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The Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC)

Application Form – Regular Recruit

Applicant Informati on
First Name: Surname:
Date of birth: Current Age: Male:  Female: 
Province of origin:
Current Province of residence:
Mobile Number:
Are you from Bougainville? Yes  No 
Email address:
Alternati ve Contact person
Mobile Number:
Relationship to you: Parent  Spouse  Friend  Other 
Educati on Background and Work History
Highest Education Level Obtained Year 10  Year 12  Tertiary 
Year of Completion:
Highest English Grade Obtained: A  B  C  D 
Highest Math Grade Obtained: A  B  C  D 
Name of School or Institution:
Please list any other Educational Certificates:
Years of Work Experience: 1-2  2-5  5-7  Other 
Are you a Reservist that was recruited in 2021-2022? Yes  No 
What is your reason for applying to join the RPNGC Regular Recruit Program

Background Checks – References

Name Position Title Phone Number Email address
Do you have a criminal conviction? Yes  No 
I _________________________________________hereby declare the information I have provided is correct. I
understand and acknowledge it is a criminal offence to supply misleading or false information and at any time the
RPNGC reserves the right to reject or cancel my application. I also agree that I am happy to serve the RPNGC
wherever I am posted.
Note: Original documents showing education qualifications, evidence of age, identity and three passport size photos
will be required at the next stage. A fingerprint set will be taken to enable criminal record checks. This form to be
submitted in one file with your CV via or to your Provincial Police Training Office. You will not need
to pay any money for your documents to be dispatched

Signature of applicant: Date:

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