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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Schools Division of Leyte
Tabango, Leyte


Multiple Choice: Select the best answer.
1. A type of inquiry where relations are established through the collection of numerical data which are analyzed to
derived generalizations.
a. Experimental Research
b. Quasi Experimental
c. Qualitative Research
d. Quantitative Research
2. Which of the following best describe the weaknesses of Quantitative Research.
a. Because of bigger number of the sample of a population, the results or generalizations are more reliable and valid.
b. Quantitative research can be costly, difficult, and time-consuming-difficult because most researchers are non-mathematicians.
c. Quantitative studies require extensive statistical treatment, requiring stringent standards, more so with confirmation result.
When ambiguities in some findings, surface, retesting and refinement of the design call for another investment in time and
resources to polish the result.
d. Both b and c
3. Which of the following is not a strength of quantitative research?
a. Quantitative research can be repeated or replicated.
b. Findings are generalizable to the population.
c. Some information cannot be described by numerical data such as feelings and beliefs
d. A large population yields more reliable data, but principles of random sampling must be strictly followed to prevent
researcher’s bias.
4. Which of the following is a strength of quantitative research ?
a. Lacks necessary data to explore a problem or concept in depth
b. Fast and easy data analysis using statistical software.
c. It does not provide comprehensive explanation of human experiences.
d. The respondents may tend to provide inaccurate responses.
5. A characteristic of quantitative research wherein methods can be repeated to verify findings enhancing its validity, free
from false or immature conclusions.
a. Generalizable and Reliable b. Faster Data analysis
c. Replication d. Visual representation
6. Mariel is curious on the number of hours spent by Grade 12 learners in social media. What kind of Research is she
going to use?
a. Descriptive b. Ex Post Facto
c. Quasi-Experimental d. Correlational
7. Educational research. Mary wanted to investigate the effectiveness of lecture method in her students’ academic
achievement. What kind of research would enlighten her in her inquiry?
a. Experimental b. Quasi- Experimental
c.multivariate study d. Descriptive correlation
8. Gina a senior high school student would like to know what the relationship between Parental Involvement and
academic Achievement of Grade 12 learners is in the new normal. What kind of research would enlighten her in her
a. Correlational
b. Ex-post facto research design
c. Methodological
d. Descriptive
9. Attitudes towards Practical Research 2 of ABM and HUMSS students. What research design is best in this study?
a. Ex Post Facto
b. Quasi-Experimental
c. Descriptive
d. Correlational

Rizal St. Población, Tabango, Leyte

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10. What characteristics refers to the presentation through graphs, charts, tables for better conveyance and interpretation.
a. Visual Result Presentation
b. Faster Data Analysis
c. Fast Data Collection
d. Generalizable and reliable data
11. A point in Research wherein it typically involves a cycle in which one study spawns additional and follow-up studies.
a. Iterative b. cyclical c. textual d. numerical
12. Why does Quantitative research uses random sampling?
a. Because the hypothesis is generated.
b. Because the samples include a large group.
c. Because the main purpose of the sampling is to describe and explore concepts.
d. both a and b
13. Deals with the scientific study of humans, human behavior and societies in the past and present.
a. Sociology b. Anthropology c. Biology d. both a and b
14. The ____________ and an in-depth analysis of data will give effectiveness of the product.
a. Precise measurement
b. Undecided Measurement
c. data
d. Measured samples
15.Which of the following illustrates a quantitative study?
a. attributes to malnutrition in children
b. public opinion to the scandal of the Pres. in our country
c. academic performance of high school students
d. all the above
16. The primary function of research in this discipline is to correctly determine its customers and their preferences,
establish the enterprise in the most feasible location, deliver quality goods and services, analyze what the competitors
are doing and find ways on how to continuously satisfy the growing and varied needs of the clients.
a. Quantitative Research & Business
b. Quantitative Research and Anthropology
c. Quantitative Research in Education and Psychology
d. Quantitative Research and communication
17. If Carla wants to study the Factors Affecting Quality of Medical Education in Saint Louis University. What field she
wants to help.
a. Quantitative Research and Medical Education
b. Quantitative Research and Anthropology
c. Quantitative Research in Education and Psychology
d. Quantitative Research and communication
18. Which of the following best describe the Quantitative Research and Behavioral Science.
a. In this discipline, the quantitative research is interested to explore how patterns of behavior or perceptions might differ from
one group or type of person to another.
b. Researchers in these fields ultimately aim for man’s longevity.
c. Quantitative research in discipline tends to be predominantly observational research based on surveys or correlational studies.
d. Researchers are often interested in how an understanding of a particular communication phenomenon might generalize to a
larger population
19. Which of the following best describe the QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH and COMMUNICATION.
a. In this discipline, the quantitative research is interested to explore how patterns of behavior or perceptions might differ from
one group or type of person to another.
b. Researchers in these fields ultimately aim for man’s longevity.
c. Quantitative research in discipline tends to be predominantly observational research based on surveys or correlational studies.
d. Researchers are often interested in how an understanding of a particular communication phenomenon might generalize to a
larger population
20. Jean wants to study the effect of Tourism to the Cultural System of Villagers in Southern Cordillera. What discipline
she was going to assist?
a. Quantitative Research and Medical Education
b. Quantitative Research and Anthropology
c. Quantitative Research in Education and Psychology
d. Quantitative Research and communication
21. Teacher Mary study the Relationship of Physical Activity to the Amount of Adipose Tissue and Endurance Fitness of
Children Aged 15 – 22 in Burgos, La Union. Which Fields she was connected with?

