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Executive Summary
Each healthcare system prioritizes the availability of medications as a strategic good. Since it
involves life-saving human interests and affected stakeholders as well as information service
providers, including pharmaceutical manufacturers, distributors, customers, wholesalers and
regulatory agencies, pharmaceutical supply chain management has grown more complex in
today's health-conscious society. The study of pharmaceutical supply networks is not very
extensive. Lawtons Pharmaceutical firms face several risks as key participants in the medicine
supply chain. These dangers make it impossible to supply medications in time and in adequate
quantity and quality to the appropriate people at the right places.

Table of Contents


The company and its operations and services..............................................................................4

The scope of duties......................................................................................................................5

Methodology and solving problems................................................................................................6

Role of Pharmaceutical Supply chain management....................................................................6

Pharmaceutical supply chain challenges and their solution........................................................8

Main Issues Related to Supply Chain Management of pharmaceutical................................10

Causes of drug supply disruptions.........................................................................................10

Pharmaceutical supply chain and drug cost...........................................................................12

Different aspects of supply chain management.........................................................................14

Health Canada’s Programs....................................................................................................14

Drug Pricing and Policies......................................................................................................15

Recommendation and Conclusion.................................................................................................18


The study deals with the operations and services that have been provided by the company,
namely Lawston Company, that has indulged in the drug industry or pharmaceuticals industry in
the county. The study also mentioned the key responsibility and various areas of health care
services that come under the responsibility of this company. The quality of the products and
services that have been provided by this company to the consumers of the market in Canada is
also mentioned in this study in an elaborate manner. The caring behaviour and responsibilities of
the company toward its staff and all employees are mentioned that is required to improve the
level or the quality of the services in the market area. The Lawtons company's responsibilities
toward improving the quality of the skills of its employees and leadership and management
methods play a vital role in order to improve its brand image in the market and get a competitive
advantage in the market. Recent studies suggest that the company has been facing a lot of
difficulties in supply chain management, such as procurement of raw materials and the
distribution of its products and services in the market. In order to overcome challenges related to
supply chain management in the business process of the company, the company has taken
various steps that have been elaborately discussed throughout the study.
The company and its operations and services
Lawton Drugs aspires to provide the greatest quality service and goods to clients in Atlantic
Canada via its 76 locations. Lawton Drugs has shown honesty, devotion to its workers, and a
determination to constantly surpass client expectations in the quality service, value of the drugs,
and varieties of the products since its inception in 1907 as a tiny pharmacy in the city of
Newfoundland. Lawtons Drugs caters to all of your requirements, from pharmacy and health
care services to beauty, convenience, as well as giftware. The Lawtons firm provides various
solutions in the form of goods, services, and resources to assist market clients in living healthy,
productive lives. Blood pressure and cholesterol screening, health and wellness days,
prescription reviews, diabetes metres and training, and other services are available at the
drugstore (, 2022). These services supplement market prescriptions and assist clients
in managing their families' drug and healthcare demands. The organization is always striving to
improve patient outcomes. Lawtons' parent business, Sobeys Inc., is devoted to the core beliefs
that have enabled Lawton Drugs to exist for over a century. The corporation's Home HealthCare

