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IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 11, No.

3, July 1996 1475


U. Corbellini, Non member P. Pelacchi, Non member
Ph.D. student Associated Professor
Department of Electric Systems and Automation
University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

Abstract-The problem related to the prediction of corona for ac ones. However, in this specific case, the formulae
losses in HVdc bipolar lines has been solved, in the past, by adopted do not always give adequate calculabion precision,
means of semi-empirical monomial formulae. However, the even if they are simple to use. In particular, ;in the case of
proposed formulae that are simpler to use do not always give determining power losses [3], [6], the formulae that
adequate calculation precision, while the formulae that provide the closest results require implicit functions of
provide the closest results require implicit functions of
different complexity, which are difficult to apply; moreover, different complexity, which are difiicult to apply;
it is not possible to understand clearly what influence the moreover, it is not possible to understand clearly what
variations of the different line parameters have on the losses influence the variations of the different line parameters
themselves. The new monomial semi-empirical relationship, have on the losses themselves. It is therefore important for
proposed to predict the corona losses in HVdc bipolar lines, is the designer to have at his disposition, for the calculation
very simple to use; it highlights the dependence of power of power losses due to the corona effect, simple formulae
losses due to the corona effect by the different line from which the dependence of the same llosses by the
parameters. The formula has been developed by elaborating Werent line parameters is clear.
a considerable amount of available experimental data.
In this paper, the authors have determined a monomial
semi-empirical relationship which highlights the
dependence of power losses due to the corona effect by the
In order to design high voltage UHV and EHV electrical different line parameters. The formula has been developed
by elaborating a considerable amount of available
overhead lines correctly, one must quantitatively take into
experimental data.
account corona effects: power losses, radio and acoustic
The same experimental data have also been used to
noises. The evaluation of both noises and losses, which is
make a comparison with the other semi-empirical formulae
extremely complex since they depend on all the line
available in the literature.
parameters and on other uncertain elements mainly due to
atmospheric conditions, can be carried out by means of
semi-empirical monomial formulae obtained by analyzing 11. EVALUATION OF dc CORONA LOSSES.
experimental results.
A. Parameters that inJuence the corona phenomenon.
As far as the ac lines are concerned, the problem has
been faced and solved in the past by determining formulae
which are extremely simple to use and give technically In a dc line, the presence of free charges in a space
acceptable precision [l], [2], [3] and [4]. This technique, which can extend to several hundred meters from the
initially used to predict radio interference in the designing conductors, influences the magnitude of the corona effect,
of lines by referring to that produced in the existing ones as opposed to what takes place in an ac line, where the
space concerned is limited to the immediate vicinity of the
[SI, has been successfblly applied to the prediction of
audible noise and corona losses.
The presence of free charges alters the electric field
The problem regarding dc lines has also been
successfully solved by using the same techniques adopted around the Iine and as a result the conductor surface
gradient assumes different values from those calculated by
traditional methods; moreover they cause conduction
95 SM 409-3 PWRD A paper recommended and approved currents between conductors of different poles and between
by the IEEE Transmission and Distribution Committee
conductors and the ground.
of the IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentat-
ion at the 1995 IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, July 23-27, The corona losses in a dc line, therefore, must be
1995, Portland, OR. Manuscript submitted July 6 , expressed as a function of the following line parameters:
1994; made available f o r printing May 3, 1995. - maximum surface gradient value of the subconductors;
- diameter of the subconductors;
- number of the subconductors;
- distance between the poles;
- average height of the poles from the ground.
It is to be remembered, moreover, that atmospheric
conditions (fair weather, rain, snow, etc.) have less

0885-8977/96/$05.000 1995 IEEE


influence on the llosses in dc than in ac. Tests have also The corona losses can, therefore, be expressed through
shown [12] that there is a seasonal variation in the losses the following monomial function
which is connected to the different water vapour content
and the amount of dust in the air.

El. Experimental results.

The experimental results available in literature are P power losses logarithm in dE3 above 1 kwlcircuit-
related to a large field of voltages (from +/- 150 kV to +/- km;
1200 kV). In Table 1the voltage levels, maximum gradient Po power losses logarithm, in dJ3 above 1 kW/circuit-
values and geometric line characteristics whch were km, assumed as a reference.
referred to for the study, are summarized. The determining of each of the a, exponents is carried
out in the following steps:
a) experimental data of corona losses versus surface
TABLE I VOLTAGE LEVEL, MAXIMUM GRADIENT LEVEL AND gradient variation are interpolated in order to
EXF'ERIMENTAL DATA HAVE BEEN OBTAINED. determine the al exponent associated; the other
parameters are maintained constant;
b) the experimental data are modified according to the al
exponent; as a result all the data no longer depend on
600 30.5 the surface gradient, but only on the other parameters;
c) steps a) and b) are then carried out for each of the other
parameters (subconductor diameter and number, height
above the ground, etc.) in order to obtain a2 ,.., a5
I 1 400- 1 40.2- 10.5
61.0 19.8 I 1
14.0 20-30

I 1 0 I600 12-4122.4-110.5-1 14.0 1 2 0 - 3 0

1 -1 1 1I exponents; at each step, experimental data are modified
according to the a, exponents already determined.

