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Business Information Systems

Case Study and Presentation

Weightage: 10%

MITS4001 Case Study and Presentation

This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptors.

This assessment covers the following LOs.

LO1 Adapt information systems to strategically achieve organisational goals and be able to
design, develop and manage IT systems implementation to achieve Business IT Alignment.

LO2 Develop an IT Plan that designs, implements and manages the technology supporting
these information systems including computing devices, storage and processing (both
systems processing and application processing).

LO3 Identify, synthesize and model individual functions of a database system to be used for
organization data management and decision making.

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MITS4001 Case Study and Presentation

Marking Rubric

Criteria A (80-100%) B (70-79%) C (60-69%) D (50-59%) Fail N (Below Weight


Current Investigated, Investigated, Current business Investigation and Current business 3

analysed and analysed the scenario presentation of scenario has
presented the current business investigation and current business either been
current business scenario presentation scenario both investigated or
scenario effectively but both have room been attempted presented
effectively the presentation for improvement but is a feeble
has room for attempt
Recommend Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation Failed to make a 3
to business to business to business to business reasonable
information information information information recommendation
systems made system and key systems has been systems has been to business
effectively, findings regarding made with a made and a information
confidently, and organisation’s reasonable reasonable systems and
excellently. competitive presentation of presentation of failed to
Presented key positions in IT the key findings the key findings communicate key
findings regarding practices, regarding regarding findings in a
organisation’s including IT organisation’s organisation’s coherent manner.
competitive Alignment, IT competitive competitive
positions in IT Plan such as positions in IT positions in IT
practices, functions and practices, with practices,
including IT databases has some missing including IT
Alignment, IT been presented elements or Alignment, IT
Plan such as very well but has components. Plan such as
functions and room for functions and
databases. improvement databases, with
most missing
elements or
Grammar No grammar One or two Some grammar Grammary and Poor grammar 2
mistakes and grammar mistakes and vocabulary has a and vocabulary
excellent and mistakes and reasonable use of lot of room for
Vocabulary appropriate use appropriate use vocabulary improvement
of vocabulary of vocabulary

References All references IEEE style is IEEE style is References are IEEE style not 2
provided in IEEE followed and few followed but only provided followed; intext
style and in-text intext references most intext finally in IEEE reference not
referencing is are missing references are style; no intext provided;
intact missing references

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MITS4001 Case Study and Presentation

• In this case study you will be required to apply knowledge to a chosen business
scenario and make recommendations.
• Choose any large-scale organization to analyse their current BIS set up and
recommend an appropriate BIS strategy that will benefit their business model. Your
report is expected to address aspects including the following:
o Why is it important to strip away old ways of working when introducing new
systems in large-scale organisations?
o Using the Internet as a resource, locate information regarding a document
management system, customer relationship management system, supply
chain management system and/or enterprise resource planning system.
Recommend an appropriate system/solution for your chosen large-scale
organisation. How useful is such a system likely to be for a large company?
o What is the likelihood that the paperless office will ever be achieved?
• Create a video presentation (approx. 5 mins) which should include the following
o Your understanding of the organization and
o Your recommendations

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