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Carabelli’s Trait and Tooth Size of Human Maxillary

First Molars
Edward F. Harris

Department of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, University of Tennessee, Memphis, TN 38163

KEY WORDS tooth morphology; tooth development; cusp size; tooth size

ABSTRACT Carabelli’s trait is a morphological fea- Carabelli’s trait expressions. There are graded size
ture that can occur on the protocone of human maxillary responses between crown size (mesiodistal and buccolin-
molars. This study tests the hypothesis that Carabelli’s gual diameters), sizes of the four principal cusps, and
trait is correlated statistically with the dimensions of the morphological stage of Carabelli’s complex, though the
crown’s four principal cusps or whether, as a cingular statistical relationships are appreciably stronger in
feature, the trait truly accretes onto an otherwise unaf- males than females. Carabelli’s trait occurs preferen-
fected crown. Computer-assisted image analysis was tially in larger molars. In contrast, angular (shape) rela-
used to measure the 6 intercusp distances and 12 angu- tionships among cusp tips are not discernibly affected by
lar relationships among cusp tips on the permanent first trait size in either sex. There is the situation, then, that
molar of 300 young adult American whites. Carabelli’s Carabelli’s trait is developmentally correlated with
complex was scored using an 8-grade ordinal scheme. crown size, but with no apparent alteration of cusp
Crown size was quantified in three ways, namely as 1) arrangements, suggesting that the increases are isomet-
maximum mesiodistal and buccolingual diameters, 2) the ric across the occlusal table. Why the association is much
6 intercusp distances, and 3) the 12 angular cusp weaker in females remains speculative, but these data
arrangements. There was no sex difference in the mor- provide yet another line of evidence that, within a popu-
phological expression of Carabelli’s trait in this sample. lation, tooth size is associated in a positive fashion with
Overall crown size and intercusp distances were signifi- crown complexity. Am J Phys Anthropol 132:238–246,
cantly and progressively larger in molars with larger 2007. V 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Carabelli’s trait is a morphological feature that occa- Dahlberg (1963) suggests that Carabelli’s cusp—most
sionally occurs on the mesiolingual aspect of maxillary common on the first molar—helps compensate for size
molars in humans (i.e., on the lingual surface of the pro- reductions of the posterior molars. Schwarz (1927) noted
tocone), especially in peoples of European extraction that a large Carabelli’s cusp’s interdigitation between the
(Meredith and Hixon, 1954; Turner and Hawkey, 1998). metaconid and entoconid might somehow enhance occlu-
The trait develops from the cingulum, and it ranges in sion and, possibly, trituration, at least until the crowns
morphology from a faint groove or furrow to a cusp out- are abraded flat.
line without lingual prominence up to a cusp of size Garn has suggested that there are positive associations
equivalent to the molar’s principal cusps (Dietz, 1944; between crown size and crown complexity (Garn et al.,
Kraus, 1959; Scott, 1980; Turner et al., 1991). 1966a,b; Garn, 1977). Garn does not discuss Carabelli’s
The adaptive significance of Carabelli’s trait, if any, trait explicitly; instead, his principle is that, within a
remains speculative. A homologous trait occurs in the population, larger teeth tend to be morphologically more
great apes, and the trait is of considerable antiquity in complex. By extension, Carabelli’s cusp should be more
humans (Korenhof, 1960). It is most common in people of common in larger teeth within a sample. Garn’s princi-
European extraction even though these groups tend to ple is supported by the positive intertrait associations
have small mesiodistal (MD) and buccolingual (BL) crown documented by Keene (1968), Turner (1969), Lombardi
dimensions (Harris and Rathbun, 1991; Hanihara, 1998). (1975), Scott (1977a,b, 1979), Kieser and Becker (1989),
The larger cusp forms of the trait may provide additional and others. Importantly, trait associations do not occur
surface area that helps resist occlusal attrition (e.g., Dahl- just within a developmental field—where the dental ele-
berg, 1963), thus extending a molar’s functional life in an ments can be viewed as meristic series (Bateson, 1894)—
abrasive environment. This argument was strongly pro- but commonly among different tooth types, suggesting a
moted by Begg (Begg, 1954; Begg and Kesling, 1971). The broader, more fundamental level of morphogenetic inte-
contention is that, as the molars’ main cusps are worn gration.
down by abrasion, Carabelli’s cusp will occlude between
the metaconid and entoconid of the lower molar, thereby Correspondence to: Edward F. Harris, University of Tennessee,
extending the dentition’s function. Several researchers Department of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, Room S301, 875
question this scenario since 1) the frequency of cases with Union Ave., Memphis, TN 38163. E-mail:
a Carabelli’s cusp large enough to provide this advantage
is small in any population and 2) the frequency of Carabel- Received 21 November 2005; accepted 8 August 2006
li’s complex is highest in Caucasians who are character-
ized by small tooth sizes brought about by comparatively DOI 10.1002/ajpa.20503
rapid tooth size reduction over the past several millennia Published online 31 October 2006 in Wiley InterScience
(Brace and Mahler, 1971; Frayer, 1978). Alternatively, (

