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- What have you loved to do all your life?

- I have loved animals, cold weather and adventure.

- Where have you been?

- I have been in some countries in Asia, Europe and America.

- Where have you enjoyed being?

- I have enjoyed being in all of them but Canada is the one I have enjoyed the most.

- What have you done in Canada?

- I have spent a lot of time in cold waters. I have followed sea lions, dived with whales and studied polar

- Why was the first trip to Canada so special?

- The first trip to Canada has been very special for me because until then I had not photographed animals
in the wild before.

- Has this taste for adventure been inspired by someone in your family?
- Yes, this taste for adventure has been inspired by my grandfather. He has always loved adventure and
taught me to enjoy being in nature.

- Has he still traveling?

- Yes, he has still traveling. He just has gone to Iceland.

- Tell me more about photography. Is the camera an essential element when traveling?
- Yes, the camera is the most essential for me, it allows me to capture the behavior of animals that we
don’t usually see.

- How long have you worked as a nature photographer?

- I’ve been working on this for 8 years.

- With which other photographer have you been able to collaborate?

- I have been able to collaborate with Sebastião Salgado, it was an excellent experience. I learned a lot
from him, he is a great inspiration.

- Have you traveled to Latin America?

- No, I have not traveled to Latin America but I would like to travel to Brazil and the entire Amazon.

- I heard that you are going to the North Pole. Since when have you dreamed of going there?
- I have dreamed about going to North Pole since I read about that place in Nat Geo magazine. Besides, I
have always wanted to meet “Santa” :)

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