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CASES IN STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION deducted from the employee’s

GARCIA VS. SSS (G.R. NO. 170735, 17 - Specified that the penalties will be
DECEMBER 2007) directed to directors.
- Managing head are liable; since
ISSUE: Whether or not the only surviving Immaculada Garcia is the sole
director of a corporation is liable for the survivor of the company, they are
whole collected and unremitted SSS liable since they already deducted
contribution to the SSS, with penalties. them from the employees.
RULING: Yes. - Free to talk about whether or not the
SC was right in the interpretation;
“SEC. 22 Remittance of Contributions. (a) assess the decision of the court.
The contribution imposed in the preceding - Assess if it was a good decision.
section shall be remitted to the SSS within in - A4 – TNR – 12 – Normal – 1.5 spacing.
the first ten days of each calendar month - No min. page required.
following the month for which they are - 5 pages minimum, 20 pages
applicable or within such time as the maximum.
Commission may prescribe. Every employer -
required to deduct and to remit such LAPID VS. COURT OF APPEALS
contributions shall be liable for their ISSUE: Whether a decision of the
payment and if any contribution is not paid Ombudsman in an administrative charge
to the SSS as herein prescribed, he shall pay finding the respondent guilty and imposing
besides the contribution a penalty thereon the penalty of suspension of one year
of three percent (3%) per month from the without pay is immediately executory and is
date the contribution falls due until paid. If not stayed by a timely appeal to the CA.
deemed expedient, and advisable by the
Commission, the collection and remittance RULING: The SC ruled that since the penalty
of contributions shall be made quarterly or is suspension of one year without pay, the
semi-annually in advance, the contributions timely filling of an appeal will stay the
payable by the employees to be advanced by immediate execution of the decision of the
their respective employers: Provided, that Ombudsman.
upon separation of an employee, any
contribution so paid in advance but not due PEOPLE VS. JABINAL
shall be credited or refunded to his ISSUE: Whether a person appointed as
employer. secret agent by a provincial governor and
- Liable for unpaid employer found in possession of an unlicensed firearm
contribution only. at a time when the Macarandang Doctrine
- Not the deducted contribution from was still in force can be prosecuted and
employees. convicted of illegal possession of firearms.
- Contribution supposedly paid to the
SSS which shows the employee’s RULING: The Mapa Doctrine cannot be given
contribution since it was already retroactive effect as the new doctrine should
be applied prospectively.
ISSUE: Whether a contractor with an expired APPROVAL OF THIS ACT.
license is entitled to be paid for completed
projects Facts: In April 12, 1912, the director of lands
in the CFI of Baguio INSTITUTED the
RULING: Section 35 of R.A. No. 4566 reopening of cadastral proceedings. In
explicitly provides: November 13, 1922, a decision was
RENDERED. The land involved was the
SEC. 35. Penalties. Any contractor who, for a Baguio Townsite which was declared public
price, commission, fee or wage, submits or land. In July 25, 1961, Belong Lutes
attempts to submit or attempts to submit a petitioned to reopen the civil case on the
bid to construct, or contracts to or following grounds: 1) he and his
undertakes to construct, or assumes charge predecessors have been in continuous
in a supervisory capacity of a construction possession and cultivation of the land since
work within the purview of this Act, without Spanish times; 2) his predecessors were
first securing a license to engage in the illiterate Igorots, thus, were not able to file
business of contracting in this country; or their claim. On the contrary, F. Joaquin Sr., F.
who shall present or file the license Joaquin Jr., and Teresita Buchholz opposed
certificate of another, give false evidence of Lutes’ reopening on the following grounds:
any kind to the Board, or any member 1) the reopening was filed outside the 40-
thereof in obtaining a certificate or license, year period provided in RA 931; 2) the
impersonate another, or use an expired or petition to reopen the case was not
revoked certificate or license, shall be published; and 3) as lessees of the land, they
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, have standing on the issue.
upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine
of not less than five hundred pesos but not Issue: Whether or not the reopening of the
more than five thousand pesos. peririon was filed outside the 40-year period
provided in RA 931, which was ENACTED on
The wordings of RA 4566 are clear. It does June 20, 1953
not declare, expressly or implied, as void
contracts entered into by a contractor Held: The Supreme Court granted the
whose license had already expired. reopening of cadastral proceedings
However, such contractor is liable for
payment of the fine prescribed. Thus, Ratio: The title of RA 931 was “An Act to
respondent should be paid for the projects Authorize the Filing in Proper Court under
he completed. Certain Conditions, of Certain Claims of Title
to Parcels of Land that have been Declared
CITY OF BAGUIO vs. MARCOS Public Land, by Virtue of Judicial Decisions
Title of RA 931: AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE RENDERED within the 40 Years Next
FILING IN THE PROPER COURT, UNDER Preceding the Approval of this Act.” Section
CERTAIN CONDITIONS, OF CERTAIN CLAIMS 1 of the Act reads as “ case such parcels
OF TITLE TO PARCELS OF LAND THAT HAVE of land, on account of their failure to file
such claims, have been, or about to be Ratio: The title of the EO 264 is of
declared land of the public domain by virtue “Commission of Irregularities”. It speaks of
of judicial proceedings INSTITUTED within commission of irregularities and not criminal
the 40 years next preceding the approval of offenses. Had the order intended to make it
this act.” If the title is to be followed, applicable thereto, it could have been
November 13, 1922 is the date which should referred to the more specific terms like
be followed, hence, would allow the “accused,” “convicted,” and the like.
reopening of the case. If Section 1 is to be
followed, the date of the institution of PEOPLE vs. PURISIMA
reopening of the case which was April 12,
1912, the petition would be invalid. Facts: These twenty-six (26) Petitions for
Review were filed by the People of the
StatCon maxim: The title is an indispensable Philippines charging the respective accused
part of a statute, and what may inadequately with “illegal possession of deadly weapon” in
be omitted in the text may be supplied or violation of Presidential Decree No. 9. On a
remedied by its title. motion to quash filed by the accused, the
three Judges issued an Order quashing or
EBARLE vs. SUCADALDITO dismissing the Informations, on a common
ground, viz, that the Information did not
Facts: Ebarle, the petitioner, was then allege facts which constitute the offense
provincial governor of Zamboanga and a penalized by Presidential Decree No. 9
candidate for re-election in 1971 local because it failed to state one essential
elections. The Anti-Graft League of the element of the crime.
Philippines filed complaints with the city
fiscal against the petitioner for violations of Issue: Whether or not the Informations filed
RA 3019 (Anti-Graft Law) and Articles 171, by the petitioners are sufficient in form and
182,183, 213, and 318 of the Revised Penal substance to constitute the offense of
Code. The petitioner filed petitions for “illegal possession of deadly weapon”
prohibition and certiorari in CFI but they penalized under PD No. 9.
were dismissed. He petitioned to the
Supreme Court and alleged that the City Ruling: No. The Informations filed by
Fiscal and Anti-Graft League failed to comply petitioner are fatally defective. The two
with the provisions of EO 264, which elements of the offense covered by P.D. 9(3)
outlined the procedure how complainants must be alleged in the Information in order
charging the government officials and that the latter may constitute a sufficiently
employees with the commission of valid charged. The sufficiency of an
irregularities should be guided. Information is determined solely by the facts
alleged therein. Where the facts are
Issue: Whether or not EO 264 is exclusively incomplete and do not convey the elements
applicable to administrative charges and not of the crime, the quashing of the accusation
to criminal complaints is in order.

