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Pre watching:
Warm-up activities:
Activity 1: students are supposed to answer the following questions:

 What are the five most used apps you own on your phone? What do you use them

 Are you the type of person who usually has an umbrella?

 Is there anything strange or interesting about the weather in your town or


 Most people are very bad at guessing what will happen in the future. Does that
include you?

 What type of weather do you like to dress for?

 Do you have a weather app on your phone? How often do you use it? What is the forecast
for this week?

 Have you ever been caught in bad weather? If so, what did you do?

 Have you ever had your day ruined by the weather?

Objectives: The idea of the exercise is to prepare students for an active and
reflective observation of the video and to motivate them toward the topic they will
deal with.
Activity 2: I will write the title of the video on the board and ask students to
predict the content of the video based on the title.
Introduce the general topic of the video and generate all the vocabulary and other
information about what they should know about the topic
Objectives: The idea of this activity is to explain some of the words meaning (in
case they are unknown to the students) and prepare them for the video.

While watching:

Activity 1: answer with true or false

1. It is very easy to understand weather app information.

2. Information sent from space is used in weather app forecasts.

3. Weather forecast information can never be 100% accurate.

4. 70% chance of rain means it will rain for 70% of the day.

5. Weather changes quickly.

6. Weather apps are always updating.

7. All weather apps use the same rules to decide what information they show.

8. Temperatures are harder to predict

9. Showers are not affected much by the wind.

10. Future weather apps will be able to predict with better accuracy .

Objectives: The idea of this activity is to keep students motivated toward what

they are going to watch so they focus all their attention on the listening and

watching activity rather than watching without a specific purpose.

Activity 2: Answer the following questions

1. How do weather apps work?

2. What is the most important thing that forecasts are based on?

3. What are the symbols that you have noticed from the video that

shows weather forecasts?

4. Why do weather apps show more than one symbol that

represents a whole day’s weather forecasts?

5. Why are showers hard to predict?

6. Give another example of the weather that is hard to predict

Objectives: The main goals of this activity are to improve speaking skills,

and practice the knowledge acquired from the video.

After watching:

Activity 1: After watching the video, the students should do a dramatization in

which they represent the character from the video and will try to perform as the

original version. They can add new information but it should be related to the


Objectives: This activity improves the students’ speaking skills. develop the

process of memorization in the students, although they have a guide (which is the

dialogue lines) they only work as basic support, they should be able to report
almost in detail the content of the video, contributing to enriching the speaking

skill in the students.

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