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Student A: Carlos David Silva Parada

Price: one tickets to travel, London to practice English..

Hi everybody!

I'm Carlos from Colombia. I am 20 years old. Colombia is located in the

northwestern corner of South America, on the equator, in the middle of the torrid zone.

Its official language is Spanish. London is located in Europe; its official language is English

and its traditional dish is called Sunday Roast. Carlisle says he prepares the most delicious

Sunday Roast in Europe.

Ecuador is a country located in the northwestern part of South America and its

official language is Spanish, so we have learned some typical phrases. We have been

friends for 6 months and knew each other through this website "Friends pen pal in funny

letters". We wanted to be pen pals because we had the same dream: to speak English very

well and get to know different cultures.

Let's talk about the experience of being pen pals. We have the same time zones, so

we have provided several opportunities a week to make video calls through Teams, and

we have prepared different topics to talk about (artificial intelligence, dinosaurs, romantic

comedies, comics and among others.).

In addition, we have a chat on Telegram and every night we love to tell our friends

about our day, and send audios and photos about interesting things we found during the

day. Each week, I do activities that I must do to improve my English skills: a book to read, a
song to memorize, a tongue twister to record and send to the group. When we heard

about the challenge suggested by the website "pen pals in funny letters", we started

reading about London and really enjoyed its culture.

When using public transportation, you should stand to the left or right of the gates

and wait to see if anyone leaves before getting on it. If we win this challenge, we will visit

Fashion Week. We will visit all the fashionable sights, and eat in one of its best restaurants

called "Aqua". We want to win this challenge to know more about London culture and

improve our English skills.

Best regards,

Carlos Silva

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