sites and divisions provide a comprehensive range of soft medical, mastectomy, ostomy, and
various everyday solutions for living. In addition, the firm offers mobility devices such as:
● Products for mobility
● Seating for rehabilitation
● Lifting devices for mobile stairlifts
● The bar has been increased.
● Surfaces for support, beds, and much more
● Elevators
● Vehicle modifications
● Controls for adaptive driving
The Consultants of the company are a well-experienced team of nurses, industry experts, and
personal care workers that will help customers, their families, and caregivers in finding the best
match for their requirements - in-store or in the comfort of their customers' homes. The care
homes facilities for long-term as well as short-term, centres for rehabilitation, assisted in
overcoming complexes of the living, clinics, hospitals, and a variety of other institutions for the
care of customers of the market are also served by the company.
The company is also providing a true one-stop shopping environment in the market for
customers, selling, leasing, and maintaining business equipment, and the company's high service
standard ensures that all of the company's staff and workers stand behind what the company
delivers. There is always a HealthCare facility of the company nearby to service its clients, with
an exceeding number of 20 sites in Atlantic Canada and potential as well as appropriate
expansions ongoing.
The scope of duties
Lawtons is concerned with the health as well as the well-being of its customers, the communities
and the employees in which they live and work. As part of this commitment, the company's
workers have made considerable contributions to organizations that have bettered the lives of all
Atlantic Canadians for more than a century. The corporation forms alliances with these
organizations in order to foster long-term connections and increase contributions via employee
participation. The organization is pleased to be the pharmacy of choice for ongoing effective and
suitable Care Facilities in several Atlantic Canada locations. Furthermore, the organization has

over thirty years of experience providing pharmacy and health-related services to residents and
stakeholders in long-term care facilities, special personal care homes, residential care, retirement
living homes, and many other settings. The people who provide the company's services define its
success. Lawton Drugs is the only pharmacy in Atlantic Canada with a Continuing Care
Management Team and more than 50 pharmacist consultants dedicated to providing
pharmaceutical services to long-term care facility clients. The staff provides constant service
(, 2022). Lawtons Drugs is committed to delivering exceptional resident outcomes in a
patient-centred care environment. In Atlantic Canada, the corporation has 79 retail locations.
Eight of the company's locations are Fulfillment Centers focused only on the supply of
Continuing Care Institutions. For drug packing, verification, and paperwork, the company's
fulfilment centres use having to effective technology.
Close partnerships with continuing care partners, as well as their continued counsel to the
organization, have informed many of the programmes. The organization prioritizes residents,
caregivers, support staff, and volunteers because it believes in giving back to the community.
One of Lawtons Drug's basic beliefs is community service. Lawton Drugs takes great pride in its
excitement for and dedication to the pharmaceutical sector. Lawtons Drugs is glad to provide its
partners with a full range of pharmacy and healthcare services. Care for the Care Givers training
and benefits programme, Solely devoted Clinical Drug store Assistance, Quality Management
programmes, Medication Distribution Documentation systems, and Equipment supply,
Emergency Prescription drug endorsement and end to ensure Home Health Care and Outpatient
treatment support and services, and many more are among the company's offerings (,
Methodology and solving problems
Role of Pharmaceutical Supply chain management
Medicines produced by a pharmaceutical business should ideally be accessible in sufficient
numbers to meet consumer or patient demand. The pharmaceuticals are subsequently distributed
from the companies to drug wholesalers or straight to pharmacy networks, mail-order and
speciality pharmacies, hospital chain pharmacies, and certain health plans. Pharmaceutical
makers, according to specialists, have the most influence on pharmaceutical pricing since they
analyze wholesale purchasing costs by analyzing projected demand, prospective competition,