11 450 I 2 I 40.6 I 13.2 I 16.0 I 10-24 LOSSES.
I 12 I600 I6 -81 40.6 - I 15.5 I 15.2 - I 22 - 30 I
13.7- 15.5 - 22-30 1 On the basis of the method illustrated in the previous
section, the following semi-empirical formulae are
for fair weather

39.2 24.0
&12 39.3 7.0 13.0 13 - 30
I 18 1200 - 1 1 120.4 -I 10.4 1 9.2 I 12 -35 1 for foul weather

20 - 33

The reference values assumed for the other parameters

are as follows:
C. Synthesis of experimental data. go= 25 kV/cm, do= 30.5 mm, no= 3, Do= 15 m, Ho = 15 m.
The reference values assumed for the power Po depend
The direct evaluation of the corona losses in a line on both line parameters and uncertain elements which are
during the design phase is particularly complex due to micult to evaluate. So it is suitable to choose the values in
their dependence on all the main line parameters. To order to minimize the arithmetical average of the
simpllfy the calculation one can determine, instead of the differences between the calculated losses and the measured
absolute value of the losses, their relative value calculated ones. So the reference values assumed for the power Po
with respect to the known value of a line that is assumed as have been Po = 2.9 dE3 for fair weather and Po = 11 dJ3 for
a reference [6]. foul weather. In (2) and (3), the seasonal variations of the
losses are not taken into account.


The corona loss values obtained by means of (2) and ( 3 )
have been compared to the experimental results. The On the basis of the same experimental results used for
synthesis of these comparisons, carried out for good the development of (2) and (3), a comparison was made
weather and bad separately, is reported in Fig. 1 and in with other semi-empirical formulae available in literature
Fig. 2 respectively. As can be verified by these figures, the for the approximate calculation of corona losses in dc
error is, in most cases, limited to +/- 2 dB,both in the case bipolar lines [3], [6].
of fair and foul weather. The formulae used for the comparison are the following:


15 -

10 -
r' n
5 -

0 -
-5 -


2 -I5 I,
-20 I ' I


-20 -15 -10 -5






10 15
p = 0 dB
0=2.8 dE3
Fair weather

20 P = Po +c, .(g -go)+ 20. log-
+ cn*log-n (7)
Measured corona losses (dI3 above 1 k W h ) d0 %
Fig. 1 - Formula (2): comparison between calculated data and experimental [25], that takes account of the seasonal l'oss variations,
results for fair weather. was not considered because of the shortage cnf experimental
results. In the above mentioned formula the factors Po , Cg
I I I I I I I ' and C, assume the values indicated in Table 11.
Po= 11 dB (above 1 kW/circui-km) / /
/ /
do = 30.5 mm
no =3 Season Atmospheric I Po I C , m ]
Ho = 15. m
Do= 15. m summer

spring, foul weather I I I

17.9 0.72 12.8 I
/ /-2dB Foul weather
/ /
/ I I I I I 1 I
1 5-5 10 15 20
0 25 30
Measured corona losses (dBabove 1kWikm)
Fig. 2 Formula (3): comparison between calculated data and experimental
results for foul weather.
A.Formulae (4) and (5) [63.
I I I I I I I / I
The values of go,ro and no are the ones adopted for
formulae (2) and (3), while for Po , determined according dB (above 1kW/circuit-km) ///I
to the above mentioned criterion, the following values have
been assumed:
- for the formula (4): Po = 4.8 dEl for fair weather and 11
dB for foul;
- for the formula (5): Po = 6.1 dB for fair weather and 12.2
dB for foul.
The most evident characteristic of such formulae, which
22 210 1
are independent of seasonal variations, is made up of the
definition of the equivalent radius r' which is a function of G" 5
the number, the diameter, the distance between the
subconductors, the distance between the poles and the
average height of the poles from the ground. The
calculation of such a parameter is reported in [6] only in
the case of 2 and 4 subconductors. /
The results of the comparison between the experimental -10 ' I I I I I I I
data and the calculation results are reported in Figs. 3, 4, -10 -5 0 5 10 25 15 20 30
5, and 6. In these figures the arithmetical average p and Measured corona losses (dl3 above 1 k W h )
the standard deviation o of the differences between the Fig. 4 - Formula (4):comparison between calculated data and
calculated and the experimental values are also reported. experimental results for foul weather.

