Ans Worksheet

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Emotion and Psychological Wellbeing – Stage 1 Psychology

Sympathetic vs. parasympathetic nervous system review questions

1. Which division of the ANS is likely to be dominant in each of the following situations?
a. Lying on the beach
b. Preparing for a blind date
c. Hearing a knock at the front door at 2:00am
d. Watching a jump scare in a horror movie

2. Which division of the ANS is likely to be dominant when each of the following physiological
responses is observed?
a. Increased rate of digestion
b. Decreased salivation
c. Increased pulse rate
d. Decreased adrenal gland activity

3. What is the role of the sympathetic nervous system in relation to emotion?

4. What is the role of the parasympathetic nervous system in relation to emotion?

5. Describe the way the two divisions of the ANS work together and under what circumstances one is
dominant over the other.

6. Why does it take some time for the parasympathetic nervous system to return the body to a state of
calm after experiencing intense emotions?

Source: Carter, L. and Grivas, J. (2005). Stage 1 Psychology for South Australia. 1st ed. Milton QLD:
John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd.

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