C 2006

Fig. 1. Three examples of the cusp form of Carabelli’s trait in contemporary American whites. Top row: Occlusal views of cusps
(asterisk) that occur on the lingual of the protocone. The left and right examples also have occlusal metallic restorations. Bottom
row: Corresponding sections oriented through Carabelli’s cusp to show the dentin component. Enamel is thickest over the apex of
the dentin projection, so while enamel accentuates the cusp’s prominence, this cingular feature has the same tissue structure as the
tooth’s main cusps, both dentin and enamel. Since the dentinoenamel junction was the interface between the inner and outer
enamel epithelium during tooth development (e.g., Ooë, 1981), the obvious topography in these mature teeth suggests a separate
enamel knot for, at least, the more prominent expressions of Carabelli’s complex. Kraus and Jordan (1965) likewise illustrate sev-
eral developing molar specimens where the inner enamel epithelium bulges out from the protocone in the presumptive area of the
Carabelli trait, thus carrying a formative dentin component that augments the enamel component of this feature.

Pertinent information stems from embryological stud- close an obvious dentin component in addition to thicker
ies of enamel knots (e.g., Jernvall et al., 1994; Thesleff enamel atop the feature. The question arises whether
and Jernvall, 1997; Thesleff et al., 2001; Luukko et al., Carabelli’s trait extracts its size from the developing
2003). Enamel knots are transient sites of nondividing IEE, or whether, as a cingular element, it simply supple-
cells that form on the inner enamel epithelium (IEE) ments the tooth size.
during the cap and bell stages of tooth formation (Butler, The present study is a statistical analysis of the de-
1956). Substances in the knots promote rapid cell prolif- pendency in the statistical sense between measures of
eration of adjacent structures, thus creating sites of cusp molar crown size and gradients of expression of Carabel-
formation. Several factors known to regulate crown size li’s complex. The purpose of the present study is to test
and cusp pattern are known to be active in enamel the two competing hypotheses listed in the prior para-
knots, notably fibroblast growth factors, epidermal graph—so far as can be inferred from study of the com-
growth factors, and bone morphogenetic proteins (e.g., pleted phenotypes. In addition to overall crown size,
Kettunen and Thesleff, 1998; Thesleff, 2003; Kassai intercusp distances were measured among the four prin-
et al., 2005; Plikus et al., 2005). cipal cusps on permanent maxillary first molar and the
Larger forms of Carabelli’s trait—those with a free size differences were tested among subsamples based on
apex—can approximate the occlusal area and height of a form and size of Carabelli’s trait.
principal cusp. There is, as yet, no specific evidence that
Carabelli’s cusp is initiated by an enamel knot (most MATERIALS AND METHODS
studies of epithelial signaling centers are conducted in
mice, which lack a cingulum; see Cohn, 1957), but, as The sample was drawn from North American whites
Kondo and Townsend (2006) suppose, it is reasonable to (n ¼ 300). These young adults (127 males, 173 females)
surmise that the same developmental events that initi- were free of any condition known to affect growth. Full-
ate formation of other cusps are involved. Figure 1 mouth dental casts were taken with rigid trays and
shows three examples of molars with the Carabelli trait, poured immediately in dental stone to prevent distortion.
and the corresponding sections through the feature dis- Dental charting had been conducted by direct intraoral

American Journal of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa


TABLE 1. Frequency distribution of Carabelli’s trait, by sex1

Males Females Total
Grade n % n % n %
0+1 47 37.0 63 36.4 110 36.7
2 23 18.1 33 19.1 56 18.7
3 10 7.9 16 9.2 25 8.7
4 15 11.8 25 14.5 40 13.3
5 23 18.1 17 9.8 40 13.3
6+7 9 7.1 19 11.0 28 9.3
Total 127 173 300
Scoring used the ordinal grading system of Dahlberg (1963);
grades are collapsed here into 6 categories (shown in left col-
umn) based on sample sizes.

