Milestone 4 - Tender Submission

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Group 5
Table of Contents
Technical description.........................................................................................................3
Type of Cladding and Its Structure................................................................................................3
Typical Sizes and Fixings...............................................................................................................3
How is Movement accommodated...............................................................................................3
Thermal Insulation.......................................................................................................................3
Sound Insulation..........................................................................................................................3
Fire Resistance.............................................................................................................................3
Moisture Resistance.....................................................................................................................4
Justification of cladding choice (Performance).............................................................................4
Justification of cladding choice (Aesthetical)................................................................................4
Technical description
Type of Cladding and Its Structure
We decided to use metal building cladding for
some of the exterior walls. We also decided on
two different materials for the front entrance we
will be using steel, for the remaining areas we
used rheinzink (titanium and zinc). Both materials
will use the same structure: blockwork, damp
proof membrane, insulation, cladding frame, the
either the rheinzink or steel.

Typical Sizes and Fixings

The standard size width for this type of cladding system is 273mm and 440mm. However,
the panels can be made in a number of sizes with the minimum width possible being
140mm and the maximum possible width being 540mm.

The most common cladding fixing system is the attached system, this is where a frame is
attached directly to the building and the cladding panels are attached to the frame. This
fixing method takes less time than other systems and can provide insulation for the building.
Another common method for fixing is using a curtain wall system, this is usually used in a
multi-story building, in this a frame is attached to the buildings structure and the cladding is
attached to the frame. This fixing system is commonly used for building a glass façade
We have decided to proceed with the attached system because it is simple and quick to
construct and allows for insulation to be included in the cladding system.
How is Movement accommodated
The best way to accommodate for the movement in the building post construction is to
communicate with the structural engineer. Another way you can accommodate for this is to
choose the points of support well as this can help reduce the amount of movement that is
put on each cladding panel. Also choose the panel sizes carefully, as narrow or long panels
are exposed to more sliding or rotation.
Thermal Insulation
Thermal insulation is becoming more and more important as the energy costs rise, our
selected cladding method allows for insulation to be included in the external wall, this will
help to reduce the heating cost of the building.
Sound Insulation
Sound insulation is important in this building as it will be open at night so sound must be
considered. One way to insulate the surroundings of the building from sound is to use sound
insulating plasterboards on the inside of the blockwork. Additionally, using certain insulation
such as rockwool acoustic insulation can help to insulate sound.
Fire Resistance
Metal building cladding is already one of the most fire-resistant cladding options but there
are other methods that can be used to improve the fire resistance of the walls. One of these
methods is by using fire resistant plasterboards against the blockwork. Additionally, using
intumescent paint this creates a barrier between the flame and the metal.
Moisture Resistance
The selected fixture method allows for Damp proof membrane (DPM) to be used, this
creates a waterproof barrier that water can’t travel through. Another way to increase the
moisture resistance is to fix the cladding panels properly this stops water from getting into
gaps in the cladding. Additionally, using moisture proof plasterboard against the blockwork
helps prevent moisture damage on this inside of the building.
Justification of cladding choice (Performance)
Metal building cladding requires very little maintenance this is important as the student
union is in the centre of the university campus and if there was a lot of maintenance being
done on the building then it would take away from the functionality of the building.
Both of the material choices are durable and difficult to damage this means that the
cladding will be harder to break so less repairs will need to be done on the building.
Additionally, metal building cladding is environmentally friendly. Also, both steel and
rheinzink cladding have fire resistant properties this is incredibly important as it improves
the safety of the building. The selected cladding fixing method also provides good insulation
for the building this helps to reduce the heating costs of the building. Additionally, the
selected cladding fixing method allows for a layer of damp-proof membrane to be included,
this helps protect the building from moisture damage.
Justification of cladding choice (Aesthetical)
Metal building cladding has a wide choice of finishes that can be used to help improve the
aesthetics of the building. It comes in a wide variety of colours, this means that the cladding
can be used to match the surrounding buildings, such as the student accommodation
buildings that have coloured cladding on the exterior of their buildings. Additionally, it can
be painted however the paint can naturally fade away. Metal building cladding can also be
laid horizontally, vertically or even diagonally this means that the cladding doesn’t look good
laid in one direction it can be switched to another.
Breeam is an environmental assessment method for buildings, and is used to describe a
buildings sustainability and environmental performance.
It asses a building based off of 9 categories that all have a different weighting this is shown
below, additionally there is a score for innovation:

Management – 12%
Health and Wellbeing – 15%
Energy – 19%
Transport – 8%
Water – 6%
Materials – 12.5%
Waste – 7.5%
Land Use and Ecology – 10%
Pollution – 10%
Innovation – 10%

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