NCL Company Profile 2023 March

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January 2019

Table of Contents 1

1.0 Capability Statement 2-

Our Capability

2.0 Introduction 3
2.1 Mission Statement
2.2 Goal
2.3 Vision
2.4 Main Services Provided

3.0 Company Key Personnel 4-

Key Personnel

4.0 Organizational Structure 5-

Organizational Structure

5.0 Occupational Health, Safety & Environment 6

5.1 Safety
5.2 Medical Checks
5.3 Induction
5.5 Protective Gear
5.6 Environment

6.0 Company Details 7

6.1 Registered Office
6.2 Postal Address
6.3 Contact Details
6.4 Company Certificate

7.0 Tools, Plant & Equipment 8

7.1 Technical Equipment
7.2 Assets
Attachments 9 i)
Company Certificate (copy) ii) Key Persional CV 1 iii) Key Personnel CV 2 1v)



NATURE CALLS LIMITED (NC Ltd) is a Project Management and Environmental Consultation firm
registered in 2009 with PNG Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) to carry out environmental,
biodiversity, hydrological and soil analyses consultation within PNG. The organization has done
several jobs for both private and the public sector in the field of Community Development,
Environmental Impact Assessment, Marine Impact assessment and Socio-Economic study for minor
and major clients as a one off engagement. The principal consultant and associates have more than
15 years of experience in Mining, Government, NGO, and international aid agency sector. Most of
our associates and lead hands are well educated to Masters and Bachelors degree level with one
currently undertaking PhD. We have developed over the year’s unique community entry steps
using FPIC (free prior informed consent) modality, quantitative and qualitative questionnaire
designs and physical scientific methods in sampling. We also outsource technical jobs to
professionals within our contacts for bigger clients and can write concise, simple yet technical
reports that suits client’s needs. Most if not all of our EIA/EIS reports for construction and project
development has gone through to be approved by department of Environment and
Conservation as valid and technical reports meeting the set DEC criteria in all facets.



Help build a society in PNG that is environmentally sound and a country self-reliant on
scientific technology and improved infrastructure.

2.2 GOAL

Help communities realise their socio-economic goals with outsourced contracts for
infrastructure, social services and other work to fulfil requirements of Mining Act,
Environmental Act and all other by laws for developmental goals such as MTDS,Vision

NC Ltd envisage to one day provide expertise to stakeholders in PNG at a very

affordable rate with quality output rivalling overseas consultants in environmental and
biodiversity expertise.


NCL as a nationally owned and operated company provides the following services of specialty:

i) Environmental Impact Assessment

We provide Environmental safeguards to industry and firms involved in Road,
building, airport and seaport construction. Environmental Inception Study,
Environmental Impact Statements and Review of EIA’s that lead to assessment
of impacts on construction, agriculture, building and maritime industry.

ii) Biodiversity and Conservation research

Biodiversity surveys that determine species richness, migratory trends, and
biological surveys that document/map species occurrence is one of our major
strengths. We have expertise that can key out flora and fauna both marine and
terrestrial. Conservation planning, Wildlife Management Area survey and
registering has been a part of our work since NCL’s inception.

iii) Hydrological and Marine Scientific Research

NCL has some of the most experienced hydrologists and soil scientists that can
undertake any task to determine surface and underground water table flow rates
and soil water absorption properties. Hydrological and landform taxa can be
mapped out and technical advice provided on scope of work to be undertaken.
We also do near shore and EEZ maritime eco-fauna survey incorporating coral,
seagrass, tidal movements and mangrove surveys.

iv) Socio-Economic Impact Assessment

A major aspect of success to most project is dealing with communities and
managing community expectations. NCL has undertaken several SEIA for major
clients and this aspect of our work is recognized to be our major strength. Social,
Economic, Health and Demographic data is collected and analyzed with sound
advice on adverse impacts and mitigation strategy provided to our clients.

