Composite Engineering Materials by F.M. Jepleting

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COMPOSITE ENGINEERING © MATERIALS BY: F M JEPLETING > stream eaten COURSE OUTLINE > Advantage an Agito of Compote Mars > Gere Hoke’ aw Ds crmars fer antenatal marl Methods of Anata ‘Mero mechan Ama of Lani Mecha of mars spc atcyaprochte determine mate preprtiet cro mechub drt anion Strevarin elton with ape to ta aia ‘Detarinaton of mata ropes [permet curacao of a Laminated Plates: oven ferret os yr ante, apy andre hy mate Fale Cote fr competes Sande Conetrtons at deg concepts ef sandnch attin Matera wed fer sanded cotton > Fare mode of tant pees Fabrication Process ari pen ad coed madd proces Maaco ths “ype res a properties dap > Metin anata 1.0 INTRODUCTION TO COMPOSITE MATERIAL 1.1 INTRODUCTION > What's a composite materials? > Is a material made by two or more constituents with different properties to form a material with superior properties such as, > Strength > stifiness > Durabiity > Light wetaht > One constituent is called the reinforcing phase (fibre, particles or flakes) embedded in a matrix phase(generally continuous). > Early applications of composites materials such as using bricks made of clay(matrix) and straw(reinforcement) was used by the Israelites and reinforcing mud walls in houses with bamboo shoots by Egyptians (1500 B.C) > Other examples of composite materials include concrete reinforced with steel and epoxy reinforced with graphite fibres, etc... > Naturally found composites include > Wood, where the lignin matrix is reinforced with cellulose fibre > Bones, where bone-salt plates made of calcium and phosphate fons reinforce soft collagen. > Advance composites traditionally used in aerospace industries have high performance reinforcements of a thin diameter in a matrix material such as ‘epoxy and aluminium. > Using composites over metals has advantages such as > Improved strength Improved stiffness Improved fatigue resistance Good thermal conductivity A Impact resistance | > Light weight hence saves fuel which in tum increases performance > Using composites materials also ahs limitations such as > High cost of fabrication of composite material » » > Corrosion resistance > > > Mechanical characterization of a composite structure is more complex than that of @ structure. > Repair of composites is not a simple process compared to that for metals. Sometimes critical flaws and cracks in composite structures may go undetected. » Composites do not have a high combination of strength and fracture toughness" compared to metals > Fibre reinforcements have a thin diameter for the following reason: hee » For higher ductility and toughness, and better transfer of loads from the matrix to fibre, composites require larger surface area of the fibre-matrix interface. » Fibres able to bend without breaking are required in manufacturing of composite materials, especially for woven fabric composites. Ability to bend increases with a decrease in the fibre diameter and {s measured as flexibility. Due to inherent flaws in materials usually the actual strength of the material 's several magnitudes lower than the theoretical value. Fibres having smaller diameters, reduces the / chances of an inherent flaw in the material hence increasing the strength of the material. [ > There are factors in a fibre that contribute to the mechanical performance of a ‘composite such as; I > Length - Fibres can be long or short. Long fibres are easy orient and process compared to short fibre. They have better impact resistance, low shrinkage, improved surface finish dimensional stability. However, short fibres provide low cost, are easy to work with and hhave a fast cycle time fabrication procedures as well as higher strength due to fewer > Orientation - Fibres oriented in one direction give very high stiffness and strength in that direction. If fibres are oriented in more than one direction, there will be high stiffness and strength in the direction of the fibre orientation. Shape - most fibres are circular in shape because handling and manufacturing them is easy. Hexagon and square shaped fibres are possible, but their advantages of strength and high packing factors do not outweigh the difficulty in handling and processing. Material - The material of the fibre directly influences the mechanical performance of a composite. Fibres are generally expected to have hi ‘moduli and strengths. This expectation and cost have been key factors in the graphite, aramids, and glass dominating the fibre market for composites. » Matrix plays a crucial role in the mechanical performance of composites. The functions include > Binding the fibres together > Protecting fibres from the environment > Shielding from damage due to handling > Distributing the load to fibres. > Although matrices generally have low mechanical properties compared to fibre, it influences many mechanical properties of the composite such as; elastic > Transverse modulus and strength > Shear modulus and strength > Compressive strength > Interlaminar shear strength > Thermal expansion coefficient > Thermal resistance and, > Fatigue strength > Fibre-matrix interface is another factor that influence the mechanical performance of a composite by determining how well the matrix transfers the load to the fibres. > Chemical bonding( formed between fibre surface and matrix), mechanical bonding(the natural roughness or etching of the fibre surface causing interlocking betweeri matrix and fibre), and reaction bonding(occurs when atom or molecules of the fibre and matrix diffuse into each other at the interface) may form the interface. 