Cidam Iwrbs 11

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Classroom Instruction Delivery Alignment Map (CIDAM)

Grade: 12 Semester: __1st _

Core Subject Title: Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems No. of Hours/Semester: 80 Prerequisite (if needed)_________

Course Subject Description: The course explores the main tenets and practices of major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Theravada Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism,
Confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism. It aims to help learners understand the historical contexts of nine religions, appreciate their uniqueness and similarities and promote mutual
understanding among believers of different faiths. They are expected to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of one’s faith and that of others

Culminating Performance Standard: Perform a “Cost Play Online Exhibit” to promote tolerance and respect to other religions and avoid religious conflict inside this country and specifically
this institution.
Highest Enabling Strategy to
use in Developing the Highest
Highest Thinking Skills to Assess Thinking Skill to assess
Content Performance Standard Learning Competencies Assessment Technique Enabling Teaching
Content Standard KUD General Strategy
Classification RBT Level WW QA PC Strategy
A. Definitio The learners The leaners: The learners:
n of demonstrate an
Terms understanding of: 1. The learner 1. Give an example of a K Recognizing Essay Communicatio Activating
prepares character belief system or a Writing n Schema
1. The learner sketches of a worldview
demonstrate person who is Communicate her
s spiritual but not understanding of her
understandin religious and a religion
g of belief person who is 2. .Differentiate religion U Connecting Venn Reasoning and Interactive
system or religious but not from: Diagram Proof Discussion
worldview*, spiritual. a. Spirituality Graphic
Religion, b. Theology Organizer
Spirituality, c. Philosophy of
Philosophy of Religion Differentiate
Religion, and between religion as
Theology. humans’ way to God,
theology as a study of
God’s way to humans
and philosophy as a
reflection of humans’
lived experience of Collaborative
God Activity
3. Infer that: E Evaluating Essay Connection Visual
a. A belief system or Writing Presentation
worldview is a Brainstormin
particular way of g
ordering the realities
of one’s world.
b. Religion is the
pursuit of
transformation guided
by a sacred belief
c. Spirituality is one’s
integrative view of
life. It involves a quest
for the meaning and
ultimate value of life
as opposed to an
instrumentalist or
materialistic attitude
to life.
The elements of
religion are: (a)
reflects an effort to
elevate their whole
self to a higher
dimension of
existence, (b) a
framework of
transcendent beliefs,
(c) text or scriptures,
(d) rituals, and (e)
sacred spaces (e.g.,
church, temple,
mosque, synagogue).
Understanding the
worldview of each of
the world’s major
religions is critical in
appreciating their
rituals and practices.
These worldviews are:
All is one (Monistic)
1. Many Gods
2. One God
3. No God (Atheistic)
The elements of
spirituality are: (a)
holistic (fully
integrated view to
life), (b) quest for
meaning (including
the purpose of life),
(c) quest for the
sacred (beliefs about
God), and (d) suggests Post-it-all
a self - reflective D Creating Character Poster Debate Interactive
existence. Sketch Making discussion
Taking a
4. Prepare character Stand
sketches of a person Strategy
who is spiritual but not
religious and a person
who is religious but not
1. The learner
B. How the demonstrate
World s
Religions understandin
Began g of historical
contexts of
the different

Performance Task: Perform a “Cost Play Online Exhibit” to promote tolerance and respect to other religions and avoid religious conflict inside this country and specifically this institution.
“Cost Play Online Exhibit” will be posted on the IWRBS Facebook page and will be evaluated based on the following criteria: Presentation (30pts.), Genres 30 pts.),
Creativity and Originality (20pts.), Depth of tolerance and respect to other religions (20 pts.)

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