Lead Consultant/Managing Director


Raymond Unasi, is an Environmental Scientist by profession. He graduated with a Bachelor’s of

Science Degree in Biology & Environmental Sciences from University of PNG in 2001, and joined
the National Agriculture Research Institute as a Cadet Scientist. He then joined World Wide Fund
for Nature as Coordinator-Wetland Resource Management-Sepik Livelihood Project from
20072010. He has more than 14 years of work experience related to his profession and well- versed
with environmental issues in PNG and overseas. He further obtained a Master’s Degree in Applied
Science majoring in Environmental Impact Assessment from James Cook University
(Townsville-Australia) in 2012. He has travelled vast localities in PNG on Conservation and
Environment tasks and also has overseas exposures. He also holds a Post Graduate Diploma
(Science Education) from the Divine Word University (Madang) in 2007 with High Distinctions.
From February to August 2012, he worked with Greening Australia as Conservation & Plant Smart
Coordinator- Central Queensland Region, based in Rockhampton, Australia. Currently he is leading
the team’s engagement with United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Global Environmental
Facility funded conservation program for the Nakanai Range in New Britain. This project is aimed
at mitigating and allowing resource management with extensive consultation with local
communities spanning the two provinces. Much of the effort is to channel less impact on virgin
forests of the Nakanai and Baining range of East and West New Britain from developers.

Marine Projects Consulting Partner/Associate

Ian Liviko, is a marine biologist by profession and he has more than 15 years of work
experiences. He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fisheries Biology from University of PNG
in 2001. He has worked with the National Fisheries Authority, the Department of Environment
and Conservation, and The Nature Conservancy during his career. He was also contracted on
marine related work within PNG’s coastal areas and as well outside of PNG waters on tasks
related to marine conservation and environment. He has vast experiences in marine work,
marine surveys, marine inventories, and marine conservation work. He is well- versed with
river systems in PNG and the aquatic organisms that live within the river systems. He also
attained a Certificate in GIS and MapInfo V9.5 from the PNG University of Technology from
the Lands and Survey Department after completing a sanctioned course, thus he can utilize
this technology in areas that require its utilization.

Consulting Associate/Partner

Biatus Bito is an Environmental Scientist and forester by profession. He graduated with a

Bachelors of Science Degree in Forestry from PNG University of Technology in 1997, and joined
PNG Forest Research Institute as a Scientific Officer. He has more than 12 years of work
experience related to his profession. He furthered his Educational Qualifications thus obtaining
a Masters Degree in Environmental Life Sciences from James Cook University in 2013.
I work as a consulting partners for Nature Calls Ltd and also independently doing several tasks with the
following accomplishments;

• Currently writing a photographic flora handbook or guide for plants of Port Moresby (i.e. weeds,
ornamental plants, food crops, grasses and sedges, herbs and trees).
• EIA of the Aisen Estate land development project at Kamkumugh, Lae and Environmental Permit
application documentation and submission to Department of environment and Conservation (DEC) in
• High Conservation Value Forest Assessment of Mevelo Land Purchase Area in Wide Bay, East New
Britain Province for Open Bay Timber Ltd under Forest Stewardship Council Certification scheme
• Bird survey, mist netting and phylogenetic studies of the Birds of the Bensbach and Morehead
(TransFly) region of Western Province with CSIRO Australia (June 17 to July 31st 2014);
• High Conservation Value Forest Assessment of Loi, Makolkol, and Kaboku Land Purchase Area in
Open Bay, East New Britain Province for Open Bay Timber Ltd under Forest Stewardship Council
Certification scheme;
• Conducted environmental Impact Assessments and due diligence studies into forestry, forest carbon,
oil palm, agro-forestry projects and other environmental projects (New Britain Palm Oil 2009 & 2014);
• Co-authoring with several authors the PNG Code of Practice for Oil Palm industry (November
2013March 2014);
• Reviewing and writing of environmental plans and Environmental Permit Application for mining
companies (MCC or Ramu Nico nickel-cobalt Mine, 2013);
• Conducing EIS and writing Environmental Permit Application for Ohm Holdings for the development
of a port near Curtain Brothers wharf at Port Moresby Habour (2012);
• National consultant for PNG to the Asian Development Bank for 10 months (August 2011 to May
2012). I worked on the Technical Assistance (TA 7302): Capturing the Economic Benefits from Ecosystem
Services. Tasks performed include conducting interview survey and research, attend conferences,
present findings and report writing;
• Review of PNG LNG project EIS for the Gulf provincial government under Chem Clean-
Environmental Services Ltd (2010);
• Review of PNG LNG project EIS for the Central provincial government under Chem Clean-
Environmental Services Ltd (2011);
• REDD and Carbon Trade awareness for East Sepik and April Salumei for the Office of Climate
Change and Development (OCCD) in 2009;
• Conducting high conservation value forest assessments (HCVF), and biological surveys or assessments
(PNG Sustainable Development Project in 2011, Cloudy Bay Timbers in 2011, Open Bay Timbers
Professional External Associates

Consultant Specialty
i Oala IUDIA GIS specialists (Mapping and cadastral data analyses)
ii Rex Namo Chemical and Waste Management specialist
iii Joseph Jure Social Impact Assessment specialist/Social Scientist
iv Peter Katapa Biodiversity and Marine Impact study.
v Otto Don Luwahike Civil Engineer, Roadwork’s.

