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Once upon a time, there was a young boy who wandered deep into a forest while playing

with his friends. As he explored, he became lost and couldn't find his way back home. The
sun began to set, and the forest became dark and eerie.

The boy tried to retrace his steps, but the trees all looked the same, and he couldn't
remember which way he had come from. As night fell, he grew cold and scared, and his
stomach growled with hunger.
The boy searched for food and water, but all he found was a small stream and some berries
that didn't taste very good. He tried to build a fire to keep warm, but he couldn't find
enough dry wood, and his matches had gotten wet.
Days turned into weeks, and the boy struggled to survive in the forest. He slept on the hard
ground, shivering in the cold, and drank water from the stream. He grew thin and weak, and
his hope began to fade.
But one day, while wandering through the forest, the boy stumbled upon a cabin. He
knocked on the door, and an old woman answered. She took pity on him and gave him a
warm meal and a soft bed to sleep in.
The old woman listened to the boy's story and promised to help him find his way home. She
gave him a map and some supplies and pointed him in the right direction. With renewed
hope and strength, the boy set out once again into the forest.
After many more days of wandering, the boy finally emerged from the forest and found his
way back home. His family was overjoyed to see him, and he hugged them tightly, grateful
to be alive and back in the safety of his own home.
From that day forward, the boy never forgot the lessons he had learned in the forest. He
knew that life could be unpredictable and challenging, but he also knew that with
determination and a little bit of help, he could overcome any obstacle.

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