Rizal St. Población, Tabango, Leyte

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a. Quantitative Research and Medical Education
b. Quantitative Research and Anthropology
c. Quantitative Research in Education and Psychology
d. Quantitative Research and Sports Medicine
22. Maikah wants to focus on the Communicative Behaviors Associated in Different Stages of a Romantic Relationship.
What discipline she was connected with?
a. Quantitative Research and Medical Education
b. Quantitative Research and Anthropology
c. Quantitative Research in Education and Psychology
d. Quantitative Research and Behavioral Science
23. Quantitative approaches are typically associated with positivist perspective. The method employed in this type are
mostly typically the survey and the experiment.
a. Quantitative Research and Social Sciences
b. Quantitative Research and Psychology
c. Quantitative Research and Education
d. Quantitative Research and Behavioral Sciences
24. How do Quantitative Research and Behavioral Science explore the behavior of a person or a group of persons?
a. By asking questions of relationship communication
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above

25. It is a variable that can take infinite number on the value that can occur within the population. Its values can be
divided into fractions.
a. Continuous Variable
b. Discrete Variable
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
26. This kind of variable is considered as the cause variable or the one responsible for the conditions that act on something
else to bring about changes.
a. Independent Variable b. Dependent Variable c. Intervening Variable d. Control Variable
27. A kind of variable that is consider as the outcome variable.
a. Independent Variable b. Dependent Variable c. Intervening Variable d. Control Variable
28. A variable that has two or more categories but does not imply ordering of cases.
a. Nominal Variable b. Dependent Variable
c. Ordinal Variable d. ratio Variable
29. Which of the following is the dependent variable of this study “The effect of temperature on plant pigmentation”
a. effect of temperature b. temperature c. plant pigmentation d. all of the above
30. Which is the independent variable of this study “Effects of fertilizer on plant growth’’?
a. effects of fertilizer b. plant c. plant growth d. fertilizer
31. Which is the independent and dependent variable of this study “Time spent studying and its effects the test scores of
students “
a. Time spent studying; test scores b. time; scores
c. Time spent studying; its effect the test scores of the student d. studying; scores of students
32. A soap manufacturer wants to prove that their detergent powder works better to remove tough stains. Figure out the
dependent variable of the situation.
a. Visibility of the stain
b. brands of detergent powder
c. soap manufacturer
d. proving
33. The following are true about Dependent and Independent variable, except:
a. Dependent variable is the cause variable while Independent is the outcome variable.
b. independent variable can stand alone while dependent variable can’t.
c. independent variable is the cause variable while dependent is the outcome variable.
d. Both a and b
34. How can you identify the independent variables in the study?
a. by simply locating the affecting variable
b. by simply looking the variable being tested and monitored.
c. Both A and B