1.2 CLASSIFICATION > Composites are classified by ; » The geometry of the reinforcement (particulate, flake and fibres) » The type of matrix (polymer, metal, ceramic and carbon) » Particulate composites - consists of particles immersed in matrices such as alloys and ceramics. Particulate composite > Usually isotropic because of the random addition of the particles. They have advantages such as improved strength, increased operating tempetatue, oxidation restance. > Typical examples include use of aluminum particles in rubber; silicon carbide particles in aluminum; and gravel, sand, and cement to make concrete. Flake composites - consist of flat reinforcement of matrices Flake composite > ‘Typical flake materials are glass, mica, aluminium, and silver. > Flake composites provide advantages such as high out-of-plane flexural modulus, higher strength, and low cost. However, flakes cannot be oriented easily and only a limited number of materials are available for use. > Fibre composites - consists of matrices reinforced by short(discontinuous) or tong (continuous) fibre. Fibre composites » Typical examples include carbon(high modulus/strength), glass (hard), boron(high modulus/strength), silicon(high temperature resistant) and aramids/Kevlar (very light) > Example of matrices are resins such as epoxy, metals (aluminium) and ceramics {calcium-alumino silicate) > Nano-composites - consist of materials that are of the scale of nanometers (10% m). At this scale, the properties of materials are different from those of the bulk material. By having materials at the nanometer scale, most of the properties of the resulting composite material are better than the ones at the microscale. 1.3 ADVANTAGES OF COMPOSITES MATERIALS > Composite materials offers significant improvement in specific strength and stiffness over conventional metal alloys. > In aerospace industry composite offer the following advantages > Light weight - hence saves weight leading to fuel saving, increase in payload or increase in range which improves performance » Good fatigue resistance - leads to enhanced life which involves saving the long-term cost of the product > Good corrosion resistance ~ meaning fewer requirements to inspection resulting in saving maintenance cost > Other remarkable properties of composite materials includes f > Composite materials do not yield (their elastic limits correspond to the rapture limit) > Composite materials are very fatigue resistant > Do not corrode, except in the case of contact (aluminium with carbon fibres) in which case galvanic phenomenon creates rapid corrosion, > They are not sensitive to the common chemicals used in engines, grease oils, hydraulic / liquids, paints, and solvents, however paint thinners attack the epoxy resins > They have excellent fie resistance as compared with the light alloys with identical thickness. However, the smoke emitted from combustion of certain matrices can be toxic > However, composite materials have limitations such as; > Composite material is able to absorb water (upto 6% by mass) and heat > They have medium to low level impact resistance(inferior to that of metallic materials) > High cost of production 1.4 APPLICATIONS OF COMPOSITES MATERIALS > In Air Transport - Due to weight saving and high specific strength its used in; > aircraft body parts and components e.g Ailerons, vertical stabilizers Hi carbon laminate Bi Carbon sandwich Bi Fiberglass [J Aluminumsteevitanium pylons Compostes "x } Helicopter blades and propellers > Aircraft brake discs > Transmission shafts > Railway and Road transport > Wagon doors, interior panels, front of power units and ventilation housings » Body components and Complete body > Wheels, shields, radiator grills, and Transmission shafts > Suspension springs > Chassis > Space Transport - due to high specific modulus and strength and dimensional stability during large changes in temperature in space > High gain antenna > Rocket boosters, reservoirs, nozzles > Shield for atmosphere reentrance > Medical devices - due to light weight, high stiffness and transparency to radiation > Medical equipment such as x-ray tables a > Dental implants > Prosthetics > General mechanical applications > Gears and bearings > Housing and casings > Fly wheels > Robot arms > Sports and Recreation > Protective gears such as helmets > Tennis and squash rackets > Fishing poles > Skis > Bicycle frames > Electrical and Electronics > Insulation for electrical construction Supports for circuit breakers v Supports for printed circuits Armors, boxes, covers Antennas, radomes vy

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