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Ignacian Formation Program

(Revised 2021)
IFP SY 2021 - Module 9: Mother Ignacia’s Life Story and Call - Page 0
Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

IFP SY 2021 - Module 9: Mother Ignacia’s Life Story and Call - Page 1

The Ignacian Formation Program was originally conceived in the 16 th

Ordinary General Chapter in 1996. This aims to provide a more solid
foundation on the spirituality of Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo which
is a “spirituality of Marian radical openness to the will of God that
impels us to a humble and courageous, generous and creative service to
the Church especially the poor.” It is the spirituality of the humble
servant of the Lord (CD 1996,5).

The original Ignacian Formation Program (IFP) Modules were first

implemented in 1997 for the youth and Lay Partners; and in 2008 for
Grade School, High School and College. These modules were revised as
mandated by the 20th Ordinary General Chapter. (Documents CD 2016,
p.35, 1.3). The revision was to align the modules to the current social
context of our students and personnel, to enable them to uphold their
personal integrity rooted in Christian morality and discipleship, and to
exercise their strong sense of accountability at the level of their
responsibility following the examples of Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu

This current year 2021, the Education Ministry Commission implements

the revised IFP Modules 2021 for Grade 3 to Grade 12 and for
Personnel. The topics and contents of this revised IFP Modules 2021 are
based from the original IFP Modules of 1997 and most of its contents
were copied/lifted from the book entitled “Mother Ignacia del Espiritu
Santo, A Lamp to Our Path” by S. Ma. Anicia B. Co, RVM; and some were
taken from “Behold the Handmaid of the Lord!” by S. Ma. Rita Ferraris,
RVM; “A Valiant Woman: Thoughts and Reflections on the Legacy of
Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo”; Novena Prayer to Mother Ignacia del
Espiritu; and from other RVM Documents.

The IFP Modules 2021 for students (Grades 3 to 12) are designed as a
series of ten modules with four (4) sessions to be given by year level.
The time frame for each session is one (1) hour, however if the school
allows, the facilitator may extend the time to have more activities,
reflection and faith sharing. The modules focus on the family
background, vocation, mission, qualities, virtues and values of Mother
Ignacia and its relevance to the present reality in our society and
concerns of our students.

IFP SY 2021 - Module 9: Mother Ignacia’s Life Story and Call - Page 2
This revised IFP modules 2021 follow the acronym of IGNACIAN as its
format adopted from the templates of holiness presented by M. Ma.
Coranzon D. Agda, RVM in her inspirational talk during the Christian
Formation Coordinators’ National Convention 2020 with some
modifications to harmonize with the RVM Pedagogy.

It is the preliminary part of the session. This

includes the opening activity/ prayer, focus
I Introduction
(title of the session), motivation, and
activating prior knowledge.
It identifies what the participants need to
Goals and know and what to do as indicated in the
G Objectives enabling objectives (specific), and in the
terminal objectives (goal/general).
This is to introduce new facts and concepts
grounded on the life and spirituality of
Mother Ignacia. It is divided into two parts:
N New Knowledge Concept (presentation of main concept), and
the Broadened Concept (broadening of
This is to create activities that will allow the
participants to develop not only critical,
A Activities creative, and analytical thinking but more
importantly moral and responsible choices.
This will help the participants articulate what
Ignacian Core and related Values can be
drowned from the session, and to provide
C Character- them opportunities for better and deeper
building Values
self-knowledge in relation to the current
social realities.
Invitation to
This is to give the participants opportunities
I silence… God
to reflect and share their faith experiences.
This is the summary or synthesis part. The
facilitator participants may be encouraged to
express, illustrate or relate in their own words
A Aphorism or in their own creative manner, their
understanding, reflection on the life of
Mother Ignacia, and its application or
connection in their daily life.

