I Can Solve All The Problems That Are Ruining Your Life! Money - Family - Love - Stress Work - Bad Luck

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Hello Elisabeta,

I’m going to reveal some secrets that

concern you, and you alone, so you
can finally have a happy life.

Luck, money, and so many more good things you

never hoped would happen are all in store for
you… in the very near future! You contacted me
right on time, because subconsciously you knew
how urgent it was. You need a Lucky Star, so you
won’t have to keep fighting the bad luck and
adversity all on your own.
I was clearly aware of that urgency when I saw
your name appear on my computer screen, along
with 6 other people. I immediately felt a strange
and intense vibration running through my entire
body, from my toenails to my shoulders. And that
can only mean one thing: I have to intervene in a
case that is extremely urgent. That’s why I
decided to make you a priority.

What you’re going to read in a moment will prove

that I was right to involve myself in your case
before all the others.

The first secret I discovered about you is that
your Astral Chart was not harmonious on the day
of your birth. Because the planetary
configurations were so negative, you don’t have
to look any farther for the reason why problems
and persistent bad luck have been plaguing your
life until now. Of course there are other, less
important causes, which I’ll tell you about later

FORTUNATELY the second secret (it’s not the

last!) is completely different. The astral
configurations that caused so many problems
over the years have finally entered a phase of
total harmony, making your Chart
exceptionally beneficial in the coming 4 or 5
weeks.It’s as if Heaven wants to atone for
having caused you to be born at the worst
possible time!

Elisabeta, don’t you think it’s more than just a

coincidence that this beneficial astrological period
should be on the horizon just when you come into
contact with me? In my opinion, it’s a sign from
Destiny, announcing wonderful things about to
happen for you. I’m convinced of it… and you
should be too!

I used the Tarot to see what the future has in

store for you, and you’ll soon see that my psychic
Gifts haven’t deceived me. Even though not
everything the Cards had to say was “rosy”, I
guarantee your potential for Luck is so good all
the negative vibrations that have been
undermining your happiness until now won’t last
much longer.

You’re fortunate enough to have a very strong

potential for Luck, as well as multiple chances for
success. But because this potential is innate,
you’ll have to make an effort to exploit it, so you
too can be blessed by life’s benefits – Luck,
Happiness, Success and Money – and finally join
the tribe of HAPPY PEOPLE!

As I said, not everything will be a bed of roses.

But with what the Tarot tells you, and my help, all
the weak points in your character that have been
blocking you until now will be transformed into
positive qualities, and Heaven will soon favor you
with inestimable rewards.

The exact origin of these blocks isn’t important

right now. Trying to find out what they are would
just be a waste of time. What you need to do is
get ready to take full advantage of the fabulous
period of Intense Good Luck that is about to begin
for you. That means you have to get rid of
something I saw in your character, something that
could hold you back, and turn your life into a

The harmful vibrations surrounding you could

very well have a negative impact on your ability to
make the right decisions, and take action when it’s
most needed. If you don’t want to stay trapped in
a spiral of failure, you must eliminate these
blocks, which have already done so much harm,
and which keep on hurting you day after day.

You already have one good sign: you chose the

right time to call upon me! Now it’ll be easier for
you to make the decision that will “set the bar
straight” in the weeks ahead, and lead you to
wealth in all areas of your life. Here’s the good

A period of Pure and Intense Good Luck

awaits you.
This is not the moment to let it pass you by!

Why “Pure and Intense Luck”?

Because wonderful things are in store for you, in

all areas of your life, but especially in your love-
life, where anything’s possible: new or regained
love, marriage, or just a loving relationship that
makes you happy. You’re also sure to be
successful in your friendships and professional

Your free Lucky Numbers:

Exceptional Luck like this will also have an impact

on your winnings at games of chance. You simply
must take advantage of the extremely favorable
period that is about to begin for you. It is now
time to unveil your 6 Lucky Numbers of Pure and
Intense Luck.

