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Jinky C.


This is my final month of internship at the Civil Service Commission, and I can say that it

has been a productive month for me because I was assigned to the Examination Services and

Management Services Divisions. For my first two weeks, I was assigned to the Examination

Services Division, where my main responsibilities were to assist clients in processing their

certificates of eligibility. In this division, I learned how to effectively deal with clients and how

obtaining a certificate, particularly for honor graduate eligibility, is a lengthy process. I've learned

some things that should be considered when processing the certificate, such as ensuring that it

has complete signatures and that all of the personal information of those eligible are correct. For

the last two weeks, I was assigned to the Management Services Division, where some of the

concepts I learned in school were finally put into practice. I have experienced doing physical

inventory of the semi-expandable property. Also, I have experienced journalizing the transactions

in electronic New Government Accounting System (e-NGAS). I've also tried creating a

Disbursement Voucher and reconciling the withholding taxes. In addition, we sort and classify

documents based on their fund cluster, such as Trust Receipt (TR), Training Fund (TF),

Constitutional and Fiscal Autonomy Group (CFAG), and General Fund (GF), and determine

whether all necessary documents are present and arranged in the proper order. We also need to

ensure that there are two copies of each, one for the Commission on Audit copy and one for CSC

copy. Also, this month, Ma'am MG and Ma'am Diane gave us a short session on government

accounting, which we really appreciate because it teaches us how the government accounts for

their funds and how the concepts and theories are actually applied in government agencies. This
is our last month at Civil Service Commission, and I am grateful and will never regret choosing

this Commission as my trainer company. I like how they make us go through the rotation system,

where we are assigned to a different division every two weeks. This rotation system has helped

me understand how this Commission works and how each division operates. It helped me

understand why this Commission is one of the most important government agencies and how it

serves as the human resources department for all government employees. I am grateful to have

been a part of this agency, even if only for a short time, and will cherish this internship


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