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Second Quarter Examination, 1st Semester School Year 2022-2023
PHP 121 – Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Person

NAME: _______________________________________ INSTRUCTOR: ____________________

SECTON: _____________________________________ DATE: __________________________

DIRECTION: Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Freedom also means________.
a. Autonomy b. Anatomy c. Antonym
2. It is a Greek word which means ‘’self’’.
a. Nomos b. Autos c. Monos
3. Autonomy means the following EXCEPT one. Which of the following is not the correct definition of
a. Self-rule b. Self-governance c. Selfish
4. You are equipped with the freedom to design and create yourself in accordance with your will.
a. True b. False c. None of the above
5. It refers to the power to make your own choice or decisions.
a. Power of Volition b. Power of Violation c. Power of Freedom
6. This is an instrument of free choice.
a. Well b. Freedom c. Will
7. Aristotle mentioned that human being is rational, meaning to say that we based on facts or _______ and not
by emotion.
a. Feelings b. Philosophy c. Reason
8. He is a French philosopher who said that ‘’man is condemned to be free’’ because we are conscious beings.
a. Jean Paul Sartre b. Aristotle c. Burrhus Frederick Skinner
9. The term use to describe a shared perception of reality between two or more individuals.
a. Subjectivity b. Intersubjectivity c. Objectivity
10. According to Freire, there are two ways of teaching; the banking method and the dialogical method. Which
of these operates in a way where the teacher “deposits” information in his student’s minds and he or she
“withdraws” it during examination.
a. Dialogical b. Banking c. All the above
11. It refers to an organized group of people whose members interact frequently and have a common territory
and culture.
a. Society b. Sociological c. Community
12. It is term use to describe a verbal interchange of ideas.
a. Intersubjectivity b. Communication c. Discourse
13. According to Philosophy, what feeling that is mostly associated with the thought of death.
a. Hatred b. Sadness c. Fear
14. It is also known as the ‘’great equalizer’’, which is also an undeniable part of human existence.
a. Death b. Unity c. Equity
15. It reveals to us the essential finitude of our existence.
a. Angst b. Anger c. Asngt
16. It refers to the obligation to perform the task or comply with the rule; task oriented.
a. Accountability b. Responsibility c. Autonomy
17. It means taking ownership of the results that have been produced.
a. Accountability b. Responsibility c. Autonomy
18. The position which teach us that human behavior can be programmed through conditioning.
a. Determine b. Determining c. Determinism
19. Who is the proponent of ‘’determinism’’?
a. Skinner b. Plato c. Sartre
20. Who says that ‘’human beings’’ are rational beings?
a. Skinner b. Plato c. Aristotle


DIRECTION: Identify the correct terms being asked in each sentence.
___________21-22. It operates on the level of impression and proceeds from what you wish to seem, not to
appear as something other than yourself for your own interests.
___________23-24. It refers to one’s talking past another; it is hearing without listening what one says thus,
constitutes an impassable wall between partners in conversation.

Asian Institute of Computer Studies

___________25-26. It constitutes holding my own opinion, values, attitudes, and myself without regard for
those of the other.
___________27-28. This kind of teaching involves ongoing talk between teacher and students, not
just teacher-presentation situations.
___________29-30. It shows us that we have a very limited time to achieve wholeness in our lives.
___________31-32. This book tells us we misunderstand love as something that we fall into because we give
more importance to being loved than to loving.
___________33-34. Term use to describe the state of having limits or bounds.
___________35-36. It simply means being true to your own personality, values, and spirit, regardless of the
pressure that you're under to act otherwise.
___________37-38. The belief that the soul, upon death of the body, comes back to earth in another body or
___________39-40. The idea that every person exists independently from external forces or people.

III. ESSAY (20pts)

DIRECTION: Compose at least 3-5 sentences to answer the following question thoroughly, each of which is
equivalent to 5 points.

41-45. What do you think of when you hear the word ‘freedom’? (5 pts)

46-50. Do you believe in true love or love at first sight? (5 pts)

51-55. How can I treasure life more knowing that I will someday die? (5 pts)

56-60. How is ‘’responsibility’’ and ‘’accountability’’ related to each other? (5 pts

Asian Institute of Computer Studies


1. A 6. C 11. A 16. B
2. B 7. C 12. C 17. A
3. C 8. A 13. C 18. C
4. A 9. B 14. A 19. A
5. A 10. B 15. A 20. A

21-22. Seeming 31-32. The Art of Loving
23-24. Speechifying 33-34. Finitude
25-26. Seeming 35-36. Authenticity
27-28. Dialogical 37-38. Reincarnation
29-30. Anticipation 39-40. Individuality

41-60. N/A (it depends on the answer of the student)

Asian Institute of Computer Studies

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