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Code : PM-AAS-02
Rev. No. : 3
PROCEDURES MANUAL Eff. Date : Feb. 18, 2017
Page : 1 of 5
Training and Development


Revision No. Brief Description of Change Effectivity Date

Name Signature
Originated by:

Admin Head/ QMR

Revised by:
HR Personnel

Reviewed by:
Operations Manager

Project Manager

HR Personnel/ QMR

Approved by:

General Manager
Date Approved

Distribution List
General Manager Project Manager Purchasing Officer
Operations Manager Administrative Head Quality Control Head
Motorpool Head
Doc. Code : PM-AAS-02
Rev. No. : 3
PROCEDURES MANUAL Eff. Date : Feb. 18, 2017
Page : 2 of 5
Training and Development


The purpose of this procedure is to identify actions and responsibilities for ensuring that the
competencies needed to meet customer and other external and internal requirements
applicable to business operations are identified and actions are taken to meet these needs.
An integral part of this process is to provide needed skills, training as well as awareness
training aimed at educating employees on the relevance and importance of their activities
and how they contribute to achievement of quality objectives.


This procedure applies to all company functions and operations and encompasses all
employees including full time, part time, and temporary employees.


3.1. GMMRI Quality Manual

3.2. GMMRI Procedures Manual
3.3. PM-AAS-01, Hiring and Recruitment
3.4. PM-AAS-06, Performance Appraisal


4.1. Definitions.

4.1.1. Competency - requirements are based on appropriate education, training, skills,

and experience. Competency needs can be met by external resources through
outsourcing and new hire actions or by internal action through employee
development and training activities.
4.1.2. Training Plan – a comprehensive document indicating the trainings scheduled,
the number of attendees, the cost, the training provider and tentative schedule
4.1.3. Induction (or Orientation) – The process of teaching new employees their overall
responsibilities to the company’s quality management system and the specific
training required under each job description.
4.1.4. Training Needs Assessment – An annual review of the company’s quality training
and proposals for future training.
4.1.5. Training Record – Documented evidence of individual training completed by an
employee, usually kept in the employees’ personnel or training file.
4.1.6. Resource Person – A qualified in-house personnel designated by the company or
external specialists to conduct quality training for employees. The in-house
personnel selected as a designated resource on the basis of skills, qualifications,
and detailed knowledge of the company’s quality goals, processes and
4.1.7. Post Training Evaluation – The method of determining the overall effectiveness of
trainings and seminars conducted to meet the skill and knowledge needs of the
Doc. Code : PM-AAS-02
Rev. No. : 3
PROCEDURES MANUAL Eff. Date : Feb. 18, 2017
Page : 3 of 5
Training and Development


4.1 Induction of New Personnel

4.2 Training Needs Assessment

4.3 Training Plan Preparations

4.4 Training Implementation

4.5 Post Training Evaluation

4.6 Request for Training

Procedure Details

Responsible Activity Interface Document/

Person Person
4.1 Induction of New Personnel

Personnel 1. In coordination with Admin Head, schedule the Induction Checklist

Officer conduct of Induction for the newly hired
personnel (casual or regular position)

2. As a minimum, the following constitute the

Induction module: Note: Designated Resource
Person must be notified for the induction activity
 Details about the company
 Company organization in general
 Quality Policy and Objectives
 Quality Management System Overview
 Safety and Health Policy
 Security Policy
 Administrative Policies
 5’S Program of Good Housekeeping
Induction Checklist and
3. Document the induction after completing the
Training Record Form
Doc. Code : PM-AAS-02
Rev. No. : 3
PROCEDURES MANUAL Eff. Date : Feb. 18, 2017
Page : 4 of 5
Training and Development

4. Endorse the new hired personnel to the Supervised OJT

Department concerned for supervised OJT as Module
may be required

5. Request from the concerned Department the

evaluation of the new hired personnel after
completing the OJT

4.2 Training Needs Assessment

Personnel 1. Distribute the Training Needs Form to all Training Needs Form
Officer Department Heads and Managers for their

Note: The Training Needs Assessment is conducted

on the last quarter of every year in time for annual
budget preparations

Personnel 2. Summarize the Needs Assessment

4.3 Training Plan Preparations

Personnel 1. Based from Needs Assessment, develop the Training Plan Format
Officer Annual Training Plan. Submit to Administrative
Head and QMR for their review and comment

Administrative 2. Review and endorse the Training Plan for Training Plan
Head and QMR approval by the General Manager

4.4 Implementation of Training

Personnel 1. Based from the approved Training Plan, Attendance Sheet/

Officer coordinate for the conduct of each approved and Notice of Training
scheduled Training/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Lectures
or Courses. Advance coordination is required for
trainings to be provided by internal and external
resource person or training provider
Note: Notify each internal participant at least 1 day in
advance using the Notice of Training format

2. Ensure that training facilities, equipment and

materials are well prepared including snacks as
maybe required
3. For each implemented training, gather the training Training Evaluation
feedback from the participants. Implement Form
Doc. Code : PM-AAS-02
Rev. No. : 3
PROCEDURES MANUAL Eff. Date : Feb. 18, 2017
Page : 5 of 5
Training and Development

improvement based from feedback

4. Update the Training records and files of personnel Training Records

4.5 Post Training Evaluation

Personnel 1. A few months (say 3 months) after conducting the Skills & Knowledge
Officer training, gather feedback from concerned Post Evaluation
Department Head if the competencies, skills and
knowledge have improved

4.6 Request for Training

Concerned 1. Fill-up completely the Training Request Form then Request for Training
Personnel submit to Personnel Officer

Personnel 2. Evaluate the requested training, if found in order Administrative Head

Officer then submit to Administrative Head for endorsement
to General Manager for approval

Personnel 3. For approved training requests, follow steps 4.4 Concerned personnel
Officer and 4.5


1. Induction Checklist
2. Supervised OJT Module
3. Training Needs Form
4. Attendance Sheet
5. Training Evaluation Form
6. Skills & Knowledge Post Evaluation
7. Request for Training
8. Notice of Training

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