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Biography: The life of Jigsaw

Jigsaw, also known as John Kramer, was a character who created the goriest games

where people had to seek to survive. He was working as a civil engineer when his wife

suffered an accident in which they lost their only son, which was causing John to go into

despair and end up in a divorce. He became the saddest man in the world. Sometime

later they were detecting a tumor in his brain, however, he made the decision to end the

pain and drove to the highest cliff in the towns and jumped, in the end, he survived. He

saw how beautiful life is, and this made him think that if that experience made him

change his mind, other people need these kinds of near-death experiences too, this can

make a more peaceful world than in the past.

And with this in mind, he created the creepiest doll, even more creepy than Chucky or

Anabel, his name was "Billy", in order to kidnap people, both innocent and people who

have influenced his late diagnosis of his tumor, he kidnapped them to put tests on them

on the verge of death. At the beginning of each game there he had a television showing

what will be done in the game so the participants can check if they want to live or not.

Unfortunately, many people have died in the tests, however, a woman that wanted to

live more than others, lived to tell about it and ended up being John's accomplice.

Finally, John got killed by a player who was more fearless than him and cut his neck

with a chainsaw.
Story: Jigsaw, mortal games

-I can't, I can't anymore, I've lost everything, but life doesn't end, I don't want it to end.

John had just survived a suicide attempt, he was the luckiest person on earth, and he

reevaluated his life, his existence and that of other people.

-How is it possible that people don't value their lives, how is it possible that people don't

try to fight to live, people don't care about life, they don't value it, they are the worst

people of all, those kinds of people don't deserve to live.

With this in mind, Jigsaw started to play with people in a very sadistic way. He put them

to the test, and he was making them hurt themselves or other people in order to survive.

-If they really valued life, no one would have died, but I wasn’t killing them, they wanted

to die.

As time went by, more and more people went through these trials, but only a smallest

percentage managed to survive.

-I see that many people are not interested in living, they do not fight to stay alive, but

what about the younger people? They have a lot of future ahead of them, but they

would be the most useless people in future society if they are not interested in life. In his

words, he was helping the future generation.

To test his hypothesis, Jigsaw prepared a plan.

-Mexico, a country full of disinterested and lazier people, let's see if the older people are

the same as the younger. On October 31st, I will be walking around the CETYS campus

and the moment I find someone who doesn't care about life, I will force them to think

twice before acting that way.

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