Other Employees
Expertise are procured as and when the requirements of the client warrants such personal.

Like all organizations in business NCL has a staff structure that indicates the flow of the contractual
management. The simple company structure is illustrated below.

Chart 1: Simple Organizational Structure

External Po
Consultants/Expertise ol.

At NCL, safety is paramount. We endeavor to keep our policies on safety management an
integral part of our work in conjunction with our clients policy and expectations.


Medical checks are and will continue to be a mandatory part of our engagement terms
and conditions. Every personal is subject to a medical check-up and their engagement
with us depends upon their medical reports.

Every consultant is and will be inducted at the project site on all safety aspects relating
to ground operations and field positions to minimize personal injury and limit risks in
close consultation with client project management team.

As a commitment to the wider community, HIV/AIDS awareness is and will be
conducted on site for all persional prior to the commencement of works. The persional
are then provided with awareness materials and advocacy programs to pass onto their
respective communities where the project will have or likely to have impact about the
adverse effects and social problems associated with HIV/AIDS.

The firm also provides information on the nearest available Voluntary Counseling &
Testing (VCT) sites to the project site communities to ensure that they are informed and
alerted of roles they play in the fight against HIV/AIDS.


Protective gear becomes part of the operational cost of the company. Work boots to
various other gears become part of the company’s standard responsibility for different
locations and sites. Workers wear appropriate working gears at all times during work
engagements depending on aspect of work, be it marine or terrestrial.

We have a leading by example attitude to environmental workplace policy. Greater care
and protection is and will continue to be given to the environment at sites the company
operates. This is to ensure viable and pollution-free environment for everyone including
for our future generations to enjoy.
Proper waste management and disposal practices will be adopted to ensure our tasks
are conducted in a clean environment by distinguishing various wastes as: i)
ii) Plastics; iii) Metals; and iv) Toxic
paints, turps and lubes.



Nature Calls Limited
Sec:149 Allotment 109, Flat 5-Amukele Estates, June Valley
National Capital District


P.O. Box 1313

Port Moresby 411
National Capital District


Telephone: + (675) 71122815
Facsimile : + (675) 325 1869
Mobile : + (675) 71122815
E-mail :
Company & Trading Name Nature Calls Limited

Business Name No. 1-70674 under the Companies Act 1997 (see IPA form 5 as
attached, certificate).
Date of Incorporation 27th November 2009
Status Current
Company Name Nature Calls Limited
Valid Dates of Effect 16th August 2013 to 20th August 2014-Application
lodged for 2015.
Tax File Number TFN 55979
Status Current


NCL is an established company and it is very determined to start with all the necessary tools,
plant and equipment including safety gears. The table below therefore indicates these:

7.1 Technical Equipment

Quantity Owned or Hired
GPS Hand held 3 Owned
Water quality kit 1 Owned
To measure pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, total
dissolved solids, turbidity and temperature

Beam portable lights 2 Owned

Protective clothing Supply Owned
Digital camera 2 Owned
Ph Hand Held Meter-soil tester 1 Owned
Staff Gauge-Water level indicator 1 Owned
Valeport Flow Meter-measures flow rates 1 Owned
Current Meter-Current speed - Possible to hire
Anemometer-Wind speed - Possible to hire
3x Laptop 3 Owned
2x Desktop and Printers/Scanners 2 Owned

7.2 Assets
1 X vehicle-Mitzubishi Magna-BDR-457 1 Owned
1X Truck-IZUZU NP-3.5 Ton-LBA-275 1 Owned
1X Toyota Land Cruiser UTE-GDX 910 1 Owned
ii). Key Personnel CVs (copies)

a) Mr. Raymond Unasi

Professional Resume:

Raymond Sekagu. Unasi

P.O.Box 1313 Port Moresby, National Capital District 141. Ph: +675 71122815, Email: u
n asi raymon d@yah oo . co m or


 Master of Applied Science- Environmental and Social Impact study.

