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AF. 2

Docent: Christopher Isis George Zuniga

Group: 039

Number Student Career


15° march, 2023

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Invention related mechatronics .......................................................................................................... 4
Mechatronics................................................................................................................................... 4
AI (Artificial Intelligence) ................................................................................................................. 4
First Invention related to ITS career ................................................................................................... 5
Invention related to IAS career ........................................................................................................... 6
The first Web server... ..................................................................................................................... 6
Invention related to IME career .......................................................................................................... 8
Efficient electric motors .................................................................................................................. 8
Renewable energy systems ............................................................................................................. 8
Automation and robotics ................................................................................................................ 8
Electric propulsion systems ............................................................................................................. 9
Control and monitoring systems ..................................................................................................... 9
Disc brakes ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Light switch ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Invention related to IMA career........................................................................................................ 10
Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Bibliographies. ................................................................................................................................... 13

Various innovations that have evolved and been created throughout the history of
engineering are written here. It is evident that humanity is in constant development and
growth, not only in the social and personal factor, but also in the new ways of life and the
adaptation of new technologies in everyday life that to some extent have determined the
quality of life of people, being in very particular cases as a benefit and in other cases as a
kind of threat, due to the possible shortage of jobs and deficiency of people for simple
In general, technology will continue to advance, so some recent and past innovations
applied by UK for the world are shown.
Invention related mechatronics
Is a field that combines multiple disciplines such as mechanical engineering, electronics, and
computer science to create intelligent and automated systems. When it comes to investing
in mechatronics, the first step is to research and understand the industry's trends, potential
growth, and major players.
One potential area for investment in mechatronics is the development of robotics and
automation systems for manufacturing and production processes. This can involve investing
in companies that develop robots, sensors, and software for automating tasks, such as
assembly line work, quality control, and material handling.
Another potential area for investment in mechatronics is the development of smart systems
for buildings and infrastructure, such as sensors and control systems for lighting, heating,
and air conditioning. This can involve investing in companies that develop sensors and
control systems, as well as companies that specialize in smart building design and
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Is a field of computer science that
focuses on the development of systems
and programs that can perform tasks
that typically require human
intelligence. AI is based on algorithms
and mathematical models that allow
computers to learn from data and
experiences and improve their ability to perform specific tasks with greater accuracy and
AI is used in a wide variety of applications, from virtual assistants to recommendation and
medical diagnosis systems. It is also used in areas such as robotics, automotive, finance,
security, and many more.
However, AI also poses significant ethical and social challenges, such as data privacy,
algorithmic discrimination, cybersecurity, and impact on the job market. Therefore, it is
important for research to be conducted and appropriate measures to be taken to ensure
that AI is developed and used responsibly and ethically.
First Invention related to ITS career

The first software engineer in history was Margaret

Hamilton, a pioneer in computer programming who
made significant contributions to the field of
software engineering and computer science.

Born in Indiana in 1936, Hamilton began her career

at MIT as a programmer in the MIT Instrumentation
Laboratory. In 1961, she joined the programming
team for the MIT Project on Rocket Guidance, which
developed software for the Apollo spacecraft.

Hamilton was instrumental in designing and implementing the software system for the
Apollo Lunar Module, which allowed astronaut Neil Armstrong to deliver his famous line
"one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" when he stepped onto the moon in
1969. She also led the software team at NASA's Instrumentation Research Division, which
developed software for the Skylab Space Station and the Hubble Space Telescope.
In addition to her contributions at NASA, Hamilton was an advocate for software
engineering as a discipline and founded her own software company, Hamilton
Technologies, in 1986. She was also recognized for her work in error prevention and the
introduction of "fault tolerance" concepts in computer system design.
In recognition of her achievements, Hamilton received the Presidential Medal of Freedom
in 2016, the highest civilian honor in the United States, and was also included in Time
magazine's list of the 100 most influential people in 2019.
Margaret Hamilton is considered a pioneer and a legend in the history of computer science
and software engineering, and her contributions have had a significant impact on the
development of modern computer technology.
Invention related to IAS career
The first Web server...
By the end of 1990, Tim Berners-Lee had the first Web server and browser up and running
at CERN, demonstrating his ideas. He developed the code for his Web server on a NeXT
computer. To prevent it being accidentally switched off, the computer had a hand-written
label in red ink: "This machine is a server. DO NOT POWER IT DOWN!!"
In the next image, you can see an example of a proposal: was the address of the world's first website and Web server, running on a
NeXT computer at CERN. The first Web page address was

