1672288530Ch FunnyJuan (GradedProject) Class4

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Subject: English

Grade: IV
Chapter- Funny Juan
(Graded Project)

Topic- Idiom Challenge

Date: 30.12.2022

Introduction: An idiom is a phrase or expression that typically presents a figurative, non-

literal meaning attached to the phrase. But an idiom's figurative meaning is different from the
literal meaning.
Idioms don't always make sense literally; you'll need to familiarize yourself with the meaning
and usage of each idiom. That may seem like a lot of work, but learning idioms is fun.

This project will help children to learn and illustrate idioms in a fun way through two
given activities.
Activity 1: Idiom Chart
Activity 2: Idiom Story
1. To appreciate the importance of idioms.
2. To identify idiomatic expressions by their meanings.
Activity 1: Idiom Chart
• Prepare the given activity chart on a A-4 size sheet.

• Make it colorful and creative.

• Draw both the illustrations.

The first one has been done for you. The format of the chart is given on Page 2.

Activity 2: Idiom Story

• Where exactly did the idiom “to cry wolf” come from?
Do you know the story of ‘The Boy who Cried Wolf’?

• Find out the real story behind this idiom and write it in your notebook.

• You can draw pictures as well to make it creative.


1.Raining cats and dogs To rain heavily

2. Let the cat out of the bag

3. As cool as cucumber

4. A piece of cake

5. Kick the bucket

Parameters for Project Evaluation:

Grades A B C
All instructions Some of the Only a few instructions
mentioned in the project instructions mentioned mentioned in the project
are followed. in the project are are followed.
Parameters Complete demonstration Partial demonstration Minimal demonstration
and neat presentation. and some neatness in and lack of neatness in
the presentation. presentation.
Submission on time. Late Submission. Late Submission.

Submission Date: 20 January 2023

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