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Dot-Com Debt Removels “Bast Clearance Company” ‘17b Colorado Ave Colorado Park Cape Town 7785 Office Contact: +27 8765019595 WhatsApp: +27 67 043 7356 CLIENT APPLICATION FORM RECISSION REMOVAL PRODUCTS Please Indicate with an X XY Debt Review Removal Disputes IR Bebt Mediation Garnishoo Judgement Removal J “Debt Default Blacklisted) [7 TTC Clearance Negotiations =| Bureau Updates Name:_ Heeess Residential Address. 240u 4 Kangen Steee7 el B18 city Tohnesbury Zip Code 161% Province Ga ORG cel: __ O68 OAARSFor Alternative Cell: _ 073 33 68 S67 Email Address: _havws @ eu (e206 Marital Status; “Sin gle No. ofdependents: Spoudes Details ‘Spouses Natne:_ Tb ie Spouse Surname: M1 Bu nbd spouses 1D: 7403 26 0314090 O84 53S FR Alternative Contact:_O1/ 26% 3500 Property of Dot-Com Debt Removals Reg No: K 2014/075/475 Employer Ci Dot-Com Deb! Removals “Best Clearance Company” Power of Attorney: \ YMi/ Miss/ Mes Fall Name) Hw@0rs ~~ y ID NUMBER _780$19 $313 O89 hereby nominate, constitute and appoint Dot-Cém Debt Rembvals and any person who has been appointed by her to assist them in their duties. To act on my behalf and ¢éimak@ enquiries and to obtain my/our personal information at any/every credit bureau and / or financial institution jt ORder to Weertain my/our credit status and assist me/us in regards to my credit status cy This authority extends to all, any and every one of my/our creditors, and to do all suf sh and actin all circumstances as if I/we were personally present and acting therein, which includes requesting ingellation, stop payments of any debit ge " eertificatee orders on my/our bank accounts. To engage an attorney to obtain a clearan ~~’ ) Signature of Witness I: KN Signature of Spouse:_F- Mabarvolg , Signature of Witness 2: \ Please ) al. of fins must be accompanied with a proof of EFT, Schedule Payment, Stop Order Receip ox Debi Check loaded ss per the payment serangemient ‘ade by the consulaat, Tis isto enable our legal ream 0 start che proces of your spplcaion with invedate cc: IF in any exp afer completing he (proces rewere not abe to asst you, you ae eaitled fora reftad ofthe fll amount, except RJOO0O0 which will be held back to cove administration cose ‘Hower, should you cnc! for any reason or pour application is teminated dae 0 noo-co-opeaton you will ot be eligible fo a refund. Also mote chat only _monies psd into Dotcom Debe Removal acoun mil be considered « sues applicant. Property of Dot-Com Debt Removals Reg No: K 2014/075/475 Dot=Com “Bust Clearance Company” DEBI CHECK WRITTEN CONSENT WRITTEN CONSENT IN TERMS OF DEBI CHECK MANDATE i_ _Uneos Balog ( {name and sirname) with identity number ZbcBY 5313 CFS hereby give my written consent to . 1. Dot-com Debt Removals (wPooreom) 2. Amount to be deducted wil be R308 oer 2& months. 3. Instalment Date:_2 5 /i¢. 4, 5. 6. 22a Intials & Surname of Client/Aceountholder:. Ht Bank Name: Tyme frre * Branch Code:_67 47 /O Bank Account Number: 85 #0) 36 7 $33 9 (Ruthotised signature) _/P Alyy, (Signature Date)_O1 fio [022 Property of Dot-Com Debt Removals Reg No: K 2014/075/475 Dot-Com Deb! Removals “Best Charance Company” WRITTEN CONSENT WRITTEN CONSENT IN TERMS OF REGULATION 50 (4)8&(5) OF THE NATIONAL CREDIT REGULATIONS 1.1,__jiwedis Bator! (name and surname) with identity number Te $$ 14 $313 O34 hereby give my written consent to €@&X (name and surname of third party).in his/her capacity as to act on my behalf and to lodge this complaint’at the National Credit Regulator. 