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17/6/2021 Book vs Movie | Wonder – Birdie Bookworm

Birdie Bookworm

Book vs Movie | Wonder


It’s the age old question asked by any film or print fan around the
planet. I know how many times I’ve been asked, ‘why would you
read that, they made a movie?’ Obviously it’s because the book is
always better.

But is it really?

Goodreads Synopsis:

August (Auggie) Pullman was born with a facial deformity that prevented
him from going to a mainstream school—until now. He’s about to start 5th
grade at Beecher Prep, and if you’ve ever been the new kid then you know 1/5
17/6/2021 Book vs Movie | Wonder – Birdie Bookworm

how hard that can be. The thing is Auggie’s just an ordinary kid, with an
extraordinary face. But can he convince his new classmates that he’s just
like them, despite appearances?

R. J. Palacio has written a spare, warm, uplifting story that will have
readers laughing one minute and wiping away tears the next. With
wonderfully realistic family interactions (flawed, but loving), lively school
scenes, and short chapters, Wonder is accessible to readers of all levels.

WONDER Trailer (2017)

My Thoughts

Wonder was a really special book for me.  The author wrote it for
middle grade children, and it has such a powerful message.  It’s all
about choosing kindness.  “When given the choice between being
right or being kind, choose kind.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer.  That was one
of the most powerful quotes from the story, it’s the foundation of
everything that happens with Auggie.  It was so beautiful that as
soon as I finished it, I started reading it out loud to my husband and
daughter.  I believe that Wonder should be required reading in 5th
and 6th grade, because there could never be enough stories about
kindness, I think.

There was more than just the overall lesson of being kind, it was also
in the different depths to the story that made a huge impact on me. 
We got to see Auggie’s sister Via from his perspective, and then we
got to see how she saw herself.  We got to read that a child who’s a
bully maybe doesn’t want to be, but that’s the environment he was
raised in. 2/5
17/6/2021 Book vs Movie | Wonder – Birdie Bookworm

It was the perfect story for young kids.  As adults, we love the
realistic stories that don’t have the perfect endings, but for our
children we should push books toward them that showcase good
people.  Where everyone gets the standing ovation in the end.  It
should be as beautiful and inspiring as possible.  And that’s
everything that RJ Palacio’s story was.  Inspiring.


The movie was pretty well done, actually.  I thought that the
screenplay managed to capture all of the important moments in the
book, almost too perfectly because the movie did start to drag a
little.  I believe that a good book adaptation should know what to
trim out, because there’s usually far too much in a book.  I also
teared up during the movie, more than I did in the book.  Julia
Roberts and Owen Wilson nailed their love for their children
perfectly.  Their scenes got to me most, probably because parents
will relate more to their emotions than to Via or Auggie’s.  I also
thought the kids, the entire group, did an amazing job of capturing
the essence of the characters.  I particularly loved watching Auggie
and Jack Will’s friendship come to life.

As good as the movie was, the book was still better.  It was in the
detail, the pacing was much better, but it was also in how my
favorite speech was cut down.

I’m not a religious person, and in fact a religious slant in a book

usually turns me off, but in Principal Tushman’s speech I thought
there was something special in the idea of treating others with
kindness being ‘the face of God’.  It was the only ‘God’ reference, 3/5
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and it was handled in a sensitive way.  Whenever I sit and think

about reading Wonder, that speech is the first thing that pops into
my head.  The movie would have been better if it had been left in.

About Birdie

Don’t look for her in any bar, club, crazy raging party, or anywhere
there may be a large gathering of strangers. She’s more likely to be
found tucked into the corner of the couch watching one of her
favorite shows, or preferably under a comforter with her current

10 Responses

1. Peter Wells aka Countingducks

IT sounds like an excellent, heart warming and very worthwhile
story. The whole book versus film thing always interests me
because, in a sense, a film is one persons view of the book while
to read it is to have your own view and a unique conversation
with the author, which can vary amazingly with another persons
view. I’m a book fan and a film buff and I’m not sure which is
better for me if either!

 REPLY NOVEMBER 24, 2017 AT 7:34 AM

1. Birdie 
That’s a very fair point. I’d say most of the time I prefer my
own perspective over another persons. (I think the same is
true of reading a book vs listening to an audio book.)
However, occasionally I do think that the cinema can take a
mediocre book and make it fantastic.

 REPLY NOVEMBER 24, 2017 AT 8:53 AM

2. –A Court of Books–
Funny I’m supposed to start Wonder tomorrow as a book and I
didn’t even know it was also made into a movie!!

 REPLY NOVEMBER 24, 2017 AT 8:47 AM

1. Birdie  4/5
17/6/2021 Book vs Movie | Wonder – Birdie Bookworm

I definitely recommend seeing it after you read. It was pretty


 REPLY NOVEMBER 24, 2017 AT 8:53 AM

3. Beware Of The Reader
I still have to read the book AND watch the movie Wendy

 REPLY NOVEMBER 25, 2017 AT 3:46 PM

1. Birdie 
LOL! Well, you should get on that.

 REPLY NOVEMBER 25, 2017 AT 6:53 PM

4. Lewington_Katie
Love the book, not so much the title, or the books written about
the other characters in Wonder. I would be intrigued in watching
the film now after reading your review.

 REPLY NOVEMBER 27, 2017 AT 5:24 AM

1. Birdie 
I haven’t read any of the additional perspective stories,
though I admit to wanting to read Julian’s. He wasn’t
redeemed, but there was something that felt sad about him to

 REPLY NOVEMBER 27, 2017 AT 11:23 AM

5. girlforever20
Hi birdie,

this book is a really wonderful one and it gave me tears when i

read the julian chapter. you should really read it..

im struggling with writing and i would be much obliged if you

read one of my posts on the blog.. for a little help…

thank you

 REPLY DECEMBER 22, 2017 AT 6:23 AM

1. Birdie 
Sure, thanks for contacting me. I can’t wait to read the Julian
chapter. I have a feeling it’s going to be heartbreaking.

 REPLY DECEMBER 22, 2017 AT 1:31 PM

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