but the frequency of Carabelli’s complex is too low on

the second molar to warrant analysis.
Carabelli’s trait complex was scored visually as absent
or present, and, when present, the size and morphology
were scored against a 7-grade scheme of Dahlberg (1963)
and Scott (1980). These seven grades (plus the category
of trait absence) were then combined into 6 groupings on
the basis of sample sizes; specifically grade 1 was pooled
with 0 and grades 6 and 7 were combined for analysis.
Size and morphology of Carabelli’s complex were scored
from visual inspection of the dental casts because minor
forms are not visible in an occlusal view. All scores were
made twice, and repeatability accuracy using these 6
groups was 99.3%. Grade 0 is absence of the trait.
Grades 1–4 are pits and furrows of various sizes and
shapes, but without any obvious prominence buccolin-
gually. Grade 5 denotes a small tubercle without a free
apex. Grade 6 is a broad, moderate size tubercle, and
grade 7 is a large, prominent cusp nearly equal in height
with the principal molar cusps.
Fig. 2. Top: Example of a right human maxillary first molar
with the names of the four principal cusps. Arrow points to the
Statistical analysis relied primarily on factorial analy-
lingual prominence of Carabelli’s trait on side of the protocone. sis of variance (ANOVA) models with the classes of Cara-
Bottom: Illustration of the six linear intercusp distances, belli’s complex as the independent variable. Statistics
defined by the cusp tips, and the numeric codes of the cusps were calculated using JMP 5.0.2 (SAS Institute, Cary,
suggested by Gregory (1916; also see Scott and Turner, NC).
1997:18). Similarly, the 12 three-point angles among the cusps
are defined by the cusp apices, such as \134, the acute angle RESULTS
defined by the paracone, metacone, and hypocone.
The overall prevalence of Carabelli’s trait in this
examination to identify all sites of caries and restora- North American sample is 63% (Table 1), which agrees
tions. Odontometrics of this sample have been described with this feature being characteristic of Caucasian peo-
previously (Harris and Burris, 2003). Maximum MD and ples (Kraus, 1959; Scott, 1980; Turner and Hawkey,
BL crown dimensions were measured with sliding cali- 1998). By chi-square analysis (v25 ¼ 5.4; P ¼ 0.37), there
pers following the guidelines of Moorrees (1957). There is no sexual dimorphism in trait frequency (see Fig. 3).
were few occlusal surfaces visibly affected by attrition in This lack of difference in frequencies needs to be viewed
these Americans living on an essentially grit-free diet, specific to the present sample because assessments of
and those subjects were omitted. Cusp tips were marked some other groups have disclosed the trait complex to be
with minute pencil dots, and a standardized digital pho- more common in one sex or the other, but significance
tograph of the occlusal table of each molar was taken occurred because of different aspects of the trait distri-
(Hlusko et al., 2002), including millimetric scales posi- butions in different groups. Goose and Lee (1971) found
tioned at the molar’s occlusal table. A computer-assisted a sex difference in British whites, with the major source
image analysis program (SigmaScan Pro 5.0; SPSS, Chi- of significance being a higher frequency of the trait (all
cago, IL) was used to compute the 6 intercusp distances forms) in males. Kaul and Prakash (1981) studied an
and the 12 three-cusp angles on each tooth (see Fig. 2). Asian Indian group; here the major source of the signifi-
Other details of the method, including technical error cant sex difference was an excess of cuspal forms in
estimates, are given in Harris and Dinh (in press). Not females. Townsend and Brown (1981) also found a differ-
all data were collected on every tooth, primarily because ence in Australian Aborigines and it too was primarily
of some dental restorations obscuring some details. The due to an excess of the trait in females. Kieser and Pres-
tooth (left or right) with better definition was used from ton (1981) studied the Lengua of South America and
each individual; if there was no difference, the left tooth found a sex difference due in about equal parts (in terms
was measured. All data were collected for M1 and M2, of cell chi-square values) to an excess of males without

