NEFU EC2CQC Assignment 2 Brief 21-22

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College of Engineering & Physical Sciences Northeast Forestry University

Assignment Brief

EC2CQC Construction Quantification Coursework 2 (40%) – Take-off and Bill

and Costing of Quantities preparation and Pricing
Dr Nii A. Ankrah,

Assignment Brief/ Coursework Content:

Proposed Residential Development

 Your company has received drawings for a proposed new development at

Black Horse Inn, Rugby for client Premier Properties (see Appendix A).

Task 2.1 As the consultants with responsibility for providing cost advice to
the client, you are required to take off quantities in accordance with NRM2
(or equivalent standard method of measurement) for the substructure

Task 2.2 Produce a Bill of Quantities (BoQ) to professional standards ready

to send out to contractors to tender for this work package.

NOTE 1: You are not required to take off quantities for walls, roof, doors
and windows, floors and stairs, internal finishes, electrical services, gas
installation, water supply and drainage, bathroom and kitchen fittings as
these will be carried out by the respective sub-consultant organisations.
However, include these items in the BoQ as Prime Cost (PC) Sums. Also
include a full Preliminaries section in your BoQ and a summary page at the

NOTE 2: You are required to make reasonable assumptions for any

information not provided in drawings or specifications. Any assumptions
made should be reported in a query sheet. Your submission should include
the BoQ, take-off, a take-off list, abstract sheet and query sheet.

Task 2.3 Price all the items in your BoQ using rates you have calculated or
rates from cost sources such as Spon’s, Laxton’s, Wessex, Hutchins, BCIS,
or any other referenced source.

The following additional information is provided to you:

 Allocate 20% for contractor’s overheads (O/Hs) and profit
 Assume that the project will take 32 weeks
 Nominated subcontractors will execute all the works that were not
measured. Allow the following Prime Cost (PC) Sums in respect of these
Item Prime Cost (PC) Sum
Walls £36,000
Roof £20,800
Internal finishes £5,500
Upper floor and stairs £13,000
Electrical services £15,500
Gas installation £10,500
Water supply and drainage £20,000
Sanitary fittings and Kitchen fittings £20,000
Windows and external doors £13,500
Internal doors £9,500

 7% to be put aside as a contingency sum.

Descriptive details of Assignment:

 Preferred Format (Take-off and BoQ to professional standards, final copy

PDF as well as native file(s) submitted on Cloudcampus as one zipped file)
 Document Title e.g. Firstname_Lastname_EC2CQC_BoQ
 Word Count: Not applicable
 Preferred reference style, e.g. Harvard referencing

Recommended reading/ online sources:

 Andrew Packer (2017) Building measurement: new rules of measurement,

2nd ed., Routledge, London, [England]; New York
 Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (2012) NRM 2: Detailed
Measurement for Building Works
 Martin Brook (2016) Estimating and Tendering for Construction Work, 5 th
ed., Taylor & Francis Ltd
 AECOM (2021) Spon's architects' and builders' price book 2021 (or 2019

Key Dates:

27/11/2021 Coursework set

27/12/2021; 12 noon Submission date and time
27/01/2021 Expected feedback return date
02/12/2021; 13/12/2021 Formative feedback/Tutorial session
detailing common mistakes

Submission Details:

 How to submit assignment – Online on Cloudcampus

Checklist to help students complete submissions:

List of requirements students should check against e.g.
 Have you used correct formatting for your take-off?
 Have you prepared a query sheet?
 Is your BoQ to professional standards?
 Have you priced up all the items in your BoQ?
 Have you included any rates you have built up yourself from first principles?
 Have you included all the data you have used and identified their sources?

Marking Criteria:

 Take-off list and introductory information (5%)

 Queries raised and assumptions made (5%)
 Accuracy of dimensions, Setting out and presentation of dimensions (clarity
and comprehensibility of method) (30%)
 Correct descriptions in compliance with standard method of measurement
 Abstracting (5%)
 Professional presentation of BoQ (10%)
 Pricing BoQ (20%)
 Sourcing of information and Referencing (5%)

Feedback strategy:

 Rubric below, which shows criteria and performance measures, to be used

for marking and summative feedback.
 General formative feedback to be provided weekly as required.
Marking Rubric:
Levels of Achievement

Novice Improving Fair Intermediate Competent Proficient Expert

0.00 to 39.00 % 40.00 to 49.00 % 50.00 to 59.00 % 60.00 to 69.00 % 70.00 to 79.00 % 80.00 to 89.00 % 90.00 to 100.00 %
Take-off list
Queries raised and
assumptions made

Accuracy of dimensions,
Setting out and
presentation of dimensions
(clarity and
comprehensibility of

Correct descriptions
compliance with NRM2

Professional presentation
of BoQ

Pricing BoQ
Sourcing of information Sources of information
and Referencing (5%) Some referencing, but not Good referencing to Very good referencing to Sources of information fully fully identified and
No references provided Limited referencing
to relevant sources relevant sources relevant sources. identified and referenced referenced. Excellent
referencing style.
Appendix A
Drawings and Specification

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