Rizal St. Población, Tabango, Leyte

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d. none of the above
35. It summarizes the main idea or ideas of your study.
a. research title b. research problem c. research topic d. research variables
36. A general area of interest that you would like to pursue in your research.
a. research topic b. research gap c. research resources d. both a & b
37. Which of the following is not a source of quantitative research?
a. Agencies of the government or any non-government institution
b. Your own experience or genuine interest in something
c. Present political social economic issues in society
d. None of the above
e. all of the above
38. The title must contain the following, except:
a. Subject matter b. setting or locale c. Respondents d. the researcher’s name
39. If the title contains more than one line, it should be written in _____________.
a. pyramid b. triangle c. inverted pyramid d. isosceles triangle
40. When encoded or typed in the title page all words in the title should be in ___________.
a. capital letters b. small letters c. no punctuations d. both a and c
41. If possible, the title should not be longer than how many substantive words?
a. 25 b. 15 c. 35 d. 5
42. Which of the following is true about formulation of a research title?
a. The title should contain the following elements: the subject matter and the setting
b. the title must be broad enough to include all aspects of the study but should be brief and concise as possible.
c. The title should be long enough and detailed title that gives too much information.
d. Include the terms assessment and evaluation.
43. The following are the characteristics of a good title, except:
a. titles should give readers information about the contents of the research and is preferable to one that is vague or general.
b. chose a title that is a complete sentence.
c. Select a straightforward title.
d. both b and c
44. Which of the following is true about the title of your research?
a. your title should give too much information.
b. Your titles should not be stuffy or dull but generally give readers idea on the outset of the content of the research paper.
c. Your title should be a sentence rather than a phrase
d. both b and c
45. Why does the term “assessment or evaluation” should be deleted in your title?
a. because it is already emphasized in the text.
b. Because those terms are not measurable.
c. Because it will make the title broad and stuffy.
d. both a and b.
46. If you are given the chance to create a title about the topic Pandemic, what would be your title?
a. The Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on stress and emotional reactions of Fish Vendors in Tabango, Leyte.
b. The Impact of Pandemic to Me
c. The Effect of Pandemic towards the Beautiful and Handsome girls in the Community.
d. The Potential Impact of Pandemic.
47. It cites the benefits of the study as well as the beneficiary.
a. Research Question b. Significance of the Study c. Statement of the problem d. Scope and
48. _____________ is the basic difficulty, the issue, the area of concern, the circumstances which exist, then, and how they
ought to be.
a. Introduction b. Statement of the problem c. Scope and Delimitation d. Conclusion
49. This part of research includes information which would focus attention on the importance and validity of the problem.
a. background of the study b. Objective c. Research Questions d. Statement of the problem
50. The first part of the problem where the researcher states the objective.
a. Objective or Purpose of the Study
b. Investigative Problems
c. Statement of the Problem
d. Background of the study.
51. Which is true in having research question?
a. Formulation of research question is of primary importance.

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b. The research question guides the appropriacy of the decisions of the researcher.
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
52. Which is true in scope and delimitation?
a. A part of research paper that describes the coverage of the study and factors that are not to be included and boundary in terms of
time frame and etc.
b. The part of the research paper in which the overall purpose and objective of the study is concisely stated.
c. The section of the research paper that showcase the benefits and the beneficiary of the study.
d. The section of the research paper in which the kinds of information included in the study are specified and the researcher’s
rationale for choosing that information is explained.
53. Why do people conduct research?
a. Knowledge production
b. Human convenience
c. To find solutions to a problem
d. All of the above
54.. Red is doing his research and using excel and SPSS in his analysis part. What characteristic of research is being
a. faster data analysis b. objective c. large sample size d. available resources
55.Which of following factors, you must avoid in selecting research topic?
a. recent in selecting research topics c. both A and B
b. sensitive and controversial d. None of the Above
56. How is significance of the study written?
a. Refer to the literature review
b. Write from general to specific
c. Write from specific to general
d. all of the above
57. In choosing a research problem, the following criteria must be followed, except:
a. It must be original
b. It must be significant to the filed of study or discipline
c. it should not consider financial capacity of the researcher should be specific, not general
58. Which of the following is true?
a. Research is not merely gathering information.
b. Research is rummaging around for hard to locate information
c. Research is transporting facts from one place to another.
59. Effectiveness of Exposing Students in Classical Music on Reading Comprehension. What is the Dependent variable
based on the title given?
a. Exposing Students
b. Reading Comprehension
c. Effectiveness
d.all of the above
60. Increasing Mathematics achievement Through Contextualized and Localized Materials. What is the independent
variable of this title?
a. Mathematics achievement
b. Contextualized and localized materials
c. Increasing Achievement
d. Localized materials

Success is the sum of

small efforts, repeated
day in and day out.
-Robert Collier

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