American Journal of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa

the trait and an excess of females with prominent size and crown diameter in the subsample of males but,
grades. On the other hand, Scott (1980) studied five con- while the trend is similar in females, it does not reach
temporary groups, with no significant sex difference in statistical significance (P ¼ 0.28 for the MD dimension;
any of them. Numerous other researchers have, likewise, P ¼ 0.08 for BL).
reported no discernible sexual dimorphism (e.g., Garn et Table 2 lists the results of whether trait expression
al., 1966c; Alvesalo et al., 1975; Rusmah, 1992; Falomo, depends statistically on sizes of intercusp distances.
2002). In sum, results seem to be specific to the group Does the expression of Carabelli’s trait depend on how
being studied, without any predictable pattern. big the crown is—assessed at the occlusal table. Dahl-
The driving question in the present study is whether berg (1951:169, 170) claimed—on the basis of visual
Carabelli’s trait is tied developmentally to tooth size, impressions—that a large Carabelli’s cusp develops at
where size consists of three sets of variables: 1) maxi- the expense of protocone size. Reid et al. (1991) and
mum MD and BL crown diameters, 2) the 6 intercusp Kondo and Townsend (2006), on the other hand, found
distances measured across the molar’s four main cusps, that occlusal base areas were positively associated with
and 3) the 12 three-point angles taking all combinations Carabelli’s trait size. In the present dataset, all tests
of the main cusps. Of note, intercusp distances and exhibited a significant trait-by-sex interaction when
angles are measured at the occlusal table whereas maxi- assessed with two-way ANOVA. Looking at the results
mum MD and BL crown diameters occur at the heights within each sex separately, there are two features con-
of contour along the collum of the crown—well gingival sistent across all 6 intercusp distances: 1) the association
to the occlusal table. Indeed, maximum BL breadth gen- is positive and highly significant (P < 0.01) in males
erally occurs near or at the molar’s cementoenamel junc- regardless of whether the intercusp distances are ori-
tion (Zeisz and Nuckolls, 1949). ented primarily mesiodistally or buccolingually and 2)
Differences in mean crown size partitioned by expres- the explained variance is appreciably lower in females,
sion of Carabelli’s trait was assessed by factorial analysis where just one distance achieves significance statisti-
of variance. Initial tests between crown size and Cara- cally. The model R2 (i.e., the variation in intercusp dis-
belli’s trait disclosed significant trait-by-sex interactions, tances explained by the trait’s size) is 24 and 14% for
so Table 2 provides the results of one-way ANOVA the MD and BL diameters in males, respectively, but the
within each sex. The source of the interaction is the corresponding values are only 4 and 6% in females.
same for both crown diameters (see Fig. 4), namely that
there is a significant, positive association between trait
Carabelli’s trait arises from the cingulum (Osborn,
1907; Gregory, 1922) even though the protocone’s cingu-
lum is not discernible on the completed human molar
(Korenhof, 1960; Kraus and Jordan, 1965). But, since
the tooth crown forms developmentally from the pre-
sumptive IEE apically, there must be biochemical signals
that control marginal morphology well in advance of
cingulum formation per se. This is apparent when a
large Carabelli’s cusp is present of size comparable with
that of the protocone. Little is known yet of what modu-
lates size and shape of the molar’s cervical loop, but it is
clear from tooth formation (e.g., Ooë, 1981) that the IEE
needs to fold soon enough for the accessory cusps, styles,
and crests to develop their occlusal heights well ahead of
the basal structures from which they arise. Data in
Kraus and Jordan (1965) suggest that the most occlusal
cusps begin to mineralize (with dentinogenesis advanc-
ing ahead of amelogenesis) on the order of 6 months
before the basal cingular features take on their definitive
It is, perhaps, to be anticipated that size of Carabelli’s
Fig. 3. Frequency distributions, by sex, for Carabelli’s com- complex is tied to crown size. It is a cingular feature,
plex. Based on these categories, sexual dimorphism is nonsigni- but it has intimate morphological associations with the
ficant in this sample. Overall trait frequency in the sample is protocone. Indeed, the minor expressions of the complex,
63%. such as pits, grooves, and furrows, are expressed only on

