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Name: Xenia Marie P.

Lunzaga Score:
Course & Section: BSND 2

Name of Instructor: Vinchail Siason

Date Submitted: 03/17/23

MODULE 1-SECTION 3: Intellectual Revolutions and Society

Perform the following exercise and task.

Instructions: Aside from the three intellectual revolutions discussed in this section, other
intellectual revolutions also took place across history in many parts of the world, such as in
North America, Asia, Middle East, and Africa. In pairs (a partner that you have chosen) or as an
individual, research on a particular intellectual revolution that took place in any of the four
geographical locations mentioned. Prepare a five-slide PowerPoint presentation of your chosen
intellectual revolution on a scheduled time. Use the following guide questions for your
presentation. (I will select some of submissions to be presented in class)

1. What is the intellectual revolution all about?

2. Who are the key figures in the revolution?
3. How did the revolution advance modern science and scientific thinking at the time?
4. What controversies met the revolution?

In the space below, attach the screen grabs or images of the five slides. Make sure to also
submit to me the PowerPoint presentation file for the slide.

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