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One Saturday morning, Beth Marshall and Jim Marshall her husband, started an journey, they

drove out of the city, because they hate the Winter in London because it´s so cold and wet and
they needed a holidays. They drove for many hours, and some hours later it started raining.
Soon it was dark

Then, it was late and they were lost. It was foggy and it was difficult to see the road but they
drove on, after that, they saw a building and stopped in a pub was called The King´s Arms. In
there the barman told to Marshalls about The Aquarius Hotel and their owners, he said they
are friendly

Jim and Beth got back into the car and drove down the road and then, they parked outside the
Aquarius Hotel and got out of the car. It was a big, dark building and there were no lights in the
Windows. At the entrace were a man and a girl, they were owners of the hotel they were
about thirty years old. The woman had long Brown hair. The man wore glasses, and he had
long hair too.

The woman was Cathy Slater and the man was her husband Ray, in the hotel Ray's back hurt so
he couldn´t lift the cases of the Marshalls.

In the Marshall´s room, before the dinner, They watched a progamme about the Vietnam war
in a black and White tv.

In the dining-room was a record player and there, the Marshalls and the Slaters talked about
music, job and the Beth´s watch because it hadn't got any hands. After dinner Ray played his
guitar and after that Jim and Beth went upstairs.

2da parte

in their room, the marshals laughed and beth said slaters were weird people, then they heard
they were having an argument but the marshals were tired so they tried to sleep but couldn't
because the room was too hot so jim went downstairs and he rang the bell on the desk and
waited, jim looked around and at the end of the corridor there was a door that said private, he
approached the door but stopped when he heard a scream, he returned to his room and
packed his things together with Beth, Jim put some money on the desk and they left.

In the car they realize that Beth had forgotten her watch in the hotel room so they tried to
return but could not because the hotel was not there, then they went back to the pub and
there they talked to an old man who talked about a very suspiciously and told them that
something terrible had happened at the aquarius hotel that the aquarius hotel opened in 1967
cathy did all the work and ray was lazy but one day in 1969 a couple arrived at the hotel ray did
not help at all and was very friendly to the woman, so Cathy got angry, stabbed him and then
set the hotel on fire.

She died there, after hearing the story, they went home and said they didn't like the
countryside and that they were people from the city.

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