TABLE 2. Descriptive statistics, by sex and grade of Carabelli’s expression, and tests for among-grade differences in crown size1
Grades 0 + 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 + 7 Analysis of variance
Variable Sex n x SD n x SD n x SD n x SD n x SD n x SD R2 df F P
Maximum crown diameters
MD size M 42 9.7 0.50 21 10.0 0.45 9 10.2 0.54 14 10.3 0.35 19 10.5 0.72 8 10.2 0.36 0.244 5, 107 6.89 <0.0001
F 55 9.8 0.49 28 9.7 0.55 14 9.7 0.47 23 9.8 0.44 14 9.9 0.69 16 10.1 0.52 0.042 5, 144 1.26 0.2821
BL size M 46 11.3 0.58 22 11.6 0.71 10 11.8 0.71 15 11.9 0.62 22 11.8 0.62 9 12.0 0.48 0.141 5, 118 3.89 0.0027
F 61 11.2 0.63 33 11.0 0.55 15 11.2 0.37 24 11.0 0.43 17 11.4 1.08 18 11.4 0.48 0.060 5, 162 1.99 0.0822
Counts are of individuals, not teeth.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa


the lingual border of the protocone without extension to gists emphasize the cingular origin of Carabelli’s com-
the cingulum. Korenhof (1960), with access to the denti- plex, its ontogeny is shown by this crista (as well as
noenamel junction of the molars, describes a crista that other features) to stem from at least as early as the
he termed the cingulum–protocone crest. It courses from establishment of the morphology of the IEE during the
the apex of the protocone (at the dentinoenamel junc- bell stage well prior to crown mineralization.
tion) to the apex of Carabelli’s cusp. He notes that size of More compelling in this light are the observations
this crista is proportionate to size of the cusp, and this from several researchers that the positive forms of Cara-
crest probably is the most occlusal (so first to form) fea- belli’s complex have a dentinal component extending
ture shared in common by this trait and the crown from the protocone (e.g., de Terra, 1905; Korenhof, 1960;
proper. This is evidence for the associated development Kraus and Jordan, 1965), and it has long been recog-
of these two features since the presumptive morphology nized that prominent Carabelli’s cusps also possess an
of both is established at the IEE. So, while paleontolo- extension of the pulp horn (Fabian, 1928).
The present study shows that crown size per se is
indeed correlated with expression of Carabelli’s trait.
Small M1 crowns are more likely to exhibit no trait
expression, and increasing crown size increases the like-
lihood of cuspal expression of Carabelli’s complex. Reid
et al. (1991, 1992) and Kondo and Townsend (2006) like-
wise found a positive, \dose dependent" relationship
between size of Carabelli’s trait and crown size that they
measured as basal crown areas. As here, Reid and co-
workers found that size of the whole crown (i.e., all four
principal cusps) was affected, not just the protocone.
Reid’s group studied a sample of South African Bushmen
(mostly males); the present study shows that analogous
relationships occur in a group of Western European
extraction with appreciably different trait frequencies
and genetic backgrounds.
Results in Tables 2 and 3 show that the associations
between trait size and tooth size are stronger in males
than females. Statistically, the larger R2 for males stems
from the greater crown size increments among Carabel-
li’s trait grades than in females. Noss et al. (1983) also
found a stronger relationship in males than females
(their Table 2), but the underpinning genetic causes of
the sex differences remain unclear. The association in
males is much stronger than can be explained by propor-
tionate tooth size differences between the sexes.
Data in Kondo and Townsend’s study (2006) likewise
disclose the higher level of statistical associations
between measures of crown size and Carabelli’s trait in
males than females (their Table 3), and their working
hypothesis is that the sex difference is due to an
Fig. 4. Mean crown size partitioned by expression of Cara-
extended interval of mitotic activity in the IEE in males
belli’s trait. For both dimensions (mesiodistal and buccolingual), prior to stoppage by dentinal bridging. Bigger teeth in
crown size increases with trait expression in males, but the individuals in a population are so because of faster rates
trend is weak and nonsignificant in females. or extended intervals of growth or both. This explanation