This page contained links to information about the WWW project itself, including a
description of hypertext, technical details for creating a Web server, and links to other
Web servers as they became available.
The WWW design allowed easy access to existing information and an early web page linked
to information useful to CERN scientists (e.g. the CERN phone book and guides for using
CERN’s central computers). A search facility relied on keywords - there were no search
engines in the early years.
Berners-Lee’s original Web browser running on NeXT computers showed his vision and had
many of the features of current Web browsers. In addition, it included the ability to modify
pages from directly inside the browser – the first Web editing capability. This screenshot
shows the browser running on a NeXT computer in 1993.
Invention related to IME career
Mechanical electrical engineering is a branch of engineering that combines principles of
mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. Some important innovations in this area
Efficient electric motors
Electric motors are a fundamental part of many mechanical devices, from fans to heavy
machinery. Mechanical electrical engineers have worked to improve the efficiency of these
motors, reducing energy consumption and operating costs.

Renewable energy systems

Mechanical electrical engineers have been
working on the development of renewable
energy systems, such as solar panels, wind
turbines, and hydroelectric power systems.
These systems help to reduce our
dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate
climate change.

Automation and robotics

Mechanical electrical engineering has also had a significant impact on automation and
robotics. Robots are used in a wide variety of applications, from manufacturing to space
exploration. Mechanical electrical engineers
have worked to improve the precision,
speed, and efficiency of these systems.
Electric propulsion systems
Mechanical electrical engineering has also focused on the development of electric
propulsion systems for vehicles. These systems help to reduce dependence on oil and
reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Control and monitoring systems
Mechanical electrical engineers have also worked on the development of control and
monitoring systems for a wide variety of applications. These systems can be used to monitor
the health of machinery, control the flow of materials on a production line, or even control
traffic in a city.
Disc brakes
The inventor of disc brakes is the British Frederick
William Lanchester, in the city of Birmingham
(England) in 1902. The patent for this brilliant
invention was filed on December 1, 1902 and
published as GB26407/1902.
In his patent, Lanchester talks about jaws with grips
similar to "dental pliers." When the driver presses the
brake pedal, the caliper moves and presses the disc
against the second caliper. This causes the disc, and
therefore the spindle to which it is welded, to stop.

Light switch
The modern switch we use today was
invented by electrical engineer John
Henry Holmes in 1884 in Newcastle,
England. In 1880 Holmes attended a
public demonstration of Joseph Swan's
incandescent light bulb which sparked his
interest in electric lighting, and this led to
his apprenticeship.
This invention consists of an evolution of
the previous electrical ignition system (the
old device was lit by means of a device that
created an "electric arc" when the contacts were connected, which eroded the device due
to the accumulation of residues, which made it last very little time).
Invention related to IMA career

English mechanical engineer who invented the steam locomotive. The son of a mechanic
who operated a steam pump to drain water in a mine (Newcomen), he became familiar with
these machines from a very young age.
Established at last as chief mechanic at the Killingworth mine, he became interested in the
application of Watt's steam engine to pulling wagons on rails. He created the Blucher
locomotive, which he successively perfected, until in 1821 he convinced the promoters of
the Stockton to Darlington railway project so that it was pulled by a steam locomotive and
not by horses; thus, the first modern railway line arose, built by Stephenson in 1825.
The success led to his being called upon to build the much longer line from Liverpool to
Manchester; on that occasion, his Rocket won a race with other locomotives, who aspired
to be used on the line (1,829). Stephenson installed a factory in Newcastle, from which the
eight locomotives that worked in this first regular railway service came out, and he was
called to build or advise on many other railways that were spreading throughout the world

