Holistic Marketing Resume

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The con cept of holistic marketing or 360º marketing is based on the design of strategies
aimed at the entire environment of the company and the relationships with all the groups in
said environment; The idea is not that there are some essential things and others that are
not, but rather that everything is essential.

The name of 360º marketing describes it in a very graphic way: the entire environment is
taken into account in all directions and both from the inside out and from the outside in of
the business, value can be created and performance can be obtained from absolutely
everything that surrounds it. to the company if managed properly.

Since everything is essential, it seeks, as we have said, to create value in our

relationships with all the elements of the environment by studying delivery, creation and
exploration. Normally we find in this environment the following elements:
Customers :Marketing oriented to the needs and desires of customers, the so-called
cognitive field studies the market and its motivations.

Human team: the workers, other people and companies that collaborate in our economic
activity at all levels; it is about considering how we can improve the management of these
relationships to increase value in our business.

Suppliers: their management, treatment and, in general, the purchasing policy is a

fundamental part of the business.

Competitors: give us the opportunity to know how we are positioned in the market and
why. Therefore, its study can give us very valuable information about the management of
our business.

The idea is to get value from all these elements in the relations between the company and

The purpose of everything said so far would not make any sense if it is not translated into
concrete realities: from the information obtained from the analysis of all this data we can
find opportunities through the knowledge of specific needs that we must attend to improve
performance of the business.

This action can become a total shock to the business, with changes that can be very
radical in production and marketing strategies, in our relationship with clients and
collaborators in said production, and with changes, even, of image and identity. branded.

The actions to be carried out that we find can be of all kinds, it is possible that a change of
positioning with respect to clients or/and a reorganization of the productive activity is
sufficient, but we can also find ourselves with the need to make more important changes
that can slow down or stop production for a while or require a significant investment.

In general, the results of our study in all directions is usually the right path and leads to an
improvement in the business, but we must always take into account the needs of the
market and the vision that our potential customers have of our brand, because it would be
a mistake. act without first considering this. It is about potential consumers perceiving the
changes we implement.
Advantages of this system

It is multi-channel taking into account all the realities that surround the company, which
guarantees us better results. It is not something that is done at a given moment but must
be done continuously to always know the reality of an ever-changing market; doing so will
allow us to locate new opportunities. It provides very important information for the
company because it allows us to design products and production protocols adapted to our
needs, taking all factors into account.Turn the opportunities found into real value that
improves the positioning of the business.

The focus of the changes in the production system of our products or services is human,
since it starts from the study of the needs and desires of the people who intervene in the
business from any position, not only the clients but also the production team and, even,
the competition.

MBWA Teams

For the application of holistic marketing, the so-called MBWA teams must be created,
whose mission is to supervise the activity of the company and its different sections or
teams, being in contact with them without prior planning or established order. With this, the
team carrying out the analysis coexists, in a natural and informal way, with the people who
participate in the economic activity, being attentive to the information that comes from this
activity and, especially, listening to what all the people have to say.
It is that the management of the company is not at its headquarters, in its offices, without
contact with the real activity of the company, but that "the boss" carries out his work mixed
with the entire human team of the company and in contact with other people who have
something to do with the business.With this system of running the business, you will have
that knowledge of the problems and opportunities that arise on a day-to-day basis and find
the best solutions, as well as discover the talents of the people you work with and make
better use of them.In addition, the system of permanent contact with the personnel
improves the confidence of said personnel in the company and the self-esteem and
confidence of said personnel, which will make them get involved in an important way.

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