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Exercises statically indeterminate problems

1. The undeformable horizontal beam is charged with a divided force as drawn. The beam is
supported by 3 wooden poles diameter 120mm, E=12GPa.
a. Calculate the forces is each pole.
b. Calculate the inclination of the horizontal beam after the force is applied. (0.00114°)

2. A press consists of 2 plates (undeformable) held together by 2 steel rods of diameter 12mm.
A solid aluminium rod (E=70GPa, σ fl = 255MPa), diameter 50mm is placed in the press en
the screw is tensioned till they touch. If we tension the screw an other ½ turn, determin the
tensions in aluminium and construction steel rods. Pitch of screw is 1mm. (261MPa
deformation, 30MPa)

3. This construction consists of an aluminium 6061 (E=70GPa) rectangular rod, area 200x150
and a copper rod (E=100GPa) , area 200x75mm next to each other. Above and under them
are undeformable plates. Determine the position d where P should act on this construction
so the top plate stays horizontal.(121.86mm)
4. An undeformable horizontal beam is supported by 4 rods with area A and initial length L. AB
and CD have an E1, while EF and GH have an E2. Calculate the tension in each rod when a
3 M 0 E1 M 0 E2
moment M0 is applied.( ; )
Ad ( 9 E1 + E2 ) Ad ( 9 E1 + E2 )

5. A tapered piece of steel, 2mm thick is fixed between 2 walls. Determine the position x and
the maximum force so the max tension does not exceed 40MPa. (22.0177mm; 632N)

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