TABLE 3. Descriptive statistics, by sex and grade of Carabelli’s expression, and tests
for among-grade differences in intercusp distances1
Grades 0 + 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 6+7 Analysis of variance
Variable Sex n x SD n x SD n x SD n x SD n x SD R2 df F P
Distance 1–2 M 22 6.2 0.64 12 6.7 0.68 5 6.9 0.66 12 6.8 0.66 7 7.5 1.07 0.253 5, 61 4.14 0.0027
F 32 6.5 0.47 18 6.5 0.42 11 6.4 0.64 16 6.4 0.56 10 6.7 1.20 0.016 5, 86 0.28 0.9218
Distance 1–3 M 22 6.5 0.58 12 7.2 0.66 5 7.2 0.65 12 7.0 0.36 7 8.2 1.45 0.352 5, 61 6.63 <0.0001
F 32 6.9 0.63 18 6.8 0.58 11 6.8 0.49 16 6.9 0.58 10 7.1 1.01 0.018 5, 86 0.32 0.8993
Distance 1–4 M 21 4.7 0.58 12 5.2 0.53 5 5.0 0.54 12 5.1 0.52 7 6.0 0.77 0.311 5, 60 5.42 0.0004
F 32 4.9 0.51 18 4.9 0.56 11 4.8 0.46 16 5.0 0.40 10 5.4 0.79 0.108 5, 86 2.07 0.0763
Distance 2–3 M 22 5.0 0.46 12 5.4 0.45 5 4.6 0.68 12 5.5 0.74 7 5.4 0.59 0.203 5, 61 3.11 0.0146
F 32 5.1 0.51 18 5.0 0.47 11 5.2 0.64 16 5.5 0.57 10 5.4 0.36 0.128 5, 86 2.53 0.0345
Distance 2–4 M 21 8.7 0.76 12 9.5 0.55 5 9.2 0.50 12 9.6 0.84 7 9.9 0.41 0.308 5, 60 5.35 0.0004
F 32 9.0 0.76 18 9.1 0.68 11 9.1 0.81 16 9.4 0.63 10 9.7 0.51 0.101 5, 86 1.94 0.0967
Distance 3–4 M 21 5.8 0.53 12 6.5 0.44 5 6.5 0.42 12 6.3 0.48 7 6.8 0.50 0.356 5, 60 6.63 <0.0001
F 32 6.1 0.75 18 6.2 0.74 11 6.2 0.46 16 6.3 0.54 10 6.5 0.54 0.030 5, 86 0.54 0.7487
Prior analysis disclosed significant grade-by-sex interactions, so the tests here are within each sex. R2 is fraction of total variance
explained by the ANOVA model.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa

TABLE 4. Descriptive statistics, by sex and grade of Carabelli’s expression, and tests for among-grade differences in intercusp angles
Two-way analysis of variance
Grades 0 + 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6+7 Grade Sex Interaction
Variable Sex n x SD n x SD n x SD n x SD n x SD n x SD R2 F P F P F P
\214 M 21 106.1 9.81 12 105.5 6.34 5 100.6 9.50 12 108.1 5.18 9 108.3 7.89 7 96.8 14.83 0.090 1.37 0.2376 1.57 0.2125 1.59 0.1656
F 32 105.4 9.20 18 106.5 9.93 11 107.2 5.82 16 110.1 6.03 5 102.0 4.47 10 107.2 16.75
\123 M 22 69.0 9.20 12 72.6 5.01 5 74.1 6.43 12 69.3 7.06 9 70.0 6.03 7 76.2 6.99 0.054 0.83 0.5282 0.21 0.6476 1.10 0.3626
F 32 71.9 5.73 18 71.4 6.95 11 71.0 3.78 16 70.4 5.26 5 73.6 4.09 10 71.0 11.25
\234 M 21 107.9 8.93 12 106.6 6.95 5 109.7 4.58 12 108.5 6.42 9 108.7 5.18 7 107.9 6.97 0.031 0.30 0.9127 0.16 0.6930 0.55 0.7384
F 32 106.9 7.28 18 108.2 5.26 11 106.1 3.94 16 105.8 6.21 5 110.3 10.82 10 109.0 4.87
\143 M 21 75.6 10.57 12 75.2 6.38 5 75.7 3.87 12 73.9 3.33 9 72.7 6.15 7 78.8 14.42 0.029 0.35 0.8815 0.51 0.4773 0.44 0.8213
F 32 75.8 7.49 18 74.0 6.49 11 75.5 2.31 16 73.8 5.12 5 74.0 9.94 10 72.7 14.70
\213 M 22 47.2 6.96 12 44.8 2.96 5 38.5 7.61 12 47.1 5.96 9 45.2 5.91 7 41.2 5.95 0.135 2.51 0.0325 2.27 0.1338 2.62 0.0266
F 32 44.8 4.67 18 44.2 4.85 11 46.0 5.54 16 48.2 4.41 5 42.2 3.67 10 46.6 7.87
\124 M 21 31.0 4.66 12 31.7 3.15 5 32.1 4.09 12 30.4 4.20 9 29.9 3.35 7 36.1 5.93 0.086 1.48 0.2002 0.27 0.6058 1.50 0.1940
F 32 31.2 4.18 18 31.1 4.75 11 30.2 2.50 16 30.2 2.87 5 34.1 3.66 10 31.7 8.44
\314 M 21 44.6 6.46 12 44.2 4.33 5 42.5 4.59 12 44.8 5.22 9 44.1 4.38 7 45.5 5.31 0.038 0.81 0.5472 0.29 0.5916 0.30 0.9114
F 32 43.6 4.53 18 44.1 3.65 11 43.0 2.70 16 44.8 3.49 5 46.5 6.46 10 46.6 8.51
\213 M 21 32.7 4.74 12 32.4 3.30 5 28.3 3.53 12 32.5 3.76 9 31.1 3.24 7 31.7 5.51 0.083 1.50 0.1918 0.50 0.4813 1.39 0.2300
F 32 32.4 3.94 18 31.2 2.57 11 33.0 3.37 16 33.8 3.73 5 29.7 6.71 10 31.6 2.01
\134 M 21 59.6 7.02 12 60.8 5.96 5 61.9 5.84 12 61.1 4.57 9 63.4 5.92 7 55.4 11.57 0.048 0.78 0.5669 0.29 0.5916 0.64 0.6715
F 32 60.7 7.21 18 62.1 7.60 11 61.3 2.53 16 61.5 5.14 5 60.0 4.35 10 60.7 9.53
\324 M 21 39.2 5.84 12 40.8 4.85 5 42.2 5.76 12 38.5 4.89 9 40.0 4.54 7 40.1 4.13 0.027 0.51 0.7716 0.02 0.8946 0.39 0.8526

