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VII: Sample Syllabus

Note to instructors about syllabus preparation:

The following syllabus is based upon a number of assumptions: a one-semester

course; within a communication major; at a four-year institution; at the junior level; with a

campus facility available for student video recording. With minor variations, it can be

adapted to the quarter system; to professional business programs; to the community college

experience; and for students who don’t have ready access to institutional assistance in


The sample syllabus includes a lengthy introduction some instructors will find

dispensable, but we’ve found that it helps students orient to the expectations of an

experiential course. We ask students to assume significant responsibility for out-of-class

scheduling with video-recording partners, field-assignment partners, and interaction with

community professionals and other interviewees. In our experience, once this expectation is

clarified and the reasons for it explained, virtually all students cooperate enthusiastically. It’s

wise, however, to have a straightforward discussion of ground rules and trust early in the


For example, we recommend that instructors overtly discuss with their classes the
implications of representation, because each student represents the class, the department, and
the institution as he or she interacts with professionals and community representatives.

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