• James Cook University-Townsville, Australia

• Major Paper “Social and Environmental Impact assessment of “Townsville Artificial reef
construction” - Completed June 2012.

 Post Graduate Diploma-Science Education

• Divine Word University-Madang, Papua New Guinea

• -Graduated with High Distinction scoring an overall GPA of 3.75 out of 4.

 Bachelors of Science-Biology & Environmental Science

• University Of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby, PNG.

• Did Chemical risk assessment of metal compounds in food products for my 4th year MRP

2.1 Other professional short courses

• Certificate in Conservation Biology, Smithsonian Institute-USA (2001)

• Certificate in Museum Techniques and Biological Research-UPNG/National Museum and Art

Gallery/Smithsonian Institute, September 2001. Port Moresby.

• Accounting for non-accountants UPNG IDCE (2009)

2.2 International Paper Presentation (Conferences)

1. Pacific Youth Caucus on the Environment (PYCE), Sydney, 2001

• An outcome of this conference entailed the publication of the Wollongong Declaration signed
by 21 Pacific Environmental Youth Leaders. • 2. Pacific Whaling Sanctuary Conference,
Wollongong, 2000.

• Outcome of this conference paved the way forward for Pacific Ocean to be a no-Whaling
zone recognised by the United Nations Environmental Program.

3. Sustainability Conference paper presentation, Western Sydney University, 1999

• Presented a paper on potential negative impacts of PNG to Gladstone (QLD) gas pipeline on the
Great Barrier Reef biodiversity.

2.3 Professional affiliation:

• Member, Society of Conservation Biology (SCB)

• Member PiNBIO (PNG Institute of Biologists)

• Member of the Alumni of Papua New guinea Australian Awards Scholarship

• Lifetime Member of the James Cook University Alumni


Summary Only:

Over 12 years of field experiences in environment and conservation biology, environmental and
socioeconomic impact assessment, policy formulation and rural development;

Over 5 years of office and managerial experience;

Worked in rural communities with limited resources, supervisions and under trying conditions;

Have skills in report writing, fund raising, GIS, project planning and management, conflict resolution and
biodiversity assessments.

I have worked over the years as:

i) Junior Research officer-National Agriculture Research Institute-2000 ii)
World Wide Fund For Nature-Conservation officer-2003-2007 iii)
World Wide Fund For Nature-
Wetlands Livelihood Project Coordinator-
2007-2010 iv) Greening AustraliaRockhampton,
QLD Australia- Project
Coordinator-Fitzroy river Turtle
Management Program.2011-2012 (June)
v) United Nations Development Program-Contracted as a 12 Month Contract under Nature Calls
Ltd to coordinator community based forest and environmental impact for the New Britain Region2014-
3.1. Founded Nature Calls Limited-2009.

Managing Director and Consulting Partner

Under this firm I have put together a strong team of Social Scientists and Scientist specialised in
Environmental Impact studies, social Impact Studies and Biodiversity Assessment including
Hydrology and Soil sciences. Since the inception of NCL the team had taken on various projects for
clients. I am currently about to finish a 12 month engagement as a “service Contractee” for the United
Nations Development Program funded forest management project in New Britain. The project covers
impacts of logging and Oil Palm agriculture on the native forests of Nakanai and
Whiteman Ranges. This is one of the single largest project that we have engaged with over the years.

Other Major projects include “Kookaburra street overhead bridge construction from Jackson’s airport to
Waigani. We were engaged for three months (November 2013 to January 2014) to undertake Socio-
Economic Impact Assessment for the builder, Hawking’s Ltd, New Zealand through Opius

We also undertake a desktop social-economic database study of 13 PNG Ports operated seaports from
June 2012 to December 2012. This contract allowed us to study intensively social, health, educational
and transport infrastructure of 13 maritime provinces in PNG resulting in the production of a
comprehensive database of Social and Economic indicator sets for future use by Port management in
their many marine transport infrustructure projects.

Special Skills and Work Attitude.

Fluent and articulate in English and report writing, Excellent skills in computer
Programs such as MS EXCELL and ArcGIS software. Good communication and presentation skills,
community interaction. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, outstanding leadership attitudes,
earn quickly and interpret information accurately, Loves out door work, Capable of effectively
communicating at various levels with individuals and groups. Enthusiastic, resourceful and enjoys


1.Mr. Ted Mamu

Forest Carbon & Environmental Services Ltd Port
Moresby, NCD.