IFP SY 2021 - Module 9: Mother Ignacia’s Life Story and Call - Page 3
It involve participants in real life situations in
the community, reach out and apply their
theories in real situations, and find out how
students internalize theory and practice.
N Application of
It is a lasting impression in relation to life,
Insights Gained
leading to possible and positive change in
ways of looking at things and in their way of

The Ignacian Formation Program revised edition 2021 is a project

initiated by the RVM Education Ministry Commission, chaired by S. Ma.
Marissa Viri, RVM. It is noteworthy to acknowledge the following: S. Ma.
Rufina Guillano, RVM who facilitated the IFP workshop in March 7-8,
2020 at the RVM Regional House, Singalong, Paco, Manila and for her
generous time and effort to edit and finalize all the modules; to the
following Christian Formation Coordinators and Lay Partners for their
valuable contribution in the preparation of the preliminary drafts of the
revised modules: S. Ma. May Moran, RVM, S. Ma. Mara Saira Suelto,
RVM, S. Ma. Rhoma Regato, RVM, S. Ma. Marissa Ardeta, RVM, S. Ma.
Relyn Grace Jaspe, RVM, S. Ma. Melanie Cajandig, RVM, Ms. Regina
Padilla, Mrs. Leah Yee (Luzon Region); S. Ma. Alice Elloran, RVM, S. Ma.
Ruby Amen, RVM, S. Ma. Ilin Salvador, RVM, S. Ma. Jemimah Estorque,
RVM, Mr. Jolex Estanislao, Mrs. Loreta Guimbaolibot (Visayas Region); S.
Ma. Gretchen Besonia, RVM, S. Ma. Leonor Espallardo, RVM, S. Ma.
Gracia Agda, RVM, Mr. Clent Daril Balaba (Northern Mindanao Region);
S. Maryvic Casas, RVM, S. Ma. Christina Corre, RVM, S. Ma. Rachel
Curayag, RVM, S. April Mariae Libradilla, RVM, S. Ma. Rufel Palarca,
RVM, Ms. Cecille Lumayag, Ms. Socorro Neri (Southern Mindanao

May this revised IFP modules 2021 continue to nurture the Students and
Lay Personnel’s Ignacian Spirituality in their participation in the RVM
mission of spreading the fragrance of God’s unconditional love,
compassion and mercy amidst these challenging times.

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INTRODUCTION (Preliminaries)
Opening Activity/Prayer:
Opening Prayer: God’s Complete Knowledge and Care
(Psalm 139)


What line/s in our opening prayer (Psalm 139) struck

APK (Prior Knowledge):

What stories were told about you when you were young?

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES (What to know and what to do)

Enabling Objectives: At the end of the session, the students
will be able to know the early stage of Mother
Ignacia’s life and express their desire to deepen their
knowledge about her.

Terminal Objectives (Goal): At the end of the session, the

students will be able to share the young Ignacia’s
deep story and make a prayer of thanksgiving for the
gift of her life.

NEW KNOWLEDGE (facts, primary and broadened concept)

A. Concept
The earliest record of Mother Ignacia known to the religious
family she founded was her baptismal record. Taken from

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the extant Libro de Bautizos de la Iglesia de los Santos Reyes,
the baptism entry contained almost the entirety of her origin
and her family. Thus, it is from this record that historians of
the Congregation reconstructed her pre-Beaterio life.

Ignacia del Espiritu Santo was baptized on March 4, 1663 by

Fr. Alberto Collares, Dominican, in the Church of the Holy
Kings in Parian. Her father was Jusepe Iuco, her mother
Maria Jeronima, and her godmother, Catalina Malinang.

On the presumption that she was born on the very year she
was baptized, it is likewise probable that she was born on
February 1, the original feast of St. Ignacius of Antioch. In
the widespread Filipino custom to name the child after the
saint of the day he was born, the above conjecture becomes
very plausible.

