, Part B: Journal Project in order to meet the requirements for Health and Life Skills 7.

The materials for these components are in the Teacher’s Guide for this course. Once the teacher
has received this form, he or she will print a copy of the appropriate component and supply it to the

The following form is to be signed by a parent or guardian of the student and forwarded to the teacher
with this Assignment Booklet.

Declaration of Parent or Guardian of Student Registered in Health and Life Skills 7

I hereby certify that my child, , will take

❑ Part A: Human Sexuality

❑ Part B: Journal Project

to complete the requirements for Health and Life Skills 7.

Signature of parent or guardian:


If you, the parent or guardian, have any comments, write them in the following space.

Send this form to the student’s teacher together with Assignment Booklet 1A.

© 2005 Alberta Education

© 2005 Alberta Education
Health and Life Skills 7: Module 1 1 Assignment Booklet 1A


This Assignment Booklet is worth 60 marks out of the total 100 marks for the
assignments in Module 1. The value of each assignment and each question is stated in
the left margin.

Read all parts of your assignment carefully and record your answers in the appropriate
places. If you have difficulty with an assignment, go back to your Student Module
Booklet and review the appropriate lesson. Be sure to proofread your answers carefully
before submitting your Assignment Booklet.

Section 1 Assignment: Your Personal Health

Read each question carefully and decide which of the choices BEST completes the
statement or answers the question. Circle the appropriate letter.

1 1. Which of the following relates to your emotional health?

A. making healthy food choices

B. following safety rules
C. handling your anger in a constructive way
D. identifying ways that you learn most effectively

1 2. Which food group of Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating do beans and peanut
butter belong to?

A. meat and alternatives

B. grain products
C. vegetables and fruit
D. milk products

1 3. Which of the following statements is true?

A. A good night’s rest for teenagers means getting six to seven hours of sleep.

B. A lack of sleep causes one to struggle with concentration, become irritable,

and risk accidents while driving or operating machinery.

C. Physical activity raises blood pressure.

Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating suggests eating foods from each of
the five food groups each day.

© 2005 Alberta Education

Health and Life Skills 7: Module 1 2 Assignment Booklet 1A

1 4. Which of the following is relevant to your intellectual health?

A. expressing your feelings

B. maintaining positive relationships with family and friends
C. getting enough sleep
D. considering different points of view when making decisions

8 5. a. Make a list of all the foods you ate yesterday. In the chart that follows, indicate
the foods you’ve eaten, the food group that each food belongs to, and how many
servings the food is equivalent to.

Food Eaten Food Group Number of Servings

2 b. Can you identify any problems in your eating habits for that day? Explain.

© 2005 Alberta Education

Health and Life Skills 7: Module 1 3 Assignment Booklet 1A

6 6. Use what you learned in Lesson 1 about standards for personal health to create a
visual symbol or logo that represents the standards for personal health that you
have set up for yourself. Make sure your symbol or logo represents each of the
three areas of personal health: physical, emotional, and intellectual. For example,
you could use three joined triangles or three interlocking circles.

Within the symbol or logo, write your own slogans to state what your standards for
personal health are. You may use the space provided on the following page, or you
may use a computer program and your own paper to complete this assignment.

Your visual symbol will be assessed according to the following criteria.

Marks Criteria on Student’s

• provides clear statements that reflect

personal commitment to maintaining
standards of health
• writes slogans for a variety of specific areas
5-6 that promote physical, emotional, and
Very Good intellectual well-being
• personalizes standards for health to self by
writing slogans that reflect personal activities
• selects symbol that reflects the three areas of
personal health and wellness

• provides personalized statements that reflect

standards of health
• writes slogans for an adequate number
of specific areas that address physical,
emotional, and intellectual well-being
Average • personalizes standards for health to self by
writing slogans that reflect personal activities
• selects symbol that reflects the three areas of
personal health and wellness

• writes slogans for a limited number

of specific areas that address physical,
emotional, and intellectual well-being
Incomplete • selects symbol that reflects the three areas of
personal health and wellness

© 2005 Alberta Education

Health and Life Skills 7: Module 1 4 Assignment Booklet 1A

Personal Health Standards

When you’ve finished responding to the preceding questions, return to page 36

of Module 1 Student Module Booklet and start working on Lesson 2.

© 2005 Alberta Education

Health and Life Skills 7: Module 1 5 Assignment Booklet 1A

Indicate whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) by placing the
appropriate letter in the space beside each statement. Correct the false statements by
crossing out the incorrect word(s) and writing in the correct word(s) above it.

