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~seoIIMMT UNISA er ot south rica ee assignment cover :9p09 eIs0q For essay written and typed assignments only. Use the applicable course/module/paper or study unit and unique number. mojeq sseappe [eysod pur eweu unos oy, IS IMPORTANT 1. USE ONLY AN HB PENCIL TO COMPLETE THIS SHEET 2. MARK LIKE THIS: (4) 3. CHECK THAT YOUR STUDENT NUMBER HAS BEEN FILLED IN CORRECTLY 4. CHECK THAT THE UNIQUE NUMBER HAS BEEN FILLED IN CORRECTLY ‘5, ENTER YOUR STUDENT NUMBER FROM LEFT TO RIGHT 6. DONOT FOLD-USE ASSIGNMENT ENVELOPES ONLY Toto hace wenrsoronaa wa STUD EEE PaTIOOX Tine nua tec Assan ao THRbY ono PMN ale [alelaisl2is} [a[slelelale} [sle[ch 5] 1 103] coy] toy] toy] r0j | to] ror toiftor{ror[rorfioifior merfeaferfeafoofin wf rofeayorfia er taifaifresfeer|reiefiar]— [terfiaifiarfaferteai aifsferiort@e|cerfies} [rerfres}raifres]iarfes] §— MeMSoponacnonmen [ST tafapaiafesfaifr) [rfeaftateafiartre| taleiperisifeteifer| [rerbedlcerter| corte olceifmrfrei frei fier] [rer frei fmfce [refer maleatentifesfosfea) [ert fea fafa ia verfrorfrer [ier [car} certian] — [re] res { cen feo] con | ree toifignfisi[rer[rorfrorfier] — [rss [reifroa] cor | mme[t9 UNISAP.2050. HEIN HWIad ap Voldsv HLNOS UINIIIUNN wngermeesicomewmens mamma 70059845 Skryf - Write __Titorial Comments Assan MENT: TS6898 JL SGiiSos 23) ees Ke Question: in 70059845 Tk bea) ef, Sas “Lok Servier Onbucl (ape ode dd ee athe — fee ee pur fas Sebi dielinjeelete erkeony | ea easy ary pate cpa off comains ; Hi | Ih | | WERKOPDRAGSKRYFBLOK ~ ASSIGNMENT WRITING PAD Dosent se Kommentaar merous 9045 Skryf— Write Tse Coes 70059845 il | WI I WERKOPDRAGSKRYFBLOK ~ ASSIGNMENT WRITING PAD ——_Dosent se Kommentaar SI skryf — Write ___ Tutorial Comments Cone, od meh ouk in Section [ise Gitte National Consttion Hugi ray mala andl arlmuntfor by Gawd doe tw ol we Gadlreiinfiallir> w& As ened AN LOM WERKOPDRAGSKRYFBLOK ~ ASSIGNMENT WRITING PAD aie Recents 70059845 Skryf— Write ‘Tutorial Commer i H Be A L “SD att PEM TE iy ww frosenion of ain tes ES oc anc, fay Rew nol Ped Gallor nome Hruck he. : “TAMIL WERKOPDRAGSKRYFBLOK - ASSIGNMENT WRITING PAD —_Dosent se Kommentaa Tutorial Cé poess Skryf- Write uae | : ll WAIN WERKOPDRAGSKRYFBLOK - ASSIGNMENT WRITING PAD —__Dosent se Kommentaa = Skryf - Write ‘Tutorial Comments 70089845 34.2. [Ra Hal” an the, Gass maker ard Od cliscundd ; WMI WERKOPDRAGSKRYFBLOK - ASSIGNMENT WRITING PAD Dosent se Kommentag Tutorial Comments 70059845 Skryf - Write Questions | Sratewment_ or Account Aecouit_ No. QNS 3574652 | secence : NCTA Nate 01 Sememece 2011 : \\) WINN WERKOPDRAGSKRYFBLOK ASSIGNMENT WRITING PAD —_Dosent se Komment s Write 70059845 nh Skryt= Tutorial Comments st |Connmalted tren iff for 28 minted ancl (efor 19.0% ae | ____|Srtructed! an Acby fad pe — fle Beckre ee [Rstto so Nat exchadad Charl “went Mock Cline. la Efanapes be contall oy devlet pel ee eens NSBuh se Ment Var 1192.00 (clo. ard potted a Gitesb 25 >T Ai a Wei sa eal 3iS2 409212. coins tance, 5632.20 Nelbeocumnl Adv. Yann] sHesh S71050 | senda Pal tonlaee Medi Chins T$96.60] ties }24 ee 5. Taras IS112.20| Mest NHS. 62, fom Buc enes.s2 lad * Rog Hes. te Mee ae Hise hora of Ele ae : I) | l | | lil | | WERKOPDRAGSKRYFBLOK ~ ASSIGNMENT WRITING PAD 70058845 Skryf - Write ‘ — Qucetee — = ie Dosent se Kommentaan HAIN