The baptismal record also indicates that her mother and

godmother were both native Filipinos, while her father’s last
name indicates his Chinese origin. During this period in the
colony only adult Chinese who had migrated to the
Philippines were baptized. Jusepe Iuco was baptized by the
same Fr. Alberto Collares, on March 10, 1652. His baptismal
record identifies his origin as Amoy, China, and his parents
named Bun and Lisi.

From the same Libro de Bautizos was established that

Mother Ignacia had two sisters and one brother, all younger
than she. Rafaela was baptized on August 23, 1665, and her
godmother was one Isabel Rodriquez from the district of San
Rafael de Arozeros. No date of birth is recorded. The second
sister was baptized Juana de la Concepcion on December 22,
1669, which was seventeen days after her birth; therefore
she was born on December 5. The name of her godmother is

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not legible, but the record shows that she is from the district
of Pasay. Between the two girls was Santiago baptized on
February 27, 1668. His godfather was a Chinese, Nicolas

On the margin of the baptismal records of all three younger

siblings are cross marks, which, according to the Dominican
parish priest of the Chinese parish today, means that the
children had died shortly after. No such marks appear by the
records of the servant of God or her father, Jusepe. As such,
therefore, it can be safely presumed that Ignacia del Espiritu
Santo was the sole surviving child of Jusepe Iuco and Maria
Jeronima. (from Behold the handmaid of the Lord by S. Rita
Ferraris, RVM)

As a Chinese mestizo, Ignacia learned to be patient and to

respect her elders. Maria Jeronima brought up her daughter
to be simple, obedient, and modest. True to her time,
Ignacia was devoted to the Blessed Mother and prayed the
rosary. She was also taught not to look down on anyone".
From Jusepe who came from Amoy, China, Ignacia learned
how to work hard and to be resourceful. She was taught to
be kind to anyone no matter what the color of his/her skin

In 1684, when Ignacia was 21 years old, her parents desired

that it was time for her to get married. Determined to join
the Beaterio de Sto. Domingo, Ignacia sought the advice of a
Jesuit, Fr. Pablo Clain, who encouraged her to join a retreat.
This Ignacia did. This retreat inspired her to give herself
totally to God and to live by the sweat of her brow. Bidding
her parents goodbye, Ignacia left home bringing only needle
and a pair of scissors. Although her parents could decently
support her, Ignacia separated from her parents and lived
IFP SY 2021 - Module 9: Mother Ignacia’s Life Story and Call - Page 7
alone in prayer, penance and sacrifice and in extending
charitable works to people around her. This kind of life was
different from the existing groups at that time tike the
Beaterio de Sta. Clara and later the Beaterio de Sto.
Domingo which lived in cloistered convents, had only
Spanish membership and lived a monastic lifestyle of prayer,
penance, and good works inside the convents without going
out to be with people. On the other hand, Ignacia lived in
the convent to pray, do penance like carrying the cross
under the noonday sun and reaching out to others. This
apostolic life of Mother lgnacia attracted many to join her
while others supported her noble charitable works.

Her group become known as the Beaterio de la Compañia de

Jesus because of their association with the Jesuits. They
attended religious services at the Jesuit Church, made the
Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius each year and received
spiritual direction from the Jesuits. Reaching out to others
through teaching and catechizing young children and
accepting them as boarders, Mother Ignacia and her
companions called "beatas" opened their services of
Intramuros, Manila. Mother lgnacia and her beatas taught
children how to pray, read and write and do household work
and be good children pleasing to Jesus. Everyone was
welcomed in her school -- Spanish and Chinese children and
mestizas of both races but especially the Yndias or the
Filipinas who were the poor and underprivileged at that
time. Her beaterio admitted women from all walks of life to
join the retreat as they assisted the Jesuits. These charitable
works did not escape the eyes of the Spaniards and Filipinos
alike who praised Mother Ignacia and her Beatas for their
prayerfulness, their courage to share even if they were poor
and supported themselves, their love for one another as

IFP SY 2021 - Module 9: Mother Ignacia’s Life Story and Call - Page 8
"they caused no gossip in the town” and to answer the
needs of others with a special love for the poor and
underprivileged. Later, Mother Ignacia serving the Beaterio
since its foundation, gave up her position as head and
passed it to Mother Domingo del Rosario in 1737 with the
1726 Rule as guide to follow.