and estimated marketing expenses (Abbas et al., 2020). The following different manufacturers
are market distributors that acquire medications and sell them to a variety of consumers,
including pharmacies. Some wholesalers specialize in selling certain products, such as biological
treatments, or in marketing to specific consumer groups, whilst others advertise to a broad range
of potential clients. Although there is no direct link between the corporation and the
pharmaceutical supply chain, they are gradually playing a key part in the bulk of consumer
pharmaceutical purchases.
In order to reduce consumer prescription purchasing prices, the suppliers engage with third-party
payers to determine which medications will be reimbursed as well as the return that the
pharmacy can get from the market. This participant bases the rebates in the bargaining process
with other supply chain participants on the amount the customer will have to pay out-of-pocket
when the prescription has been filled. Pharmacies are the last and most crucial step before
pharmaceuticals are given to patients since they are the information pipeline between main
suppliers, pharmaceutical companies, and wholesale distributors (Ding, 2018). Drugs are bought
by pharmacies either directly from manufacturers or distributors. After purchasing the goods,
pharmacists need to stock up on enough pharmaceuticals and educate customers on how to
utilize prescription medications safely and effectively. In order to ensure a long-term sustainable
future, the “National Research Council (NRC)” report in 2005 that was published by the national
academy identified eight key issues that must be addressed.
Many specialists in science, engineering, industry, and government are interested in the broad
notion of sustainability. Sustainability education is essential for incorporating "lifecycle
thinking" into the design and development of products and processes, and it was named one of
the eight key issues in a 2006 National Academies study. Currently, there are many concrete
instances of how sustainability may be taught in engineering and science courses. The 2009
research by Murphy et al. examines the inclusion of green engineering concepts in engineering
programmes throughout the United States. The knowledge foundation required for the teaching
of chemical engineering was looked at by Allen and Shonnard. The vision statement of The
Canadian Chemical Society Green Chemistry Institute can be read as chemistry practice or drug
manufacturing should change from academic and economic value-driven chemistry to a method
and product design that minimizes negative environmental, health, and safety implications while

boosting intended performance across the product life cycle (Kumar et al., 2019). The chemical
industry requires a flexible, adaptive workforce that takes "systems and sustainability" into
account in order to grow and maintain our economy.
Some recent research suggests that firms and industries must apply circular economy principles
in accordance with international regulations. In a 2016 study, the European Parliamentary
Research Service underlined "opportunities and barriers" to implementing a circular economy.
The necessity for technical expertise, namely for scientists and engineers to be able to create
products with circularity in mind, was one of the four challenges identified. The significance of
these skills is emphasized, especially for engineers, scientists, and mathematicians. As a
consequence, the responsibilities and functions of chemists, materials scientists and chemical
engineers and engineers include not just the useful life of marketed products but also their "end
of life" and ecological fate (Alzoubi et al., 2020). The role of the industry must address issues
with high energy use as well as the effective diverse supply chain and environmental pollution.
By enhancing production processes and streamlining supplier networks, the industry may
increase value while preserving environmental sustainability.

Figure 1: The Lawton healthcare

Pharmaceutical supply chain challenges and their solution
In spite of this fact its achievements, the pharmaceutical supply chain nevertheless faces a
number of issues. According to a study by academics, all organizations with a successful supply
chain follow a four-step procedure that includes demand management, storage control and
distribution, secondary manufacturing planning and scheduling, and primary manufacturing. The
worldwide information analytics company discussed a variety of process challenges, including
inadequate coordination, bad inventory management, poor demand information, reliance on
human resources, poor order management, poor temperature control, and poor visibility into

shipping (Merkuryeva, Valberga & Smirnov, 2019). For example, the "Forrester impact" is a
business method used to analyze any supply chain disturbances and is a critical business step.
The major production site, on the other hand, displays impact, which is problematic given that it
is the least responsive link in the supply chain (Sharma & Modgil, 2019). As a result, companies
are finding it difficult to solve issues such as supply constraints, national supply bids, and
epidemics. Medicine shortages have been addressed by academics and experts from the nation as
well as other places throughout the globe. One common method used to guarantee that more
supplies are accessible to treat patients in the event that items are recalled, as documented in the
study paper published in Complicated, was to store surplus inventories.
Researchers have highlighted a variety of tactics for reducing disruptive effects, including
operational contingencies, financial mitigation, and operation mitigation. In "mitigation
measures," the business takes a step ahead of disruption and pays the associated costs whether or
not the disruption actually occurs. On the other side, the researchers said, "Operational strategies
including inventory management, production flexibility, and multiple sourcing are also explored
in the various studies of the world on supply chain disruptions (Haque & Islam, 2018). In
contrast to this, it cannot be said that the issues were discovered by researchers and experts in
this industry, such as the unpredictable nature of the pipeline for new treatments. Which drugs
will pass the test, and what dosage and therapies will be most helpful? On the other side, the
pharmaceutical supply chain has to undergo a "radical redesign" in order to meet the demands of
a growing market, according to research released. According to some studies, the severe revamp
will include more diverse product types and treatments with shorter lifecycles, new
methodologies for reviewing, approving, and monitoring drugs, a greater focus on outcomes,
new healthcare delivery models, and a variety of other changes (Moktadir et al., 2018). In
general, the pharmaceutical supply chain is critical for patients to get the pharmaceuticals they
need without difficulty or delay. Despite the fact that the supply chain confronts several
problems, businesses may take the essential measures to guarantee a smooth transition from
product creation to drug and medicine delivery.
On the other hand, a whole other set of objectives, motivations, and constraints take over once a
medication is made available. The primary participants in the final pharmaceutical supply chain
product. On the other side, the supply Chain of Pharmaceutical Supply Hospitals, clinics,


