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Procedures: a standing plan that outlines a series of related actions that must be taken

to accomplish a particular task. It is an explicit set of actions, often sequential in nature,

required to achieve a well defined result. Formal procedures provide specific and
detailed instructions for the execution of plans. Good procedures provide a sequence of
actions that once completed fulfill specific objectives, reinforce policies and help
employees achieve results efficiently and safely.
Rule: is a standing plan that designates specific requires action. It indicates what an
organization member should or should not do and allows as no room for interpretation.
It is a statement that tends to restrict actions or prescribe specific activities with no
discretion. Rules usually have a single purpose and are written to guarantee a
particular way of behaving in a particular way.

B. Single use plans-are those that are used once to achieve unique objectives or
objectives that are seldom repeated. They are communicated through:
• Programs
• Budget
• Schedule
Programs: is a single use plan designed to carry out a special project within an
organization. It comprises multiple activities orchestrated to achieve one important
Budget: is a single use financial plan that covers a specified length of time. It describes
in numerical terms resources allocated to organizational activities. By budgeting,
managers identify resources such as money, material and human resource. It also
communicates performance expectations. Schedule: is a commitment of resources and
labor to tasks with specific time frames.

Approaches to planning
There are three distinct approaches that describe who has the responsibility for
formulating plans:
• Centralized top down planning- is the traditional approach to planning in which a
centralized group of executives or staff assumes the primary planning
• Bottom-up planning- is an approach that delegates planning authority to division
and department managers, who are expected to formulate plans under the
general strategic umbrella of organizational objectives.
• Team planning- is a participative approach to planning where by planning teams
comprising managers and staff specialties initiate plans and formulate
organizational objectives.

Organizing may be defined as the arranging of component parts into functioning wholes.
The purpose of organizing is to coordinate activities so that a goal can be achieved. The
terms “planning” and “organizing” are often used synonymously. For example, organizing is
considered step in the nursing process; however, planning is the second. In the managerial
process (i.e., managerial theory of leadership, planning is considered the first step and
organizing, the second.

In the managerial, planning is the determination of what is to be accomplished, and

organizing is the determination of how it will be accomplished. However, most authors still
describe the two processes with considerable overlap.

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