On September 10, 1748, at 85 years old, Mother Ignacia del

Espiritu Santo died. People said she died at the communion
rail after receiving Holy Communion. During her burial,
Spanish officials helped carry her coffin to bury her at the
Church of St. Ignatius. Her life of prayer, penance, sacrifice
and service to others impressed both the Spaniards and
Filipinos alike. Fr. Murillo Velarde, SJ who was a well-known
historian and contemporary of Mother Ignacia included her
life and her early Beaterio in a book he wrote and published
in 1749. This is where we have taken our deep story of
Mother Ignacia. (from IFP Module for Youth, pp. 12-14)

B. Broadened Concept:
 What is the relevance of Mother Ignacia’s life story in
our world today?
 How can the young Mother Ignacia’s deep story help
me influence my own family in living out the Gospel
 As observed in our generation today where sense of
focus and direction in life is not very evident, how can
Mother Ignacia’s life story influence the youth of
today to have a spirit of dedication and sense of

IFP SY 2021 - Module 9: Mother Ignacia’s Life Story and Call - Page 9
A. Drawing Symbol of One’s Deep Story
Instruct the learners to choose a symbol for their deep
story. Illustrate or draw of your deep story as far as you
can remember and as far as you are willing to share. You
may use symbols/illustrations such as lifeline or trees or
anything you like to portray your deep story. You are
encouraged to use colors on your illustrations.

B. Small Group Sharing

1. Divide the group into five (5)
2. Let them share their symbols and explanations.
 What commonalities are found in your symbols?
 What similarities with Mother Ignacia’s deep story
have you discovered?
 What insights did you gain from the sharing?
 How do these challenge you?
 Reporting to the big group


Values Integration: Simplicity, Respect, Obedience, and
 How can we contribute to the well-being of the family
and help create and maintain a family climate in our
academic community?

Social Integration: Conflict among members in the family

 In our situation nowadays what do you observe about the
family relationship? Is Mother Ignacia’s deep story of her
young formation could be a mirror to that of our own?
 How can we respond to this reality making Mother
Ignacia’s deep story as our inspiration?

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Faith Reflection/Faith Sharing
(with instrumental background music)
Based on the young Ignacia’s deep story, identify events
where you draw so much inspiration. Write your
reflection in the journal.

APHORISM (Summary /Synthesis)

Mo. Ignacia’s parents, raised her up as a good Catholic by
their teachings and examples. She grew up in Binondo within
religious environment where the Church was the principal
site of the gathering of the faithful for liturgical worship and
devotional practice.

As a Chinese mestiza, Ignacia learned to be patient and to

respect her elders. Her mother brought her up to be simple,
obedient and modest. Her father on the other hand taught
her to be resourceful and kind to anyone no matter what the
color of his/her skin is.


Practice the values of simplicity, respect and obedience in
school and at home.

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INTRODUCTION (Preliminaries)
Opening Activity/Prayer:

Opening Song: Strong and Constant

By: Frank Andersen, MSC
1. I will be Yahweh who walks with you!
You will be always within my hand!
Take my heart and give it all to me!
Refrain: //Strong and constant is my love!//
2. Should you wander far away from me,
I will search for you in every land!
Should you call, then you will truly know! (Ref.)


Motivation: Video Clip Presentation about prayer.

APK (Prior Knowledge):

 Have you ever experienced connecting or talking with
God in a very intimate way? What was the conversation
 What happened to you after the encounter? What did
you feel?

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES (What to know and what to do)

Enabling Objectives: At the end of the session, the students
are expected to discover how Mother Ignacia’s prayer
became her source of strength and draw inspiration from
her own prayer life.