Formerly Conservation Programs Director for WWF International.

Telephone: + (675) 721 59893


2.Mr. James Sabi

Terrestorial Ecosystems Program Manager


BeMobile Building Waigani Drive

P.O.Box 1060, Boroko, NCD.

Ph :321 2100/76888794, email :

Other referees contact details can be provided on request.

Key Persional CV 2.
b) Mr. Biatus Bito (Senior Consulting Partner)


2012 -2013: Master of Science majoring in Tropical Ecology and Conservation-James Cook University,
Townsville 4812, Australia.

1993-1997: Bachelor of Science in Forestry-Uni. of Technology-Lae, Morobe Province, PNG.

2.1 Other professional short educational courses:

• Certificate in Invasive species from the South Pacific Regional Environmental Program (SPREP), Port
Moresby, PNG (2005)
• Certificate in Sustainable Environmental Management. Beahrs Environmental Leadership Program,
University of California, Berkeley, C.A, USA (2006)
• Certificate in conflict resolutions skills and management strategies, and Certificate in project planning and
management, Institute of Public Administration, Port Moresby (2009) •
2.2 Special Educational Achievements:

• Recipient of the prestigious 2012 Australian Leadership Award (ALA) scholarship to undertake Master of
Science studies at James Cook University, Australia
• Recipient of the WWF EFN scholarship in 2006 to undertake a Certificate course on Sustainable
Environmental Management at the University of California at Berkeley, US.
• 1997 winner of the PNG Forest Products Pty Ltd Prize Award with the highest overall academic results in
Bachelor of Science Degree in Forestry Science .

2.3 Professional affiliation:

• Member, Society of Conservation Biology (SCB)

• Member Social Science Working Group, SCB
• Lifetime member of the Beahrs Environmental Leadership Program Alumni, University of California,
Berkeley, USA.
• Member of the Alumni of Papua New guinea Australian Awards Scholarship
• Lifetime Member of the James Cook University Alumni


• Over 15 years of field experiences in environment and conservation biology, environmental and socio-
economic impact assessment, policy formulation and rural development;
• Over 4 years of office and managerial experience;
• Worked in rural communities with limited resources, supervisions and under trying conditions;
• Have skills in report writing, fund raising, GIS, project planning and management, conflict resolution
and biodiversity assessments.

3.1. Freelance Consultant to Forest Carbon and Environmental Services Ltd (FCES) and Nature Calls Ltd
(April 2009 to date).

I work as a consulting partners for Nature Calls Ltd and also independently doing several tasks with the
following accomplishments;

• Currently writing a photographic flora handbook or guide for plants of Port Moresby (i.e. weeds,
ornamental plants, food crops, grasses and sedges, herbs and trees).
• EIA of the Aisen Estate land development project at Kamkumugh, Lae and Environmental Permit application
documentation and submission to Department of environment and Conservation (DEC) in 2014;
• High Conservation Value Forest Assessment of Mevelo Land Purchase Area in Wide Bay, East New Britain
Province for Open Bay Timber Ltd under Forest Stewardship Council Certification scheme (2014);
• Bird survey, mist netting and phylogenetic studies of the Birds of the Bensbach and Morehead (TransFly)
region of Western Province with CSIRO Australia (June 17 to July 31st 2014);
• High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) assessment and valuation of the Lingalinga Land, Kove, West New
Britain Province for oil palm development by New Britain Palm Oil Limited (NBPOL), 2014;
• High Conservation Value Forest Assessment of Loi, Makolkol, and Kaboku Land Purchase Area in Open Bay,
East New Britain Province for Open Bay Timber Ltd under Forest Stewardship Council Certification scheme;
• Conducted environmental Impact Assessments and due diligence studies into forestry, forest carbon, oil
palm, agro-forestry projects and other environmental projects (New Britain Palm Oil 2009 & 2014);
• Co-authoring with several authors the PNG Code of Practice for Oil Palm industry (November 2013- March
• Reviewing and writing of environmental plans and Environmental Permit Application for mining
companies (MCC or Ramu Nico nickel-cobalt Mine, 2013);
• Conducing EIS and writing Environmental Permit Application for Ohm Holdings for the development of a
port near Curtain Brothers wharf at Port Moresby Habour (2012);
• National consultant for PNG to the Asian Development Bank for 10 months (August 2011 to May 2012). I
worked on the Technical Assistance (TA 7302): Capturing the Economic Benefits from Ecosystem Services.
Tasks performed include conducting interview survey and research, attend conferences, present findings
and report writing;
• Review of PNG LNG project EIS for the Gulf provincial government under Chem Clean-Environmental
Services Ltd (2010);
• Review of PNG LNG project EIS for the Central provincial government under Chem Clean-
Environmental Services Ltd (2011);
• REDD and Carbon Trade awareness for East Sepik and April Salumei for the Office of Climate Change and
Development (OCCD) in 2009;
• Conducting high conservation value forest assessments (HCVF), and biological surveys or assessments
(PNG Sustainable Development Project in 2011, Cloudy Bay Timbers in 2011, Open Bay Timbers 2014);