WERKOPDRAGSKRYFBLOK - ASSIGNMENT WRITING PAD Dosent se Kor Skryf - Write “Tutor 70059845 mmentaar torial Comments | sata Lb « o ae sci 5 Dare 7 oe ses De cp well. on veal alure: ail __ Bienioeiea Puy: ____|CUrusn Reteeiwn 2016-2618) Bis Dawa Lepono Guus Course For Law | Stubente ! Onet Stasi Curse For SCL ISO1 Oxroes Concise ECncuse Metionney Lecar faetice Net 28 f 2014 [CamPree ¢ CunPretaty ¢ Ane Cmrtee 2 \Conestrtuticn oF Soutn Areca : Ct AGE Spe SCL1501/101 OBSERVATION SHEET (PART B OF ASSIGNMENT 01) Name of Student; C27 ory FullNames:__Crdeoru Student number:_ 3676 23 2S (10 marks) JO pT re Ws 10 Name of the magistrate courtiHigh court KuwrBeccey Men Court 1 Date(s) attended: _1 Jue 2014 | 16 Jury og 1S et 20 Ne Jue ai ______ 12 Case: KIS fi Duration: g! Taco fiace AT Tie thea Court, Kinrbeerey From 20 August goig unt 4 Nucust Bag A> TRIAL hates, Now im 201q bwtes IS AND 16 uy 2044 1S Set HE Sentencina. 13 The type of case (civil or criminal?) Cewrina Case 14 Explain why you say so in 4 above: IN A Cie CAGE Tite AMM 1S USuALY TO CLAIN Financiac DAR Ades, Foe Exannc. Weticm Ekfenses, Dbworae To A cag. In Teese Crees onltinney Rone ORL InDWIDUACS AND Ake CALLE Te Raintree paptie Doren nent. JA CRiminate CASES Tite STATS iS voce, Te StATE WAN To Rinisu comeone Fer Roem. Kenss nee THe SATE Avid THe AccuSsEes.- 15 Who were the parties involved? Te Strate Rereesenten By Any. ILLANGA (CAINE ON FE oot Re: ecuSen, Rerrecenteo By Any. NoGuera ANOS Tepe 1S A UST GF WitnccseSin Teens OF Sects (+ yay) of Act Si oF $477. 16 — What was the case about? (state briefly) Kecuses: Cametow Fears Vout Amene ov 69 SCL1501/101 Caneces of: 1 Contemvertion of Section Read itu Sections LSS Sel), S756, STAND GI OF ACT 32 OF 2cOT, HD READ with Fron SiG) of Net ios or 1997 Ann Lens with Sees 256 ens act oF Act si oF 1977 CR Are aArenptes Nucpee, 8 Who were the legal actors? If there are any legal representatives, indicate who represented whom, Sate 1S Refecsentes Br Any. iULANGA Rerence Fok Carmezon Ferns oot 16 Any. MoaneRA Coram Cosrzee AT. feeSine wee Tins Cace. 9 Comment on how the various legal actors used non-verbal communication in the courtroom (refer to only two legal actors). Tce Coetzee Looe on AS He Aunts Nerence Asyocate Nloaweea Gave AN IndicATION on baTe SeT Foe Sanrevena. Apyocate N0GwAA heiniG TRougu tis SARY_//Tovsecy wiTHoUT SAYING A woe FoR. Moke Thar Smunuies. dnae Coetzee Crean is THeoAT BY Sounbdine "MGM aeR" Seems AS IF He INDICATE “CT Ang STKE WOAITING Y 10 Briefly write your observations on how the following aspects of the litigation process were carried out. Please be specific as to who did what and how: (2) Opening addresses: Sqate freseny 11s Herds oF Aecumevts: Anwcate lucancia _Keerly States! The 1ssue inv bisfuTe: KJHO Is THe Reson “Har RAR D Ano WtlerPTeo To nm SCL1501/101 Be hue Tero Feucie. de te erie ne To Reeve JTS Se , The STAT CALE § biinesses Te Frets wet Congmon Cause, wake not Dishuted Ok Coucd no7 Ze bysfuteb (b) — Examination-in-chief: Nisrwte: Whe ys te Besons ret RAED And ATemPied To Kieu Thawoo Foutie® $$ “The Accussee te econ “Tat KATE ANd ATlemPiets To Kice Timnics Feueie? When evacuate tHe Evidence OF Cherrev, tHe Cover nust AMLY The Necessacy CauTiorv. Quote CAse Woji y Sartarn Insueance CO Lect 1814) SA 1021 (A) io2¢ B- D. Ins Hee, Supmiscion “tre