1 7. Grooming involves paying attention to your skin, hair, nails, teeth, eyes, and

1 8. Intellectual health is determined by how comfortable and confident you feel

when you interact with others.

1 9. Grooming may not affect your physical health, but it can affect your
intellectual and emotional health.

6 10. Find an advertisement for one cleanliness or grooming product you like, and
attach it to your Assignment Booklet. Use the advertisement to complete the chart
on the following page.

Your chart will be assessed according to the following criteria.

Marks Criteria on Student’s
• describes one technique used by the advertiser
and the potential effects on teenage consumers
• makes connections between characteristics
of advertisement and aspects of physical,
emotional, and intellectual health and
Very Good wellness
• assesses critically the effectiveness of the
advertisement and the positive or negative
impact on self
• indicates understanding of one technique
used by the advertiser and the potential
3-4 effects on teenage consumers
Average • addresses aspects of physical, emotional, and
intellectual health and wellness
• evaluates the effectiveness of the advertisement

0-2 • identifies one technique used by the advertiser

Incomplete • describes personal reaction to the advertisement

© 2005 Alberta Education

Health and Life Skills 7: Module 1 6 Assignment Booklet 1A

Product Name:

One Technique Used in This

Why This Technique Is Effective

When you’ve finished responding to the preceding questions, return to page 45

of Module 1 Student Module Booklet and start working on Lesson 3.

© 2005 Alberta Education

Health and Life Skills 7: Module 1 7 Assignment Booklet 1A

Read each question carefully and decide which of the choices BEST completes the
statement or answers the question. Circle the appropriate letter.

1 11. This is the way a person sees himself or herself.

A. perspective
B. self-esteem
C. resiliency
D. body image

1 12. Which of the following statements is true?

A. One way to develop a positive body image is to appreciate your physical talents
and abilities.

B. Many of the images that appear in magazines, television, and movies rely on
models that are selected by advertisers for their unrealistic looks.

C. It is very hard for communities to encourage and provide positive messages

relating to body image and lifestyle choices.

D. The media does not have any influence on how one views oneself.

1 13. Why is it important to have a healthy body image? Give one reason.

6 14. Use what you have learned about the influences of the media on body image and
lifestyle choices to create a very simple brochure for teens that promotes a positive
body image. Include information that helps teens recognize the factors that can
help them achieve and maintain a positive body image. If you wish, you may use a
computer program to create your brochure. Attach your finished brochure to your
Assignment Booklet.

Your brochure will be assessed according to the criteria on the following page.

© 2005 Alberta Education

Health and Life Skills 7: Module 1 8 Assignment Booklet 1A

Comments on Student’s
Marks Criteria

• describes aspects of a positive body image

and lifestyle choices
• makes connections between positive
body image, lifestyle choices, and physical,
emotional, and intellectual wellness
• describes the techniques used by advertisers
to influence expectations and to create
Very Good unrealistic images of a perfect body and
• describes strategies for enhancing and
maintaining positive body image,
self-acceptance, and making healthy lifestyle

• lists aspects of positive body image and

lifestyle choices
• makes connections between positive body
image or lifestyle choices and physical,
emotional, and intellectual wellness
• describes the techniques used by advertisers
Average that relate to body image and lifestyle
• lists strategies for enhancing and maintaining
positive body image, self-acceptance, and
making healthy lifestyle choices

• lists aspects of a positive body image or

lifestyle choices
• lists some techniques used by advertisers
Incomplete that relate to body image and lifestyle

When you’ve finished responding to the preceding questions, return to page 56

of Module 1 Student Module Booklet and start working on Lesson 4.

© 2005 Alberta Education

Health and Life Skills 7: Module 1 9 Assignment Booklet 1A

Indicate whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) by placing the
appropriate letter in the space beside each statement. Correct the false statements by
crossing out the incorrect word(s) and writing in the correct word(s) above it.

1 15. Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating indicates your food needs based
on your age, body size, activity level, gender, and if you are pregnant or

1 16. Three to four servings per day of a grain product, such as bread, cereal,
bagels, pitas, pasta, or rice, should be provided to teenagers.

1 17. Adolescents should consume one to two milk products servings per day.

6 18. You are running for student council president. Food choice in the cafeteria is
an issue in the school elections. Your school cafeteria serves fast foods such as
burgers, fries, and hot dogs. Over this last year, however, many of the students are
complaining about the lack of healthy food choices.