F 32 40.4 5.12 18 40.4 4.84 11 40.7 2.58 16 40.0 4.38 5 39.3 4.22 10 39.3 4.17
\132 M 22 63.8 5.34 12 62.6 6.06 5 67.1 2.93 12 63.6 6.58 9 64.9 5.56 7 62.5 5.44 0.041 0.63 0.6737 0.86 0.3541 0.59 0.7111
F 32 63.5 4.76 18 63.9 5.27 11 63.1 4.35 16 61.2 5.34 5 64.3 4.97 10 62.4 9.71
\142 M 21 42.9 7.67 12 42.6 5.47 5 47.3 6.17 12 41.4 3.56 9 41.3 6.03 7 47.2 10.30 0.063 0.93 0.4621 1.92 0.1684 1.00 0.4176
F 32 43.2 6.09 18 42.4 6.29 11 42.1 4.57 16 39.6 4.45 5 43.8 3.43 10 40.9 14.90

American Journal of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa


is wholly consistent with known size relationships One might suppose that size of Carabelli’s trait would
(delineated in their study), but it may not account for alter cusp arrangements (Table 3). Angles defined by the
the sex difference in the intensity of morphological inte- cusp apices characterize the arrangement of the cusps
gration between traits, as judged by the statistical corre- (see Fig. 2). Since Carabelli’s trait derives from the proto-
lations (i.e., variance accounted for) that are higher in cone, the mesial cusps might be affected more than others,
males than females. notably the variable hypocone composing the talon. In
Of course, studies that find sex differences in tooth fact, this is not the case because all 12 intercusp angles
size typically invoke genes on the sex chromosomes since are statistically independent of Carabelli’s trait (Table 4).
there is no other parsimonious explanation (Tanner et al., This discloses an interesting contrast. On one hand, MD
1959; Ogata and Matsuo, 1992; Ogata et al., 1995). The and BL dimensions are significantly associated with trait
numerous studies by Alvesalo on tooth sizes in people size as are the intercusp distances. In contrast, the angu-
with chromosomal aberrations (e.g., Alvesalo, 1997) lar relationships are not affected, implying that crown
document in the aggregate that genes on both the X and size varies without associated changes in cusp arrange-
Y chromosome affect tooth size. The permanent first ments. Certainly there is considerable patterned variation
molar mineralizes its crown perinatally (Kraus and Jor- in cusp arrangements of this molar (detailed in Harris
dan, 1965), and we may need look no further than the and Dinh, in press), but equally certainly, cusp arrange-
fetal increases in testosterone and estrogen levels (e.g., ments are refractory to size of Carabelli’s trait, including
Tapanainen et al., 1981; Migeon and Wisniewski, 1998) this feature’s cuspal forms.
to account for size differences, though other downstream The statistical and, presumably, biological independence
factors may also be involved. The occurrence of sex dif- between the angular intercusp arrangements and Carabel-
ferences in size during infancy is not surprising, since it li’s complex may be accounted for by the temporal differen-
also accounts for the significant sexual dimorphism in ces in tooth formation. Primary and secondary enamel
deciduous tooth crown sizes (Harris and Lease, 2005) knots develop during the cap and bell stages, respectively,
that form wholly or predominantly in utero (Lunt and when the future occlusal surface is being delimited, as least
Law, 1974). as defined at the IEE. Uneven amelogenesis and intercus-
Moss and Moss-Salentijn (Moss and Moss-Salentijn, pal increases prior to when growth at the IEE is stopped by
1977; Moss, 1978) put forth the insightful argument that dentinogenesis both alter this formative arrangement of
tooth size differences between the sexes might be due to cusps, but these events precede growth of the cervical loop
enhanced enamel thickness in males, but quantitative (Keene, 1982). Peretz et al. (1997, 1998a, b) and Townsend
analyses have shown this supposition to be wrong et al. (2003) also have commented on the modest correla-