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Terminal Objectives (Goal): At the end of the session, the
students manifest a strong sense prayerfulness by being
committed to their personal and communal prayer.

NEW KNOWLEDGE (facts, primary and broadened concept)

C. Concept
Mo. Ignacia had to decide her future because her parents
opened the prospect of marriage. She did not run away
from this situation instead she took the necessary steps
in order to reach a wise decision. She realized the need to
seek advice. She opened-up her predicament to Fr. Paul
Klein who offered her a means of finding out God’s will in
her life. She willingly undertook the Spiritual Exercises
which helped her make the decision that would change
the course of her life. In the retreat, she was inspired to
remain “in the service of the Divine Majesty” and to
“earn her living by the sweat of her face.” These two
aspects of her decision would lead her to something she
probably never dreamed of or imagined. (A Lamp to Our
Path by S. Ma. Anicia Co,RVM)

D. Broadened Concept:
 How does the prayer life of Mther Ignacia reveal about
her relationship with God?
 What instances in the life of Mother Ignacia reveal her
 In this situation where people are pre-occupied with
worldly concerns, how can Mother Ignacia’s example
of prayer draw us closer to God?

The students will be divided into five groups. They will be
given a line to analyze and discuss. “PRAYER CAN MOVE
MOUNTAIN.” He replied, “Because you have so little faith.
Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed,
you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and
IFP SY 2021 - Module 9: Mother Ignacia’s Life Story and Call - Page 13
it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew

Guide Questions:
1. What are the mountains in the life of Mother Ignacia and
in your life? Make a comparison.
2. How did it affect Mother Ignacia and you?
3. How did God manifest His presence in Mother Ignacia’s
life and in your life?
 Answers will be reported creatively depending on the
group’s interests.


Values Integration: Faith: Strong Faith in God
Mother Ignacia lived what she taught her companions to
be in God’s presence at all times and in all places. (1726
Rules: 1.2.7; II.25)
 What particular value was being emphasized by
Mother Ignacia?
Social Integration:
In our present time today where youth lack focus in
prayer, how can Mother Ignacia’s example encourage
them to develop their prayer life.


Faith Reflection/Faith Sharing
“Where silence is observed, fervor is maintained” (1726

The students will have a journal writing base on the

following questions:
1. Why did Mother Ignacia emphasize the importance
of silence?
2. How did Mother Ignacia herself practiced silence?

IFP SY 2021 - Module 9: Mother Ignacia’s Life Story and Call - Page 14
APHORISM (Summary /Synthesis)
Mother Ignacia has different way of communing with God
through prayer. The blossoming of Ignacia’s relationship with
God was evident in her experience of the Spiritual Exercises
of St. Ignatius of Loyola. At the end of her retreat directed by
Fr. Paul Klein, SJ, she decided to remain in the service of God
and to live “by the sweat of her brow.” This decision, made
when she was 21 years old, remained strong and firm
throughout her life in the beaterio until her death on
September 10, 1748. Her life of fidelity to God’s love and
service can only be attributed to the working of God’s grace
in her life. (A Valiant Woman p. 108)


Make a five -day prayer log that will be submitted at the end
of the week.

Date Time Activity

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INTRODUCTION (Preliminaries)
Opening Activity/Prayer:
Opening Prayer/ Song: “MIDES WAY”

Chorus: Come walk the way of Mother Ignacia

Walking the way to happiness
In the presence of the Lord
With Mary walking all the way
1. She walk the way of humility,
Her love for God over all
Her songs were silence and simplicity
Joy in hiddenness her call (Chorus)
2. She walked the way of courage,
Leaving her home and riches for more
Not caring what other people said
The Lord gave her strength even more (Chorus)
3. She walked the way of generosity
Trusting the Lord for her daily bread
By the sweat of her brow she did live
To the Lord she entrusted her need. (Chorus)
4. She walked the way of generosity
To rich and poor she did bring
Christ our brother, rich in charity
Joyful service her witnessing. (Chorus)


 What line, word or phrase in the opening song touched
you most and why?