Held: Petition dismissed.

SALAYSAY vs. CASTRO Supreme Court required respondent
➢ The case involves the interpretation Secretary to comply with the foretasted
of the phrase “actual holding” in a status quo order. The Solicitor General, in his
provision that states “any elective comment, stated that (a) “The authority of
provincial, municipal, or city official the Ombudsman is only to recommend
running for an office, other than the suspension and he has no direct power to
one which he is actually holding, shall suspend; “and (b) “Assuming the
be considered resigned from his Ombudsman has the power to directly
office from the moment of filing his suspend a government official or employee,
certificate of candidacy” there are conditions required by law for the
➢ The examined the legislative history exercise of such powers; [and] said
of the said provision. The provision conditions have not been met in the instant
was originally Section 2 of the case”
Commonwealth Act No. 666 – “for
which he has been lastly elected.” Issue: Whether or not the Ombudsman has
➢ Bearing the purpose of the the power to suspend government officials
legislature, that is, “to give the and employees working in offices other than
benefit or privilege of retaining office the Office of the Ombudsman, pending the
not only to those who have been investigation of the administrative
elected thereto but also to those complaints filed against said officials and
who have been appointed” employees.
➢ The provision does not apply to the
Acting Mayor who filed a COC for the Ruling: YES. Petition was dismissed, status
position of Mayor because he is quo lifted and set aside.
merely acting as Mayor in a
temporary capacity. Thus, the Acting Ratio: When the constitution vested on the
Mayor is not deemed automatically Ombudsman the power “to recommend the
resigned upon his filing of COC for suspension” of a public official or employees
the position of Mayor. (Sec. 13 [3]), it referred to “suspension,” as a
punitive measure. All the words associated
BUENASEDA vs. FLAVIER with the word “suspension” in said provision
Facts: The petition for Certiorari, Prohibition referred to penalties in administrative cases,
and Mandamus, with Prayer for Preliminary e.g. removal, demotion, fine, censure. Under
Injunction or Temporary Restraining Order, the rule of noscitur asociis, the word
under Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of Court, “suspension” should be given the same
seeks to nullify the Order of the Ombudsman sense as the other words with which it is
directing the preventive suspension of associated. Where a particular word is
petitioners Dr. Brigida S. Buenaseda equally susceptible of various meanings, its
The questioned order was issued in correct construction may be made specific
connection with the administrative by considering the company of terms in
complaint filed with the Ombudsman (OBM- which it is found or with which it is
ADM-0-91-0151) by the private respondents associated.
against the petitioners for violation of the
Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. The
➢ The issue is whether or not Art. WORKERS UNION vs. NORKIS TRADING CO.
1385 of the Civil Code should be Issue: Whether the employer violated the
literally applied. CBA in its refusal to grant its employees an
➢ Art. 1385. Rescission creates the across-the-board increase as a result of the
obligation to return the things passage of Wage Order No. ROVII-06.
which were the object of the
contract, together with their ➢ Section 2, Art. XII of the CBA
fruits, and the price with its provides: In the event that law is
interests; consequently, it can be enacted increasing the minimum
carried out only when he who wage, an across-the-board increase
demands rescission can return shall be granted by the Company
whatever he may be obliged to according to the provisions of the
restore. law.
➢ When the contract is rescinded, ➢ The Wage Order was intended to fix
will the lot buyer be entitled to a new minimum wage only, not to
the return of what he had paid or grant across-the-board wage
will he be entitled to receive from increases to all employees in Region
the lot seller the prevailing VII. The intent of the Order is
market value of the property? indicated in its title, “Establishing
➢ The SC ruled that were we to New Minimum Wage Rates,” as well
follow the letter of Article 1385, as in its preamble: The purpose,
we will be in effect paving the reason, or justification for its
way to an absurd situation enactment was “to adjust the
whereby subdivision developers minimum wage of workers to
who have reneged on their cushion the impact brought about by