George Stephenson
• Edwin Alejandro Martínez Martínez
In the UK, engineering inventions have been carried out with contributions to
society up to the present, thanks to which we have evolved in terms of
improvements to satisfy our needs, in my case, because it was an IME race, the
switch greatly innovated the civilization so much that it is still used today, of course
with improvements as technology advances, but everything started from that base.

• Diego Andrés Mendez Zarate – 1997543

Margaret Hamilton was a pioneering software engineer who made significant
contributions to the field of software engineering and computer science. Her work
on the software system for the Apollo Lunar Module was instrumental in the success
of the Apollo 11 mission. Hamilton was also a strong advocate for software
engineering as a discipline and founded her own software company. Her
achievements have had a significant impact on the development of modern
computer technology, and she is considered a legend in the field of computer
science. Hamilton's legacy continues to inspire future generations of software

• Héctor Sebastián Martínez Rodríguez - 1849521

The most incredible innovation is the implementation of industry 4.0 and internet
of things, everywhere the electronic devices are connected via wireless or some of
the hundred communications protocols, for example as been showed the XXXX,
which has the possibility to transfer the status of the motor, that’s an incredible
device for maintenance and engineering project integrations and will be possible
have more speed to act for any incident for the machines. Mechanical engineering
it is too complex to make a perfection, still “obsolete” but the innovation applied for
it, make better results for inspections and maintenance. It is necessary to talk too
about electrical motors, the environment requires better conditions, and eventually
years ago, the motors were not efficient, then today are efficiently and helps to the
environment conditions.

• Pedro Damian Longoria Arechar – 1593773

It is awesome to see how this world that we know now as “internet” started in this
way, like an experiment, and I think without knowing that this will revolutionize the
world in the next years in awesome and new ways.
• Edgar López Flores - 1723539
The railway is part of a wide range of land transport throughout the world, which
allows and carries out the transport of people and goods from the place where they
are to the place where they want to go or where they are needed. at present, a
combination of means roads, railways, etc. is used, acting in coordination for this
The Railroad was the largest mass transportation machine invented during the 19th
century, it made it possible to move large amounts of both people and materials for
industries in less time. The construction of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway in
1830 cemented his fame forever.
• Gregorio Martínez Martínez – 2014975
To finish with this activity, we can say that there are many things that have been
done in the UK and these help in the development of each branch of engineering,
there are many things done by engineers from different specialties.

• Eliud Jonathan Lucio García – 2000116

In conclusion, the inventions created by the UK have been of great support to
humanity since they have helped many areas of engineering, including software
engineering, mechatronics, mechanics, electricity, among others.

• Carlos Jazam Mendez Rocha IMA – 1886626

Technology always goes hand in hand with engineering, knowing that some
countries are more developed than others and that these inventions can help and
benefit. Technology is a tool that helps man in multiple jobs in society is a very
important factor because it is the key to the future.

• Jose Adrian Martinez Garza – 1842132

In conclusion, I believe that mechatronics has been one of the careers that has
revolutionized the industry since all the machinery and robotics are based on that
career and it has become something indispensable on a day-to-day basis since it has
many benefits for the industry. and daily life.
• Stadler, M. M. (2018, April 23). Margaret Hamilton: “La primera ingeniera de
software.” Mujeres Con Ciencia.
• BRISTOLENO. (06 de SEPTIEMBRE de 2014). Obtenido de inventos-britanicos-que-cambiaron-el-
• Historia, C. (2023b, febrero 24). Cuando se crearon los primeros automóviles, los
frenos eran de zapata, similares Read more. CurioSfera Historia.
• E. (2020, 18 septiembre). Interruptores eléctricos. Revista eléctrica.

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