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APK (Prior Knowledge):
 Have you ever experienced making decisions at this stage
of your life? Can share some of those experiences?

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES (What to know and what to do)

Enabling Objectives: At the end of the session, the students
will be able know when was the major turning point
in the life of Mother Ignacia and acknowledge its

Terminal Objectives (Goal): At the end of this session, the

students will be able to pray for the grace of courage
before making decision following Mother Ignacia’s

NEW KNOWLEDGE (facts, primary and broadened concept)

A. Concept
She walked the way of courage
Leaving her home and riches for more
Not caring what people said
The Lord gave her strength even more

 What do I find most touching in the song? Why?

 How would you describe the response of Mo. Ignacia
to the call of God?

Mo. Ignacia is a woman of courage. This is seen in all the

activities she did even in her younger years which she
exemplified in the turning point in her pursuit to a
religious vocation in 1684. She was one of the Yndias of
the seventeenth century who felt the yearning for a

IFP SY 2021 - Module 9: Mother Ignacia’s Life Story and Call - Page 17
meaningful expression of her religion, and whose
advancement in the spiritual life and significant
contribution to the service in colonial society earned for
her place in the Jesuit missionary annals (Velarde, 1749
as cited by S. Ma. Rita C. Ferraris, RVM). In relation to
this, she left her parents and brought with her a needle
and pair of scissors. She chose to live by the sweat of her
face in respond to the call of God to remain in the service
of God’s Divine Majesty, her way of following the poor
and humble Christ.

B. Broadened Concept:
1. How can the example of Mother Ignacia’s way of
making decision help you and the generation today in
your moments of decision making?

2. In this present reality where people are engrossed in

social media, how can Mother Ignacia become an
inspiration to you particularly in responding to your
call of becoming a good student or son/daughter?

 The students will be divided into groups. Each group will
read an assigned text.
Group 1 - Exodus 3:1-4:20 (Call of Moses)
Group 2 - 1Samuel 3:1-19 (Revelation to Samuel)
Group 3 - Luke 1:26-38 (Mary’s Call)
Group 4 - Acts 9:1-12, 19-21 (The Vocation of Saul)

 The students will fill out the chart on prepared manila

paper and identify the patterns similar to that of Mother

IFP SY 2021 - Module 9: Mother Ignacia’s Life Story and Call - Page 18
Biblical Call Process of Response
Character Answering
the Call


Values Integration: Service / Courage
 What could have been the innermost desire of Mother
Ignacia while on the process of making decision? How did
she pursue her decision?
Ignacia’s desire to remain in the service of God’s Divine
Majesty and her being a courageous woman led her to
pursue her decision to follow the poor and humble Christ.

Social Integration: Indecisive and Fear of Longtime

 How can we respond to this reality?
Emphasize the importance of well-discerned decision and
longtime commitment.


Faith Reflection/Faith Sharing
 Mother Ignacia showed the way of living a life for God
and others by responding positively to God’s call. Reflect
on your experiences when you also responded positively
to God’s call to become an obedient student, son/
daughter to their parents and teachers.

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APHORISM (Summary /Synthesis)
Mother Ignacia, in her decision to commit to God and His
service answered His call through detachment such as leaving
her parents, her home, everything except needle and scissors
to live by the sweat of her brow and a prospect of a happy
wedded life and mother with a home of her own. Service to
God is to share the Ignatian contemplation in action as one
gives self for service to the Divine Majesty (Alvino, p.22).


Students will organize a Vocation symposium highlighting the
Vocation Story of Mother Ignacia.

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INTRODUCTION (Preliminaries)
Opening Activity/Prayer:
Opening Song: Madre Ignacia Akayin Mo Kami
Koro: Madre Ignacia, Madre Ignacia
ang buhay mo ay kay ganda.
Madre Ignacia, Madre Ignacia
sa matuwid na landas, akayin mo kami.

