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1. Read 2 pairs of sentences and complete the rules.

Usual sentences. Cleft sentences.

Police didn’t initially realise that the man in What police didn’t initially realise was that the
front of them was John Darwin. man in front of them was in fact John Darwin.
The alarm was raised only when he failed to It was only when he failed to arrive at work for
arrive at work for a night shift. a night shift that evening that the alarm was
He spent the next few years hiding inside the What he did then was spend the next few years
house and rarely leaving. hiding inside the house and rarely leaving.
A colleague of Anne Darwin’s eventually put It was a colleague of Anne Darwin’s who
the pieces of the puzzle together. eventually put the pieces of the puzzle together

1. Is there any difference between the pairs of sentences?

2. Which sentence gives more emphasis?
3. Cleft sentences are used in _________________ and ________________English, but they
are more common in __________________ English.
4. Cleft sentences help us to focus on a______________________ to add emphasis to what we
want to say.
5. Cleft sentences are divided into _____________ clauses.
6. There are ______________ most common types of cleft sentences: ____________sentence
patterns and ___________ sentence patterns.
7. In the second type of cleft sentence, the emphasis is usually at the _________ of the
8. The first type of cleft sentences (_____________________________) has the following
It +__________ +subject\object +__________\__________relative clause
9. The second type of cleft sentences (___________________________) has the following
What clause + __________ +emphasized word or phrase.
10. The cleft sentences of this type begin with WH words such as

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