You have to come up with a plan that the students will like so they will vote for
you. In the space provided on the following page, outline in your campaign speech
one action you will take to make the food choices in the cafeteria healthier but still
appealing to teens.

Your response will be assessed according to the following criteria.

Marks Criteria on Student’s
• addresses a wide variety of factors that affect
choices made about food
• describes and assesses connections between
5-6 food choices and physical, emotional, and
Very Good intellectual wellness
• provides clear and persuasive statements that
reflect personal commitment to promoting
healthy eating habits
• addresses a wide variety of factors that affect
choices made about food
• describes connections between food choices and
physical, emotional, and intellectual wellness
Average • provides clear statements that reflect personal
commitment to promoting healthy eating
• addresses some factors that affect choices
0-2 made about food
Incomplete • describes some advantages of healthy eating

© 2005 Alberta Education

Health and Life Skills 7: Module 1 10 Assignment Booklet 1A

When you’ve finished responding to the preceding questions, return to page 67

of Module 1 Student Module Booklet and start working on Lesson 5.

© 2005 Alberta Education

Health and Life Skills 7: Module 1 11 Assignment Booklet 1A

Read each question carefully and decide which of the choices BEST completes the
statement or answers the question. Circle the appropriate letter.

1 19. Values are

A. the ends for which one is willing to work

B. a sense of self-worth and confidence
C. the different points of view and ideas on a topic
D. the things that a person believes in and feels are important

1 20. To act responsibly means

A. being able to deal with a situation that involves adversity or risk

B. living your life according to important principles you have set for yourself

C. following a healthy, positive lifestyle

D. being prepared to live with the good or bad consequences of a choice you made
without blaming others

21. Physical dependence is

A. the condition that exists when a body depends on a drug to function

B. the condition that exists when one feels there is a need for a drug and its effects

C. the habitual consumption of a substance usually as a result of dependency or


D. the practice of total non-use

1 22. Substance abuse is

A. using a substance taken to change how the mind or the body works
B. being physically or psychologically dependent on a substance
C. using a substance in a way that is harmful and/or illegal
D. being influenced by advertising and the media to use a substance

© 2005 Alberta Education

Health and Life Skills 7: Module 1 12 Assignment Booklet 1A

1 23. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Social factors affecting emotional health can include wanting to be popular,

wanting to feel attractive, and knowing how you feel about yourself.

B. It is legal to drive with a blood alcohol level of 0.08.

C. Smoking does not cause increased heart rate or blood pressure.

D. Each person is affected by alcohol differently depending only on his or her body

2 24. What are two reasons why people use drugs?

6 25. In Lesson 5 of Section 1 you studied ways to say no and to resist negative peer
pressure. Read the following scenario:

After a baseball practice, Elena invites four of her teammates to hang out on
her family’s deck and try out the new hot tub. Elena knows her parents’ rule
about no alcohol use. Everyone is having fun when one of Elena’s friends
arrives with a cooler containing cans of beer that he snuck out of his parents’
house. He encourages everyone to drink beer with him.

Use the refuse model on the following page to react to this situation.

© 2005 Alberta Education

Health and Life Skills 7: Module 1 13 Assignment Booklet 1A

R eally ask questions about the activity.

E xamine all the consequences.

F ind alternatives. Suggest different things to do.

U se persuasion. Be assertive.

S tate all the consequences and problems.

xit from the situation, and leave doors open if so desired.

When you’ve finished responding to the preceding questions, submit Assignment

Booklet 1A, along with the form completed by your parent or guardian at the
beginning of the Assignment Booklet, to your teacher. Then continue where you left
off in the Student Module Booklet.

© 2005 Alberta Education


The school you are registered with may require you to submit this signed form with your Assignment Booklet.

The Student’s Declaration is to be signed by the student. If the student is under 16, the Supervisor’s Declaration
may need to be signed by the supervisor, who is usually a home instructor, teacher, or home-schooling
coordinator. Failure to complete this page may invalidate the assignment results. Please contact your school and
ask if this completed form is required.


• I have followed the instructions outlined in the Student Module Booklet.

• I have completed the activities to prepare myself for the assignments in this Assignment Booklet.
• I completed the assignments in this Assignment Booklet by myself.

Student’s Signature


I hereby certify that I have supervised the learning activities completed by  .
Student’s Name

I also certify that to the best of my knowledge the assignments in this Assignment Booklet were completed
independently by this student.

Supervisor’s Signature

If you, the student or supervisor, have any comments or observations regarding this module, write them in
the following space.

© 2005

© 2005 Alberta Education

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