2. This complaint is directed against —~Aname of registrant) and relates to an agreement signed between myself and the registrant on, 3. The details of my complaint are as follows: / Dated and signed at onthisthe___ day of 20, Signature of complainant Property of Dot-Com Debt Removals Reg No: K 2014/075/475 = TymeBank Make a statement that counts, IN Monthly personal bank statement D y TCE RIE OT ‘30s KANYENDA STREET ae Period 01 Sep 2022 - 30 Sep 2022 TSHANELO bs 01 Oct 2022, Gauteng , oe ‘Account Num s1013676399 Branch Code ere010 Customer VAT Registation Number Not Provided My Wealth Portfolio EveryDay sceount- Monthly CashFiow Bank Charges -R 84.60 2000.00 mm Fe R 1500000 R 10.000.00 5.00000 R000 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep — Balance MRE Money in EEE Honey Out Spend -R7 944.76 a Ca Yes te Con wsctoni aT) Ma cei a 02 ee Mi eicPop Ma Cart Page t of Portfolio Summary Transactions Rand Money in (Credits) aver ther doposits 1 500.00 Money Out ebits) 7044.76 "Core Purorases Swipes) 6 128518 tn ‘Gash Wtharauaie Reta iors) 2 iso 87 Debit Orcers 1 250.00 Elsconie Payments Made Count z 20.60 | Bank Chara 84.00 Fooe) 3 a0 Page 2 of © EveryDay account 61013678338 ‘pering Blanco ‘ 408.07 ate Decction Fess Money Out Moreyin ‘Balance 18 Sop 2022 SendMonoy rom 0661628380 = : 300,00 505.07 13 Sep 2022 ATM Wihdrawal st ELOFF STREET 2 - 500.00 : sa7 JOHANNESBUR ZA 225613136306 22Sep 2022 EFT for TOPS 312 “ z 6827.01 6602.48 22.Sep 2022 Purchace: VAS tForYou RI 2 15.00 7 serzte 22.Sep 2022 Fee. Transactional SMS Notification 0.30 : > eara68 29 Sep 7022 ATM Withdrawal at 50 Bath Avenue Gauteng - 1700.00 : 5 103.08 124 726607935606 28 .Sop 2022 Fee: Transactional SMS Notification 0.30 2 z 5 063,58 28 Sep 2022 EFT for PME ATTORNEYS. : 2 20.00 4.269, 28.Sep 2022 Purchase at Store Rosebenk Rosebank ZA 123.70 . 4139.58 226813439876 25.Sep 2022 Purchase at CHICKEN LICKEN THE ZONE : 198.00 “ 3940.28 JOHANNESBUR 2A 7266574148073, 24 Sep 2072 Purchase: VAS 1ForYou R20 = 20.00, : 3918.08 ‘24Sop 2022 Purchase nc 640.00 cash POS Boxer Spr : 29957 2 3.008.01 Protea Garde Protes Sout ZA 726706240806 ‘Frocanis ar Armwuca eancalooncenfaPanat)ena” Tyra Sonia age 16a S108 Seasons Aero Ronan 30 Penne reese NoaCP Toe ‘Fm fun ies at mont C52 970 swentymebuchcase ieee Page 3015 Opening Barca 496.07 ‘SMS Netifestion 3008.51 24 Sep 2022 Fee. Purehase: VAS 1For¥ou R20 2962.51 24 Sop 2022 Purchase: VAS 1FarYou R20 - 20.00 z a ART TAIT RE, PI 2 ee 2022 Transactional SUS Notation 25 Sep 2022 Fe: Transactional SMS Natfiation 261868 2580p 2022 Fee: Transactional SMS Nottiestion 25 Sep 2022 Purchase al IkHJazz Corner BOKSBURG ZA - 104.00, 2378.36 226817287746 26 Sep 2022 ATMA Withdrawal at DNR JHB Mall Roseban 4 000.00 1376.08 ‘Johannesbur ZA 226909862658 26 Sep 2022 Fee: Transactional SMS Notation 27 Sep 2022 Fee. ATM Wthrawal at DNR 2 NB Mall, 795.46 cofRoseba Johannesbur 24 227013957618 27 Sep 2022 _Purehese at Boxer Spr Pres Garde Petes € a2aer Sout ZA 227016104868 28 Sep 2022 ATM witnarawal at ONR JHB Mall Roseten 2 470.00 = 432 sJohannesbur ZA 2271 15698174 ATM Withdrawal af ONR JHB Mal 10.00 2 = sna Roseben 2 Johannesbur 24 227118998174 29 Sep 2022 ‘nebo b snsunorssFremleucer FOP WisOom Tyne bos Umea Rap no 201805 “Sintane ane Rowson Fe agnor Paver ERCP 1070) ‘ime tin ted At amber #4272979 smowtpecnaoheee Page aot § Opening Bare 496.07 ate Docersion Feoe Money Oxt Money in Balanoo TaD Closing Balance sear2 All foes ae inclusive of VAT at 15% Please inform us should you wish to query an entry in this statement. Should we net hear fom you, we wll assume thet you have received the statement and that tis eomtect, We subserbe to the Code of Banking Practice ofthe Banking Assocation of South Africa and, for untesoNed cputes, surpor Fesolution through the Ombudsman for Banking Services. This decument serves as a Tax Invoice forthe purposes ofthe Value-Added Tax Act 89 of 1991, Please refer to 22 fr details bout the TymeBank terms and condiions, epee Gna De ORC? TO) ‘ye Eat Linmg st ter a4 Page Sof 5 UAYMOTHOBINGORPOR ——Ga.Addess——~POBOKTI60 PayneniDt 2oz208%0 ouGHTON Det mpaped pownas ae. zon ‘Account No s1orssrass9 IMR HBALO¥! Branch Coce 678310 EUKANYENOASTREET ——Paygant poms TSHAWELO Deporrant ADMINISTRATION wie hoe MESSENGER “eo ence MESSENGER EARNINGS. DEDUCTIONS Deseretn rene ‘Ameurt| | Desriion Heston ‘Amount Opening Balare | (CASH COMPONENT 797315] | tax 000 eat Ur 10. yan toa oor To0000 seb0ae ‘aut Eamings 797315 | | Tote Deducions 15.1 NETT PAY 6 827.01 YEARTO DATE TOTALS "ADDITIONAL INFO “arabe Earngs s122a7| | aoomonaL nro. CURRENT PERIOD co. Contttons 15046 Tove Desaipton TeaveTanen Doe @ ro] ‘emul ‘ooo eat tot sage Baa ies Udit a

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