20 I I I I I I I I ' I 20 [ I I I I I I I

p=o dB
/ * / a=3.9 dB
/ /-2& Fair weather

-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
Measured corona losses (dB above lkW/km) Measured corona losses (dBabove lkW/km)
Fig. 3 - Formula (4):comparison between calculated data and experimental Fig. 5 - Formula (5): comparison between calculated data and
results for fair weather. experimental results for fair weather.

30 r
The formula is valid only for fair weather.
25 .
Two new semi-empirical formulae have been proposed,
one for fair weather and one for foul weather, which supply
corona losses of dc bipolar lines. These formulae combine
an extreme simplicity of use to a technically acceptable
precision as can be verified by comparing a large amount
of experimental surveys derived from experimental and
operating lines.
The formulae proposed provide better results in foul
p = o dB weather than in fair.
0 = 2 . 6 dB The results obtained from other semi-empirical
Foul weather formulae, available in the literature, have bleen compared
to the same experimental data. From these comparisons, it
-10 I ' I I I I I I I has been possible to verify the good result of such
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 formulae, especially in foul weather. However, in fair
Measured corona losses (dB above 1kWflun) weather the differences obtained are higher on the average
Fig. 6 - Formula (5): comparison between calculated data and than those obtained with the new fonnulae herein
experimental results for foul weather. proposed.

B. Formula (6)[15]. VII. SYMBOLS.

With this formula, the absolute loss values are P power losses by corona effect in dE3 above 1
determined, not the relative ones. In the formula, P is kWflun;
expressed in kwlcircuit-km. V nominal line voltage [kv];
The comparison with the experimental results, reported g maximum gradient on the subconductor's
in Fig. 7, shows that the predicted values are surface FVIcm];
underestimated (p = - 4.4 a).For convenience of H average height of conductoirs above the
representation, in the above mentioned figure the power ground [m];
loss values are reported in dl3 above 1 kwlcircuit-km. D distance between poles [m];
20 d subconductor's diameter [mm];
r' equivalent radius of subconductors' bundle
arithmetical average of the differences
between calculated values and experimental
0- standard deviation of the differences between
calculated values and experimental results.

fi -5 The authors express their thanks to Prof. I,. Paris for his
constructive collaboration and the constant help offered in
3 the writing up of this paper.
a -10
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
Measured corona losses (dB above 1kWUn)
Fig. 7 - Formula (6): comparisonbetween calculated data and
experimental results.
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Paolo Pelacchi received the electrical
engineering degree from Pisa University,
P. S. Mmivada, "Methods of calculating corona Italy, in 1976. In 1979 he joined the
losses", IEEE/PES special course and field effects Electrical Research Center of ENEL, where
of ac and dc high voltage transmission lines, Rome, he was engaged in the 1000-kV Project.
Since 1983 he has worked in the Department
September 1982, p.349-353. of Electrical Systems and Automation of Pisa
Uicversity as a researcher aid,from 1992, as
associated professor of power systems
Task Force of the Corona and Field Effects operation and planning. He is secretary of the
Subcommitee: "Measurement of audible noise from Italian National Subcommittee 1143 "Over-
transmission lines", IEEE Trans. on Power head lines" and member of the TC 11 of
CENELEC. He is a meniher of the Italian
apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-100, No. 3, National Research Council.
March 1981, pp. 1440-1452. His research interests are mainly in
mechanical and electrical behavior of over-head electric power lines.
Task Force of the Corona and Field Effects
Subcommitee, "A Comparison of methods for
Umberto Corbellini received the electrical
calculating Audible Noise of High Voltage engineering degree from Rome University,
Transmission Lines", IEEE Trans. on Power Italy, in 1987. and the Ph. D. in Electrical
Engineering from Pisa Thliversity in 1991
apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-101, No. 10, discussing a thesis on corona effects in HVdc
October 1982, pp. 4090-4099. lines. From 1993 he is member of Italian
National Subcommittee 1I-A "Under-ground
cables". His fields of interest include also
EPRI: "Bipolar HVdc Transmission System Study grounding systems and safety in clinical
Between 600 kV and 1200 kV - Corona Studies, installations.
Phase I", IL-2794 Research Project 430-2, Final
Report, December 1982.

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