drugstore chains, pharmacies, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, research organizations, and

the organization that is responsible for controlling drug supply are all part of this supply chain.
The fact that prescription drugs, over-the-counter (OTC) medications, generic drugs, and
biologics—all of which have different handling needs and operational objectives—are
distributed through the same supply chain further makes matters worse (Sodhi & Tang, 2021).
The complexity is increased by a number of other entities, including insurance firms and
healthcare management organizations. Due to their very different corporate objectives, these
companies make supply chain management more challenging. Furthermore, many
pharmaceutical supply networks have grown in an unregulated way rather than being built for
optimal efficiency due to the industry's regulated structure and numerous mergers and
acquisitions to gain more research and development knowledge.

Figure 2: Pharmaceutical Supply Chain

Main Issues Related to Supply Chain Management of pharmaceutical
● Problems with counterfeiting the drug and medicine
● Problems increased as a result of the supply chain operation process
● The drug's adverse effect on the patients.
● Problems with the manufacturing process
● Problems with retailers, such as faulty handling and temperature control
● Faulty labelling of the cross-contamination or finished product from producing many
drugs under the same roof
● Storage and warehousing issues, such as utilizing inadequate temperature controls,
handling items in the warehouse irresponsibly, and merging completed goods with input
● Transportation issues caused by improper handling, inadequate temperature control, and
inappropriate shipping techniques


● Problems with raw material procurement, such as faulty preparation, excessive impurity
levels, and erroneous raw material labelling
Causes of drug supply disruptions
Drug supply problems may arise at any point along the supply chain. The regulator may identify
compliance difficulties, the producer may encounter production or market challenges, customers
may acquire excess, either purposefully or unwittingly, harming other purchasers, or demand
may grow. Several witnesses identified several factors that might lead to medicine supply

Figure 4: the Lawtons Drug

Drug supply disruptions may occur at any point along the supply chain. The regulator may
identify compliance concerns, the producer may encounter production or market challenges,
customers may acquire excess, either purposefully or unwittingly, harming other purchasers, or
demand may grow. Numerous witnesses mentioned several issues that may impair
pharmaceutical delivery. Along with this, In terms of stopping or decreasing medication supply,
drug makers informed the Committee that, although the legislative authority has not changed in
recent years, and the regulatory environment for all main drug regulatory organizations is the
same, there has been increased enforcement. This tightening was attributed to faulty Chinese
products and the current counterfeit goods boom.
Increased inspections, as well as stricter follow-up on corrective actions, have prompted some
businesses to reduce productivity. Indeed, according to numerous experts, disobedience with
Health Canada standards uncovered during inspections accounts for 43% of pharmaceutical
shortages. The Committee was also informed that there are periods when demand exceeds supply
but that this is typically promptly corrected. Unpredictable occurrences such as manufacturing