esters, ean 16 case: M1 Has fRove Its Cass Bevo Remsonatie OcuBT; The Accusses Be Comment, OF Sete ta ee eee ON eee SET CERT aula teeter Sel SEL ee ee ae ake es Cae tes REESE (©) Cross-examination: “The Accuses iO Not eetiFyY on His Botner noe Sip Ke Cree ant wortnesscs. Jesue =A WAS CANWr SSeS WAS wietnee Brice OFFiceR Niccwane Requested THe becused TO SEARCH THe House OR wHeTHeEe He WAS TecuinG: THe Accused Ha He WAS SerRewwia Ss House eno wHeticé tt Keauesies To Sze Te distie S o@ nist. IT1s Susrartes Trt pty Bice OF ficeR IKI Seize ANY Fads Bana mS IWNESTORTONS iF He Bounce (HA Ct CMR ASSIST LTH 11 What was the decision of the court (le. the magistrate/judge)?'NWestranwons hat HES Guy On /¢ Ty 2019 Thee Coetzee AT stove case FoR Seniencina on 13 ¢ ye Serpe. 209, INeACATING He coud net Finien His Decision ON SewTen ting So te festhene Te Case And Aceusel Remain Ing_ Custody. 73 SCL1501/101 12 Write an outline of your experiences of this court observation project. What were the challenges and the milestones (if any)? In the, Remeune Case wees A Mok Guee urs CafeO And AN ATEOPT TS Kiechuepee tee CALS FoR Cue Wasnce Syste To Ensure “Treat TRE on Rerernatcrs by fnustine wrtt Haecu SGenltences. The wEVenns Rattts Ace Bele VYowate® Tite incipent Harness in aor Aree pn Now in 2019 August THe Couct Have niot Mace A Beason. IT Sendo A Messnac To Vets THAT Mestice Sister No Not Crste=w TO Tiere br lite CRYING Fol Justce. In Lesence | Beweve Moke Cavyoe ARE CUT To NAue A Quice Buckles By Kefeesevitinig Cenunacs es Not Cooking Brod InnvoctenT uvTie Moen Garey. lez Usnce Raise 17 Voce To Ceminacs Tat 17 wie Grsuke Tastice Revaics AVO 17 wie SurPoi? Tite Vets 13. Consult any advocate or attomey and ask him/her the following: (2) Name of the advocate/attomey: Siteweicie Ceere Vary Aye (0) How the Legal Practice Act 28 of 2014 has impacted will impact on his/her practice Me Van Ihe 1s Aw Ateenwey an 1S Cureeney WAKING Fok lear Aide Bore th SA iv Free State fhovince.. Tre Lean Racice Act Has Terciets Hing Toe Be Fark ,Ofen 75 $CL1501/101 PING [ie ASPET tilted HervestiniGe JSSUES OF CUNTS Tikes Tre Act He Renearts Tat Learnt | Justice SYSte? 1S Fru Avid EFFectieNT wv 1% ConleueT. 14. Name of the Clerk of Court/Registrar where the court observation was made: Haninerie Van Wye Kunecevey Neericen Care then Couet This is to declare that the student sadec War vS visited this court and observed the case mentioned in this Signature: eLie VAN WYK Stamp: gts oe EX OFFICIO. KIMBERLEY 8900 SOL PLAATJE ORIVE REGISTRAR : 05 KIMBERLEY 8301 7 Su Yew1501/101 18 ADDENDUM E: ACADEMIC HONESTY DECLARATION DECLARATION » 1. | understand what academic dishonesty entails and am aware of Unisa's policies in this regard. 2. | declare that this assignment is my own, original work. Where | have used someone else's work | have indicated this by using the prescribed style of referencing. Every contribution to, and quotation in, this assignment from the work or works of other people has been referenced according to this style. 3. I have not allowed, and will not allow, anyone to copy my work with the intention of passing it off as his or her own work. 4. | did not make use of another student's work and submitted it as my own. NAME: Bf SIGNATURE: ........5% STUDENT NUMBER:. 57

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