1. Sa mahal na Poon naglingkod ng tapat

nagbigay ka ng halimbawa sa lahat.
2. Dangal ng kababaihan sa bayan mo
ay binigyang buhay at liwanag.
3. Sa iyo’y nakita buhay na matapat
tunay na paglilingkod sa Ama ng lahat.
4. Patuloy mong akayin kay Hesus
Mga kababayan mong nasa hirap at dilim.


Motivation: Song Analysis (use the Opening Song)

 What word or phrase in the song struck you most and

APK (Prior Knowledge):

 How would you describe your present lifestyle?

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES (What to know and what to do)

Enabling Objectives: At the end of the session, the students
will be able to know Mo. Ignacia’s spirit and lifestyle
of simplicity and evaluate their own lifestyle in
conformity with what is pleasing to God.
IFP SY 2021 - Module 9: Mother Ignacia’s Life Story and Call - Page 21
Terminal Objectives (Goal): At the end of the session, the
students will be able to live out Mother Ignacia’s life
of simplicity by making good use of available
resources through creativity and innovation.

NEW KNOWLEDGE (facts, primary and broadened concept)

A. Concept
With the affairs of our time, fame, and lifestyle have
become the barometer of living a contented life. But are
we really contented or are we just going with the flow?
Pope Francis once said that: “to evangelize means to give
witness with joy and simplicity to what we are and to
what we believe in. “Being simple doesn’t mean that we
have nothing at all rather it means that we are contented
and confident with ourselves and with what we have.

Take for example Mother Ignacia, she left her

comfortable life with her family and started living simply
and humbly. She strived to work on her own and she
never regretted her decision to be simple. This was one
of the reasons why more young women followed her way
of life that led to the formation of foundational
community of the RVM congregation. (A Valiant Woman

B. Broadened Concept:
 How did Mother Ignacia live a simple life?
 Through Mother Ignacia’s example of simplicity, how
can we help promote responsible consumption and
 As members of Ignacian Marian educational
institution, how far have we lived out the simplicity of
Mother Ignacia?

IFP SY 2021 - Module 9: Mother Ignacia’s Life Story and Call - Page 22
 Role Playing on the different positive and negative
lifestyles of the youth of today.


Values Integration: Excellence/ Resourcefulness
Mother Ignacia and her companions eat their supper
early and make use of banana leaves for plates, scoured,
the streets for firewood, earned their keep for sewing.

Social Integration: Throw away culture

In response to this culture, we ensure responsible
consumption and production by taking action like
choosing reusable products. (Sustainable Development
Goal #12)


Faith Reflection/Faith Sharing

Journal writing on their self- introspection about their

present lifestyle in relation to Mother Ignacia.

“To have less is also to allow others to have enough!”

APHORISM (Summary /Synthesis)

In the context of the millions wallowing in poverty, “to
die” to some of our little possessions is to let million
others live. To have less is also to allow others to have
enough! … Mother Ignacia’s mortification points to the
simplicity of our personal and communal lifestyle. The

IFP SY 2021 - Module 9: Mother Ignacia’s Life Story and Call - Page 23
daily life of the first beatas- the batalan, the banana
leaves, the firewood from the streets, the salt from the
Jesuit convent- poses as a prophetic challenge against the
gnawing spirit of greed and accumulation prevalent in the
society. (A Valiant Woman p.66)


How can you concretely show your response to the challenge
of a simple lifestyle?

 Co, S. Ma. Anicia, RVM. Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo,
A Lamp to Our Path, 1998
 Ignacian Formation Program Module for the Youth, 1997
 A Valiant Woman, Some Thoughts and Reflection on the
Legacy of Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu Santo

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IFP SY 2021 - Module 9: Mother Ignacia’s Life Story and Call - Page 25

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