1e Saint Patrick Day - Why Is It A Global Celebration - PDF

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PART |. Choose the correct definition for each adjective below based on the context examples, 1 Drinking beer is a significant part of Saint Patrick's Day celebrations. significant means. a. quiet / not noisy . prohibited / forbidden € greatly important 2 Mycousin is an aspiring musician in Ireland. His goa! is to organize live music shows and play his music in small pubs around Dublin. ‘aspiring means. a. very popular or famous 'b. hoping/ working to achieve a particular goal €. not motivated or lazy PART Il. Choose the cortect definition for each verb below based on the context. ’ There was mass-migration of Irish immigrants to the USA in the 1700 2 The period of famine in ireland in the 1840s was a crisis elated to potate farming. 3 The lish pubs on Saint Patrick's Dey ore filed with revelers dressed in green, 4 Onthestreets of Dublin, you'll see plenty of drinking establishments. 5 Myson vil be the next publican of the classic rsh bar that | own in the city center. mass migration + person whois the owner or manager of a pub 1 2 famine large amounts of immigrants moving at one time 3 revelers 2 place of business which is open to the public 4 establishments . people celebrating er enjoying themselves in a noisy way 5 publican €@ shortage of food / net enough food PART Ill. Wrte a definition / aynorym for each verb below based on the content. 1 People usualy immigrate because they ore seeking a new ite somewhere else seckrneans. 2 European immiaration in the USA peaked in 1907, when 1285.349 people entered. peck means. 3 Leck! There's a grcup of guys downing pints of Guinness! down a drink means 4% Irish pubs capitalize on Saint Patrick’s Day with millions of dolars in revenue capitalize on means. VIEWING (Watch the video and complete the activities.) PARTI. Write of discuss short answers according to the information in the video. 005 1 Which countries around the world celebrate Saint Patrick's Day festivities? oie 2 What is the most significant reason Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated? 024 3 How many people in the world have Irish biood? 056 4 What happened in New York City in 17627 112 5 _—_ What is one big reason that Saint Patrick's Day is so successful? PART Il. Choose the correct answer according to the information in the video. 132007 In the 1990s, Guinness. a. -organized Saint Patrick's parades around the world. bb. .exported the concept of the Irish pub around the world. . .traveled across the world with Irish ministers to promote thelr country. 139 2 Guinness helped to achieve this by. a. -providing publicans with pub designs and shipping pre-built bars. bb. showing publicans how to down a pint of Guinness. ¢. .,drinking the beer with revelers inside pubs across 150 countries.

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