line breakdowns and natural processes have also been identified as causes of medicine shortages.
There were no problems concerning Health Canada's compliance and enforcement techniques.
According to health experts, the generic industry has moved to outsource its raw material supply
in recent years, resulting in instability of the supply chain of the world (Blossey, Eisenhardt &
Hahn, 2019). According to witnesses in the sector, they often purchase from other nations such
as China as well as India. According to certain reports, the provinces' pricing limitations on the
generic sector may result in fewer suppliers in the business. Manufacturers may rely on a single
source for raw materials, placing them at risk of supply disruptions if the provider falls short of
expectations. Despite the many potential causes of medicine shortages, all respondents believed
that the practice of awarding single-source contracts for large orders or requiring manufacturers
to rely on single suppliers for raw materials was the most avoidable cause of drug supply
disruptions. Everyone agreed that reliance on a single supplier put the drug supply chain in
Pharmaceutical supply chain and drug cost
Medicine costs are heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical supply chain. Consumers will face
higher out-of-pocket expenses, and health insurance companies will have to deal with rising
pharmaceutical expenditures. One of the primary reasons prescription medicine costs are in the
headlines, according to a study conducted by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of
Canada, is the complexity and the vast number of parties engaged in the pharmaceutical supply
chain. According to the survey, conversations between wholesalers, pharmacy benefit managers,
pharmacies, and insurers have a significant impact on prescription pharmaceutical costs.
Although refunds have increased in recent years, patient out-of-pocket expenditures have
increased, according to the authors.
The cost of a brand-name prescription is determined by the individual's insurance plan, the list of
medications covered by the plan, the amount of their deductible, and the agreement their
insurance company has with the drug's manufacturer, according to recent research. The
popularity of health plans with high deductibles or coinsurance, according to the researchers, has
resulted in more patients having higher out-of-pocket expenses, which means they may be unable
to benefit from negotiations because their co-payment is determined by the list price rather than
the negotiated price (Aich et al., 2019). The study presented many examples of how the


complicated supply chain might increase patient costs. A patient, for example, was given HIV
therapy at a list price of $3,000 per pill. Despite the 20% decrease, the patient's coinsurance is
$812 since it is calculated using the list price. As a result, the patient must pay $200 more than
they would have had to pay unless the coinsurance had been computed using the agreed-upon
amount. According to a National Community Pharmacists Association poll, rising generic drug
prices have harmed practically everyone in the pharmaceutical supply chain. Health insurers are
struggling to keep up with soaring pharmaceutical prices while patients face increased co-pays
and surcharges. Alternative pharmaceutical treatment is becoming more important for physicians
to suggest, and patients may choose not to take their medications due to increased prices
(Dwivedi, Amin & Vollala, 2020). In the pharmaceutical supply chain, both suppliers and buyers
encounter risks and challenges. However, managing pharmaceutical supply chains presents
issues in a health-conscious society since it involves dealing with existing pharmaceuticals for

Figure 5: The strategy to resolve supply chain management issues

Drug Counterfeiting
Products are being copied widely in a variety of industries, including pharmaceuticals,
electronics, and fashion. But the counterfeiting of drugs is the one area where it has a really
severe and terrible effect. Patients must make significant financial and social contributions.
Opportunistic criminals commit counterfeiting (Mattke et al., 2019). They target markets in
nations with weak laws against participating in counterfeiting and the ability to identify faulty
goods. The complexity of the modern pharmaceutical supply chains, which can include many


global trips for medication discovery, API manufacture, formulation, packaging, and ultimate
consumption, adds to the severity of the issue. Criminal elements are further encouraged to
engage in this business by the cheap investment/high return component, difficulty in detecting
fakes, several possible sources of leakage into the supply chain for legal drugs, and limited
monitoring of inventory and stock movement.