Here they are:

3 - 10 - 44 - 17 - 28 - 30
These numbers are what we call in numerology
the most “friendly” numbers in the current
configuration of your astral sky. Do not hesitate
and use them, together or separately, for any
money game and any time you feel you need luck
to be by your side.

Pure intense Luck will impact your work and make

you more creative. You’ll be protected against
negative vibrations and the harmful intentions of
others in all transactions you’re involved in, like
buying, selling, renting, and so on.

If you have any legal problems, or something that

needs a lawyer or notary, like settling an
inheritance, this will be a good time to show your
mettle and assure yourself of a profitable

I adapted your Free Tarot Draw to include what

the near future has in store for you. You’ll find
instructions on how to get rid of all the obstacles
you may encounter on your path to success and


The Tarot is a benevolent Guide, not a risky
adventure, and it always tells you the TRUTH,
even when it’s not pleasant to hear. In your case
the Tarot had a lot to say, as you’ll soon see for

An initial Tarot Draw is not meant to influence

your Destiny. But the Truth it contains will help
you clarify all the problems weighing you down,
and provide solutions that lead to the success and
wealth you’re so sorely lacking now.

The Tarot has “good” and “bad” Cards, “Magic”

Cards and Cards of “Affliction,” depending on
whether they’re beneficial or malevolent. Tarot
Cards can contradict and combat each other, or
they can work in harmony and increase their
strength. I, Maria, a specialist in Tarot, take it upon
myself to reveal its Truths to you, and provide
you with recommendations to help you get the
most out of what you learn. Now, Elisabeta,
carefully read what follows:

Among the Major
Arcana, The High
Priestess is N° 2. She is
the weakest of the
beneficial cards, but her
influence is important
to maintain stability and
balance in the struggle
between other
beneficial cards and
certain malevolent
cards. She is the card of
secrecy and can reveal
hidden things, including
paths to success and
financial opportunities.
She is wise and
intuitive, and helps
eliminate doubt,
difficulty and suffering.

On a spiritual level, the

High Priestess is the
personification of total
Knowledge, past
present and future.

Later on we’ll look at the importance this Card has

in relation to the other Cards you chose.

Among the Major
Arcana, The Tower is N°
16. It is the most
powerful of the
malevolent cards. It
encourages excess,
pride and vanity, a
striving beyond your
capabilities. The
presence of The Tower
in a Tarot drawing is a
sign of danger that
should not be ignored. It
can create both
material and emotional
problems, and lead to a
large loss of money. It
portends a dark future
for those who do not
become more modest in
their behavior.

On a spiritual level The

Tower represents Divine
punishment for those
who try to rise too high
without deserving it,
and end up crumbling.

In this draw all 3 Cards concern you. Later we’ll

take a look at the dangers this Card presents.

Among the Major
Arcana, the Hermit is N°
9. It brings the light of
experience, and assures
regeneration in a
difficult world.
Experience also means
wisdom, prudence and
reflection. The Hermit is
a source of patience,
and his preferred advice
is that everything
comes to the person
who waits; better late
than never; and words
are money but silence is
golden! It is the card of
secret agreements,
discretion, and the
mysterious effects of
the occult. With the
Hermit, success is
achieved gradually, in
the full light of

On a spiritual level, the

Hermit represents
absolute wisdom, and
discreet action.

Now let’s see whether, in this drawing, the power

of Card number 3 maintains its favorable
domination, which sacred texts have attributed to
it since the dawn of time.

Elisabeta, I have to tell you how moved I was by

the 3 Tarot Cards you chose, even though I’m
used to seeing strange and unexpected things.
Uniting the worst of the Affliction Cards with both
the weakest and most powerful of the Magic
Cards, as happened here, is so rare I can’t recall
ever having seen it before!

This amazing result proves how urgent it was

for me to make your case a priority.

To summarize:

In the READING I performed for you, I saw a

fabulous period of Luck and Money in store for
I didn’t hide the fact that, despite your potential
for Luck and multiple chances for success, “not
everything will be a bed of roses”. You have a few
weak points that are creating harmful “blocks” in
your present life.

