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Type Of Agreement

An agreement in a broad sense is stated in Article 1313 of the Civil Code, that
an agreement is an act by which one or more people bind themselves to one or more
other people. Whereas in a narrow sense, an agreement is an agreement by which two
or more parties bind themselves to carry out something material in nature in the field
of assets. 12 An agreement or engagement can also be interpreted as, a legal
relationship (regarding property assets) between two people. , which gives the right to
one to demand something from the other, while the other person is obliged to comply
with that demand. 13 The form of an agreement can be divided into two types, namely
written and oral. A written agreement is an agreement made by the parties in written
form, while an oral agreement is an agreement made by the parties in oral form
(agreement of the parties).
1. An underhand agreement signed by the parties concerned only. The agreement
only binds the parties to the agreement but does not have the power to bind third
parties. In other words, if the agreement is denied by a third party, then the parties
or one of the parties to the agreement is obliged to submit the necessary evidence
to prove that the objection of the third party is unfounded and unjustifiable.
2. Agreement with a notary witness to legalize the signatures of the parties. The
function of the notary's testimony on a document is solely to legalize the
authenticity of the signatures of the parties. However, the testimony does not
affect the legal force of the contents of the agreement. However, the party that
denies it is the party that must prove its denial.
3. Agreement made before and by a notary in the form of a notarial deed. A notarial
deed is a deed drawn up before and before an official authorized to do so. The
authorized officials are notaries, sub-district heads, PPAT, and others. This type
of document is perfect evidence for the parties concerned and third parties.

Based on the three forms or types of agreements, it can be seen that an

agreement made by a notary or before a notary public is an agreement that has legal
force and can be accounted for legally or juridically.

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