(Moore, 1998; Gantt et al., 2001; Harris et al., 2001; tions between dimensions of the occlusal surface and tradi-
Schwartz and Dean, 2005). Instead, the developing tooth tional MD and BL dimensions, implying that different con-
achieves its dimorphic size prior to mineralization, when trol mechanisms are operative. The statistical independ-
the size and shape of the IEE is established, which ence between intercusp angles and all forms of Carabelli’s
becomes the interface between the enamel and dentin trait would seem to epitomize these temporal signaling dif-
(e.g., Arey, 1965). Males have larger tooth crowns ferences.
because the dentin and pulpal components are larger; The quantitative results of the present study disagree
enamel thickness, in turn, is not dimorphic (Harris and with the anecdotal impression of Dahlberg (1951) and
Hicks, 1998; Moore, 1998; Zilberman and Smith, 2001). others who supposed that Carabelli’s cusp encroaches on
One assumes that factors on the Y chromosome act early size of the protocone—or that this accessory cusp deflects
in development to promote mitotic rates or otherwise position of the protocone or other main cusps. The present
increase size of the IEE, so that definitive tooth size is, study is not without precedence, of course, since de Terra
on average, somewhat larger in males (Alvesalo and Por- (1905), Korenhof (1960) and others have shown that crown
tin, 1980; Lahdesmaki and Alvesalo, 2005). There is no size (maximum MD and BL diameters) tend to be larger in
information as yet what causes the enamel knots to be teeth exhibiting a cusp form of Carabelli’s complex.
positioned farther apart in males so that the intercusp Scott (1979) found a positive association between the
distances (and basal occlusal areas) are larger on the av- size of Carabelli’s trait and that of the hypocone on the
erage than in females. first molar. He used ordinal scales for these two features,
One supposition is that distances between the forma- but the results are concordant with the present findings,
tive enamel knots is the same in both sexes and that namely that a large hypocone predisposes for the expres-
sexual dimorphism occurs by enhanced growth in males sion of Carabelli’s trait. Conversely, to paraphrase Scott’s
between the cusps up until size at the dentinoenamel conclusion, hypocone reduction precludes rather than
junction is set by bridging of mineralized tissues (Moss enhances the expression of Carabelli’s trait. Keene
and Applebaum, 1957; Butler, 1967a,b). Observations on (1965, 1968) had found similar associations, also using
the sequential bridging across the various cusps (Ooë, visually-graded morphological scales, namely that Cara-
1981; Kraus and Jordan, 1965) argue against this, belli’s trait is less common on three-cusped first molars
though, because there is no statistical difference between (i.e., those without a hypocone), and when the second
the sexes in cusp arrangements (Harris and Dinh, in molar has three rather than four principal cusps, and
press). when third molars are congenitally absent. These vari-
Kondo and Townsend (2006) emphasized the valuable ous associations collectively reaffirm Garn’s (1977) prin-
point that there probably is no cause-to-effect direction- ciple that larger teeth, within a population sample, have
ality to the coincidence of larger crowns and larger trait a tendency to be more complex morphologically.
expressions. Bigger teeth do not cause trait expression;
instead, formative events that modulate presumptive CONCLUSIONS
cusp positions (i.e., intercusp distances) and overall
crown size are likely also to modulate likelihood of pres- Results from this study suggest the following develop-
ence and expression of Carabelli’s trait. mental scenario: size of Carabelli’s trait (scored on a

American Journal of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa

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