The 3-Card Tarot shows that I’m right, Elisabeta.

That’s the reason these three Cards have been
united, why the of The High Priestess appeared,
and the of the Hermit and of the Tower joined
together to fight its very malevolent effects.

Considering what’s at stake, you can’t run the risk

of letting these perfidious blocks rob you of all
your Psi power, just when you need it most. You
mustn’t let yourself become an impotent victim of
your harmful environment, of the pernicious
network of negative vibrations that surround you,
just when Heaven is ready to light the way for
you, and bless you with extraordinary favors, in
the form of your inestimable reward.

You have a lot going for you, Elisabeta. But to take

full advantage of it, you need to ask the Tarot to
tell you more about your present and your future.
Remember, the Tarot always speaks the Truth.

Yes Maria,
I am requesting 

What I’m offering is to perform a complementary

draw of 7 tarot cards on your behalf, so we’ll
know exactly why failures, problems, injustice and
bad luck have continued to haunt you, preventing
you from getting the best out of life. Why should
you let the of the Tower refuse you the joy and
happiness accorded to others?


Along with the results of your 7- Card Tarot, I’m
going to send you an amazing instrument of Good
Luck: the 3-Path Talisman.

This charm will show you which path to follow, no

matter what the circumstances, and lead you to
wealth, success, and all the benefits Destiny has
reserved for you. Just be careful, Elisabeta,
because the 3-Path Talisman is a very rare
magical instrument that members of our Order
confide only with the greatest caution. The one
you receive will be charged with your own
personal vibrations, so make sure to guard it well.

Why am I offering you this rare and exceptional

Magic Talisman?

Yes Maria,
I am requesting 

Well, Elisabeta, I often have to deal with people

who have very little Luck, and even less chance of
exploiting it. Their future is blocked, and they
don’t have the strength to change their Destiny.
Their chances of being wealthy, or finding true
Love and happiness, are more-or-less nil. BUT

You know the Tarot always tells the Truth. Your

Tarot draw, your 3-Path Talisman, and me, your
friend Maria, are going to help you become the
person you’ve always wanted to be, the person
Heaven has wanted you to be since the day you
were born!

You don’t have one Chance, but many. You don’t

have one opportunity to exploit, but many, in all
areas of your life! Complete happiness is at your
fingertips... and may even be closer than you
imagine. Your Astral Chart looks fantastically
brilliant to me, a sign that a radiant future awaits
you… if you really want it!

Yes Maria,
I am requesting 

The Great 7 -Card Tarot Reading will reveal certain

weaknesses in your present life, weaknesses that
have been making you an innocent victim for
much too long, causing you to remain powerless
in the face of injustice and a difficult life. Your
persistent lack of Luck has resulted in setbacks
and disappointments of all kinds that you surely
didn’t deserve. You cannot, you must not resign
yourself to the malevolent vibrations that have
been paralyzing you!

The opportunity you’re being given now is almost

too good to be real. You’re going to know
everything, and everything will be done to ensure
you obtain all the wealth and well-being you have
every right to enjoy. I’m certain your future will be
resplendent with the light of true happiness.

Elisabeta, if you want your legitimate wishes to

come true, ask me to perform your Great 7- Card
Tarot draw right now. Analyzing your draw will
require a lot of work, but under the circumstances
my remuneration will remain very modest,
especially when you think about all the money
that’s waiting for you.

To prove how confident I am that you’re future

will be bright and filled with success, I’m ready to
offer you a formal Satisfaction Guarantee: If you
don’t feel Heaven blesses you with everything you
need to make your life better, I’ll forget about my
hours of work and refund the entire amount you
send me, with no questions asked.

And you can keep the precious 3-Path Talisman

I’m offering you as a Free Gift. The Magic of its
protection will work for you your whole life long.

Reach out and take my hand, Elisabeta, and you’re

sure to have a beautiful future!

Yes Maria,
I am requesting 


Yes Maria,
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I am requesting

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