3.2. WWF Western Melanesian Programme (WMP), Port Moresby, July 2008-March 2009.

I worked as the Ecological Research Coordinator conducting land capability researches, and supervising
employees, consultants and scientists. I also design and manage programmes pertaining to biodiversity,
policy formulation, climate change and REDD+. During that time, I also do networking, conduct national
environmental education and awareness and writing technical quarterly reports to donors.

3.3 Center for Environmental Law and Community Rights (CELCOR Inc)/Friends of the Earth PNG, Port
Moresby, PNG (June 2007 to June 2008).

I worked as the International Financial Institution campaigner/Climate Change campaigner on negative

impacts of oil palm development, logging and mining operations, climate change and advocate for
sustainable environmental management. I also campaign for transparent operations from IFI institutions
such as the World Bank and Asian Development Bank for sound sustainable financing and developmental
practices for better livelihood of rural communities and landowners. I also worked as a programme officer
and acting Executive Director responsible for staff and the programme, including managing funds, do fund
raising and reporting to donors.


• Contributed to the Development of the Environmental Safeguard Policy for the Asian
Development Bank (ADB).
• Conducted a socio-economic and environmental Impact study on the World Bank loan for Small
Agricultural Business Loan (SABL) which brought World Bank officials to look at the impact of the
project and that rectified issues in oil palm provinces of Oro and West New Britain Provinces.
• Damage assessment of Kiunga-Aimbak road and logging project which the National Court
awarded compensation in favour for the landowners in 2009-10.

3.4 WWF TransFly Project, Daru, Western Province, PNG (2003 to 2007).

I worked as the Conservation Biologist (2003-2005), and later promoted to Deputy Project Manager and
Acting Project Manager (2005 to 2006), then later as the Conservation Manager (2006). Tasks performed
include conducting biodiversity surveys, project management, land capability assessments, natural resource
management and sustainability, including conservation, coordinating projects, project review, monitoring
and evaluation, community education, awareness and training, and supervising staff and employees.

• Establishment of 1 million ha of Protected or Conservation area in Western Province
• Successful conservation planning outcome for conservation across the border between PNG and
Indonesia (Papua province).
3.5 WWF-US Kikori Integrated Community Development Project (2000-2002).

I worked as a student intern with the project for two years while doing my Masters by research in forestry
in Kikori Gulf province. I was studying gap dynamics in natural and man-made gaps, especially seedlings
under different light conditions. I did not graduate due to circumstances beyond my control because of
administrative matters within the PNG University of Technology.

3.6 Research Assistant with the PNG Forestry HRD Project, Lae. An AnuTech/AusAID Project (1999- 2000).

I conducted research into forestry and logging using quantitative interview surveys to assess the
effectiveness of projects delivered by the AusAID project. I also conducted research and assessed damages
caused by logging by trained operators and untrained operators. This was to compare different skill levels
or training received under the project initiatives on logging operations and techniques.

3.7 Part-time Forester with European Union Islands Regional Environmental Program, Lae (1998-1999).

Tasks performed included forest surveys, education and awareness and eco-forestry trainings.

3.8 PNG Forest Products Pty Ltd, Bulolo (1995-1996).

Forestry student intern working on designing logging operations in natural and plantation forests and
conducting forest mensuration surveys and assessments.


• Has published 5 publications, 4 articles and 31 technical reports for both local and international
• Has presented 7 papers at both international and local seminars and conferences
Report Cover Sample 1. PNG Ports

“Sound technical advice that comp

“Sound technical advice that comp
Report Sample Cover 5. Goroka Town Sewage Upgrade EIR. June 2016
“Sound technical advice that compliments modern trends”

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