Figure 6: Pronged approach

The objective is to develop a medicine supply chain that is lean enough to reduce the need for
enforcement and flexible enough to react swiftly to the acts of counterfeiters while also
minimizing the possibility of point leakage. The following crucial elements of the procedure are
now being addressed with technology:
● Track and follow-up
● Detection
● Packaging
● Online commerce
Different aspects of supply chain management
Health Canada’s Programs
As previously noted, Canadian manufacturers must notify Health Canada within 30 days after
ceasing pharmaceutical sales in this country. This information might be included in Health
Canada's Drug Product Collection (DPD), a publicly accessible database of information on
medicines that have been approved for sale in Canada and are recognized by their manufacturers
as being marketed in Canada. The DPD decides whether or not a drug is active. According to the
Commission, drug status reporting is not always accurate, which may limit health practitioners'
ability to explore alternative treatment options. The Special Access Programme (SAP) of the
country's national agency is designed to provide health practitioners with access to medications


and hospital instruments that are not licenced for sale in Canada. When standard treatment is
unavailable or inefficient, the SAP for pharmaceuticals is intended to provide therapeutic options
for patients with serious or life-threatening disorders. The SAP was built to address a variety of
circumstances, including drug supply issues. Recent shortcomings, according to the Committee,
highlighted the need to modernize the SAP. According to recent studies, the technique is time-
consuming and difficult.
Drug Pricing and Policies
The Patented Medicine Prices Review Board is in charge of setting the price of patented
medicines (PMPRB). The PMPRB ensures that the prices of patented pharmaceuticals are not
unreasonable. It does this by comparing medicine costs in seven countries: France, Germany, the
United Kingdom, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, and the United States. When the patent on a
pharmaceutical product expires, generic versions may be submitted to Health Canada for
approval. Witnesses claim that after a generic medication is approved, there are two provincially
regulated pricing procedures in place to establish generic drug prices: one for facility pricing and
another for pharmacy store pricing (Abideen & Mohamad, 2020). Members were informed that
acquiring medications is the provinces' and territories' responsibility and that it is done in
isolation. According to the Committee, drugs, including generics, are purchased in bulk for
clinics whenever possible since they are less expensive than the brand name equivalent. The
Lawtons make major acquisitions via a bidding process. Provincial law governs internal
commerce and competitive bidding in this method.
A second pricing strategy has an impact on the retail and pharmaceutical industries. Price
limitations on generic medications listed on provincial formularies may be imposed by law. The
Committee was informed, for example, that Ontario's pricing laws had recently changed and that
the price of generics may no longer surpass 25% of the price of the brand name pharmaceutical
equivalent. Members were reminded that provinces have particular exceptions to this legislation
where the retail pharmacy product cost is greater, and the price ceiling is too low, discouraging
pharmaceutical enterprises from producing such medicine. It was also determined that Quebec's
rules require it to pay no more for generics than any other jurisdiction. Members were informed
that generic retail pricing is competitive internationally and that global prices for a range of
generic medication commodities had decreased (Burns, 2022). As a consequence, fewer


pharmaceutical firms create specialized generics, reducing competition, favouring single

sourcing, and restricting medication supply.

Figure 7: Trends of supply chain management

Members were reminded throughout three sessions that numerous parties are engaged in
Canada's pharmaceutical industry and that all participants may work together to make medication
supply secure. Health Canada is in charge of authorizing new prescriptions before they can be
marketed in Canada, and it has confessed that the approval procedure for generic
pharmaceuticals is backlogged. However, the Council was reminded that recent changes in the
user amount charged to Health Canada by pharmaceutical firms for drug registrations have
allowed the agency to increase its resources and improve review timelines. As a result, Health
Canada said that it can now examine generic pharmaceutical applications more quickly and that a
greater number of generic drugs would be approved for the Canadian market (Burns, 2022). In
spite of the availability of numerous generic variations, the Committee was told that provincial
formularies might only contain one option.
Provincial authorities who were supposed to appear first before Committee did not show up. As a
result, no replies were received from provincial officials to further investigate the function of
medication formularies, related pricing policies, or bidding procedures in ensuring


