This Story Revolves Around 4 Graduating College Students Who Are Grouped in A Thesis Project

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This story revolves around 4 graduating college students who are grouped in a thesis project.

In the
process of doing their project, a lot of conflicts came their way and opened up to one another.

First scene: (Principle 1: need to know)

The 4 students(friends) were gathered in the [insert place] for their thesis defense since they were
grouped together. Student 1 (no hard problems in life) was frustrated about their thesis project and was
complaining about how it was time-consuming for them. He also questioned its purpose for their future
career. Student 4 (the smart and pressured one) just rolled his eyes and told him to proceed with his part
in their thesis. Student 2`s (the one who had a family issue) phone rang. Upon picking up his phone he
learned that there is a problem in his household because of a serious fight. Minutes later student 3`s
(the working student) phone rang. It was his alarm, reminding him of his duty in his job. He then told to
his friends that he is going. Student 2 sighed and decided that they will just continue their work in their
own households and just chat their parts on their group chat.

[How many days later]

Second scene: (principle 2: self-concept)

The 4 students gathered in their classroom while doing their thesis once again. Student one was having a
hard time understanding their topic but still gave his part in their project when student 4 asked for the
progress in his part. But student 4 ended up scolding student 1 about how incorrect his outputs are
making student 1 embarrassed.

[later that night]

Third scene (part of principle 2)

Student 1 was frustrated in his room because he felt useless and incapable. He took student 4 scolding’s
seriously. And even asked about his worth and future.

Fourth scene: (Learner`s experience)

The 4 students was gathered at (any) students’ house for their thesis once again. They are currently on
break and had a talk about saving money. Students 1,2, and 4 shared about how their money always
easily runs out. So student 3 shared tips to them on how to save their money and from stopping
theirselves in buying useless things. Student 2 praised him and asked him how is he good at it. Student 3
opened up that he grew up in a poor household and was forced to find a job at a young age for his
siblings since he was the eldest in the family. He learned to set aside his selfish needs and to save money
in order to save his 2 siblings since his mother is ill and his father left them. Student 1 comforted him.
Fifth scene: (Readiness to learn)

Student 4 was in his room who is looking at his computer blankly. Fazed in his thoughts. He didn`t notice
his sister was calling him several times already. Until he was back to reality. His sister asked him what is
wrong with him. And he was not able to stop himself to tell his true feelings. He told his sister that he is
already losing hope and cannot see his future anymore. That he is already drowning from pressure from
his parent and wanted to stop his studies. His sister told him to not let his guard down, and that it`s not
bad to rest sometimes and focus on yourself. His sister also reminded him about his hard work in fighting
for this course that he got because their parents want him to be a doctor but he refused to take it that`s
why they are pressuring him to get good grades or else they will forcefully enroll him in med school. To
not let go of his dream of being a teacher because there is no easy path to reaching once goal. He got
back to his sense and took the advice of his sister and got back to his schoolwork.

Sixth scene: (orientation in learning)

The four students were gathered in their classroom. Student 1 asked for their progressed but his 3
friends was not able to make one. Student 1 was so frustrated until he bursted out his frustrations. His
frustration made the 4 of them open up their own hardships leading them in a serious talk. Student 1
first said his sorry to his friends and 1,2,3 followed. After their talk, they are able to do their project
together and had a solid teamwork.

[fast forward, they are able to pass their thesis project and defense and was able to graduate education.
Months after their graduation, the 4 of them reviewed and took the licensure exam for teachers. Until
the day that they were waiting for arrived. The results.

Seventh scene: (motivation)

The four of them gathered while looking at their own laptop an was serious looking at the screen. All of
them were nervous. Until student 3 first shouted that he passed. Saying that he can finally move his
family from poverty and give them a good life. Student 2 followed then both students 2 and 3
approached student 4 to ask him. When they looked at his screen since student 4 was stunned. They
shouted and congratulated him for being in the top 3. They then noticed student 1 anxiously looking at
his screen. The three of them approached him and looked at his screen as well. They were also nervous
for him as well until they finally saw his name and shouted in delight once again. Shouting that can
finally call themselves a teacher.

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