contractual and legal obligation the latest economic crisis not only in
to provide utility systems and the Philippines but also in the Asian
facilities for the use of region.”
subdivision lot owners may ➢ There are two methods of adjusting
themselves profit from their very the minimum wage. In Employers
own wrongs and shortcomings. Confederation of the Phils. v.
➢ Indeed, there would be unjust National Wages and Productivity
enrichment if respondents Solid Commission, these were identified as
Homes, Inc. & Purita Soliven are the “floor wage” and the “salary
made to pay only the purchase ceiling” methods.
price plus interest. It is definite ➢ The “floor wage” method involves
that the value of the subject the fixing of a determinate amount
property already escalated after to be added to the prevailing
almost two decades from the statutory minimum wage rates.
time the petitioner paid for it. ➢ The “salary-ceiling” method of wage
adjustment applies to employees
receiving a certain denominated
salary ceiling. In other words,
workers already being paid more NATIONAL FEDERATION OF LABOR vs.
than the existing minimum wage (up NLRC
to a certain amount stated in the ➢ The issued in this case is whether or
Wage Order) are also to be given a not an employer that was compelled
wage increase. to cease its operation because of the
➢ The intention of the Regional Board compulsory acquisition by the
of Region VII was to prescribe a government of its land for purposes
minimum or “floor wage” and not to of agrarian reform, is liable to pay
determine a “salary ceiling.” separation pay to its affected
➢ Section 2. AMOUNT AND MANNER employees.
OF INCREASE. – Upon the effectivity ➢ The employee claiming for
of this Order, the daily minimum separation pay cited Art. 283 of the
wage rates for all the workers and Labor Code “The employer may also
employees in the private sector shall terminate the employment of any
be increased by Ten Pesos (PhP employee” for reasons therein by
10.00) serving notice thereof and paying
separation pay to affected
CHU vs. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (1992) employees.”
➢ The SC ruled that the employees
Issue: Whether a co-terminous employee, or were not entitle to such separation
one whose appointment is co-existent with pay because the situation
the duration of a government project, who contemplated in Art 283 is a
has been employed as such for more than unilateral and voluntary act on the
two years, is entitled to early retirement part of the employer to close the
benefits under Section 2 of RA 6683, which business establishment as may be
provides in part that the “benefits gleaned from the wording of the said
authorized under this Act shall apply to all legal provision.
regular, temporary, casual and emergency ➢ The use of the word “may” in a
employees, regardless of age, who have statute denotes that it is directory in
rendered at least a total of two (2) nature and generally permissive only.
consecutive years of government service as The plain meaning rule of verba legis
of the date of separation.” in statutory construction is thus
applicable in this case.
Ruling: Co-terminous employee is no ➢ In other words, Art 283 of the Labor
different from a casual or temporary Code does not contemplate a
employee, and by necessary implication, the situation where the closure of the
inclusion of “co-terminous employee” in the business is forced upon the employer
class of government employees entitled to and ultimately for the benefit of the
the benefits of the law necessarily implies employees.
that the co-terminous employees should
also be entitled to such benefits.
➢ A civil service employee was
suspended and later dismissed
without cause as shown by the fact
that after investigation he was
exonerated and found guiltless of the
charge of gross negligence.
➢ The SC ruled that the employee must
be reinstated. However, there is a
problem for his reinstatement.
When he was dismissed (illegally),
somebody was appointed in his
➢ The Court ruled that inasmuch as the
employee was illegally dismissed,
legally speaking, his position never
became vacant. Hence, there was no
vacancy to which the present
incumbent could be permanently
appointed, and his occupancy of said
position is temporary and does not
come within the constitutional
prohibition against dismissal without
➢ In any event, the court added that
the incumbent’s being made to leave
the post to give way to the
employee’s superior right may be
considered as removal for cause.

Prepared by: Pia Isabelle Macasaquit

Revised by: Czyra Camaya

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