pharmaceutical supply security. Members are also cognizant that the expedited evaluation of
more than 50 applications has resulted in the approval of 30 medications, which can help relieve
present shortages of drugs, in spite of the fact that the timing for bringing the newly authorized
pharmaceuticals to market is unknown. Health Canada, according to authorities, has added ten
more international locations to Sandoz's list of authorized production and product testing
facilities for the Canadian market (Sharma & Modgil, 2019). The present evidence also
emphasized the involvement of Canadian authorities in pressing manufacturers to report when
they cease selling a product in Canada, as well as how such information, along with other
information, must be kept with the date in a systematic manner on the authority in the health
sector. Health Canada's handling of the SAP was informed before the Committee, and officials
said that the agency had authorized 59 requests for this programme due to drug shortages.
According to Health Canada authorities, the National Emergency Stockpile System (NESS) is
managed by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), and regardless of the fact that the
NESS was subsequently made accessible to provinces in response to medication shortages, no
requests had been recorded.

Figure 8: Information transferring in drug supply management



Some witnesses emphasized the significance of the federal government being conscientious on
the worldwide scene, and provincial governments want the federal government to not only
communicate information gathered in multicultural environments but also to start raising
provincial and territorial issues in international forums. Some witnesses advised that Health
Canada refer the medicine shortage problem to the “World Health Organization and the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development” so that it might be adequately
investigated on a global scale (World Health Organization, 2022). Manufacturers said that they
could often only get raw ingredients and APIs from a single source, claiming cost reductions as
the main reason. Low-profit margins have also been highlighted as one of the reasons why fewer
businesses manufacture certain generic pharmaceuticals or why manufacturing facilities are
accessible. Members were told by members in the label pharmaceutical business that post-patent
sole-sourcing methods frightened off competitors. Still, it needed to say whether it backed
legislation requiring its member companies to compete with generics after their products' patents
expired. Some witnesses mentioned the moral need for pharmaceutical companies to continue
manufacturing critical or required medications. Companies must weigh this moral commitment
against declining profitability when deciding whether to put generic medications into the
Canadian market.
Recommendation and Conclusion
The study concludes with the products and services provided by Lawston, a company that has
worked in the county's pharmaceuticals and drug manufacturing industries. The performance of
pharmaceutical companies as important supply chain players has a substantial impact on supply
chain management effectiveness. Identifying hazards and implementing preventive steps in
pharmaceutical companies may enhance procedures, raise efficiency, and decrease business risk.
It may also help health systems meet the supply chain management goals of accessibility,
quality, and affordability. Supplier certification via a rigorous approach is required to achieve the
correct quality for the goods and services. Each step in this technique is critical and must be
The exchange of information between the supplier and the end user is a good information
practice that may result in a suitable level of supplier qualification. The research also highlighted
this organization's significant accountability across a wide range of healthcare service sectors. In-


depth attention is also given in this research to the quality of the products and services this
company has provided to clients in the Canadian market (Aich et al., 2019). The business
emphasizes its responsibility to treat its employees with respect and care, which is crucial to
raising the standard or calibre of services offered in the market. In a precise manner, the improve
its brand image in the marketplace and achieve a competitive advantage, Lawtons must perform
its obligations to improve the calibre of its employees' talents as well as leadership and
management practices. Recent studies indicate that the company has faced a number of
difficulties with supply chain management, including the acquisition of raw materials and the
marketing of its products and services (Sharma & Modgil, 2019). The report has addressed a
variety of efforts that the company has implemented to address supply chain management
difficulties in the firm's business process in great detail. On the other side, Every healthcare
system prioritizes the strategic good of pharmaceutical availability. However, it involves life-
saving human interests, involved stakeholders, and information service providers, including
pharmaceutical manufacturers, distributors, customers, wholesalers, and regulatory agencies.
Pharmaceutical supply chain management has grown more complex in today's health-conscious
society. Few studies have been conducted on pharmaceutical supply networks. On the other side,
the Lawtons As significant participants in the medical supply chain, pharmaceutical companies
confront a variety of hazards. It is difficult to deliver drugs to the right people in the right
locations in a timely, sufficient, and high-quality manner because of these risks.


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