Systematic Approach in Reporting and Monitoring of Adverse Drug Reaction

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Systematic Approach in Reporting and Monitoring of

Adverse Drug Reaction
Dr. D. K. Vir1 ; Dr. Smita Takarkhede2; Jitendra Chouhan3; Himanshu Devasi4; Ritesh Kanojiya5; Harshal Patil6
Research Guide, Dept. of Pharmacology, Ideal College of Pharmacy and Research
Principal, Ideal College of Pharmacy and Research
Research Scholar, Ideal College of Pharmacy and Research, Bhal, Dwarli, Hajimalang Road,
Kalyan East, Maharashtra,421306, India

Date of Submission: 07/03/2023

Date of Acceptance: 09/03/2023
Date of Publication: 22/03/2023

Abstract:- Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) are a Pharmaceutical companies must perform clinical trials
significant public health concern, and the reporting and in accordance with ICH GCP principles in order to create new
monitoring of these events is essential for the pharmaceuticals for the market. Clinical trials include
identification of potential safety issues with medications. pharmacovigilance as a crucial and essential component.
A systemic approach to reporting and monitoring of
ADRs includes a comprehensive evaluation of all aspects W. McBride, an Australian physician who first
of the process, including the collection and analysis of suggested a causative connection between thalidomide, a
ADR data, the reporting mechanisms in place, and the medication taken during pregnancy, and significant foetal
follow-up and response to the reported events. This abnormalities (Phocomelia), published a case report in the
approach should involve collaboration between Lancet in December 1961, which led to the formal
healthcare providers, patients, and regulatory agencies, introduction of pharmacovigilance. Thalidomide was
and should leverage technology to enhance the efficiency employed by pregnant women as a sedative and antiemetic.
and accuracy of the process. A robust and systematic The World Health Organization (WHO) developed
approach to ADR reporting and monitoring is critical for "Programmed for International Medication Monitoring" in
ensuring patient safety and improving the quality of 1968 as a pilot initiative with the goal of aggregating global
healthcare. data on adverse drug responses (ADRs). The "WHO
Programmed" was specifically designed to locate the first PV
I. INTRODUCTION signs. A French group of toxicologists and pharmacologists
coined the word PV in the middle of the 1970s to describe the
The pharmaceutical science of detecting, evaluating, actions supporting "The evaluation of the risks of side effects
comprehending, and preventing harmful effects, particularly that may be connected with drugs.
long-term and short-term side effects of medications, is
known as pharmacovigilance (PV), sometimes known as drug "Pharmacovigilance is one of the most important and
safety. PV is a crucial and essential component of clinical crucial elements of clinical research. Safety in clinical trials
research. The biggest problem in the world is the under- and post-marketing pharmacovigilance potential (also known
reporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), which can be as Post-marketing studies or Phase IV clinical trials) are both
linked to a lack of time and report forms. It is well known that crucial throughout the whole life cycle of a product. With a
the World Health Organization (WHO) has started a sizable number of high-profile medication withdrawals in
programme to record any adverse drug responses. recent years, both the pharmaceutical industry and numerous
Additionally, its concerns now extend to biologicals, medical regulatory bodies worldwide have increased the bar. In order
devices, vaccines, traditional and complementary medicines, to discover the risks associated with their treatments as soon
blood products, and herbal medication items. PV also as possible, major pharmaceutical firms have recently
performs a variety of responsibilities, including the detection, implemented early identification of signals from the early
measurement, and reporting of drug-related issues that lead phases of clinical trials and post-marketing monitoring
to drug-related injuries. Additionally, nationwide PV studies. If such a risk exists, it is necessary to properly
programmes have been launched, which play a crucial part in manage it by using effective risk management strategies
raising public knowledge of medication safety. The necessity throughout the product's life cycle. These risk management
for PV in the daily lives of doctors, patients, and the strategies are also frequently referred to as risk mitigation
pharmaceutical business is explained in this review paper. strategies. Adverse drug responses (ADRs), which are
unpleasant and undesirable drug reactions that occur at doses
commonly utilized for disease prevention, diagnosis, or
therapy, or for the modification of physiological function, are
of particular concern to PV. Continuously assessing

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
pharmaceutical effects, side effects, contraindications, and Side effect: Any unanticipated side effect of a
unfavorable adverse events that may cause severe morbidity medication that results from taking it as prescribed and is
and mortality is essential to maximise benefits and minimise connected to its pharmacological characteristics.
dangers. No amount of care and caution taken during the pre-
clinical and clinical testing phases can ensure total safety Poly-pharmacy: The simultaneous use of many drugs,
when a product is sold and prescribed to large populations sometimes with multiple doctors’ advice
both inside and outside of the country. As clinical trials only
involve at most a few thousand people, less prevalent side Most common two types of ADRs:
effects and adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are typically  Predictable (Type-A) Reactions- They are based on
unknown when a product is first put on the market. To pharmacological characteristics such as an increased but
determine the connections between medications and ADRs, quantitatively normal reaction to the medication, which
post-marketing PV use methods including data study of case includes toxic effects, side effects, and withdrawal
reports. Drug regulatory organisations are expected to have a symptoms. Examples of these dose-dependent effects
reliable PV system in place in order to monitor ADRs both include bleeding while using anticoagulants.
during the medication development stage and later on over  Unpredictable (Type- B) Reactions - They are based on
the life cycle of a marketed product. the patient's indications rather than the drug's known side
effects, such as allergies and idiosyncrasy. They require
II. VARIOUS TERMS ASSOCIATED WITH drug withdrawal because they are more severe, such as an
REPORTING OF ADVERSE DRUG allergic reaction to penicillin.
The first goal of pharmacovigilance is to better
Adverse event: Any unfavorable medical occurrence safeguard the public from new medications.
that may occur when taking a drug but does not necessarily
have a connection to its use is referred to as an adverse event.  To contribute to the evaluation of the efficacy, safety, and
risk of pharmaceuticals.
Adverse drug reaction: Any unpleasant, unplanned, and  Encourage community members to communicate well.
unwanted effects of a medication that occur when it is  To encourage the prudent and secure use of medication.
administered to a human for prevention, diagnosis, treatment,  Drug effectiveness and monitoring of unfavorable effects.
or alteration of physiological function are known as adverse  Pharmacovigilance prevents any negative side effects
drug reactions (ADRs).
from medications.
Post marketing surveillance: Post-marketing Increase public health and safety in relation to the
surveillance (PMS) is the process of keeping track of a application of pharmacovigilance through promoting
medicine or device's safety after it has been put on the market.
knowledge, instruction, and clinical training.PV plays a
significant part in the evaluation of pharmacological side
Clinical trials: Clinical trials are a class of tests used in
effects, whether they are brought on by oral, parenteral, or
medical research and drug development to determine the intravenous medications. Before they are sold globally, many
safety and effectiveness of health interventions. They also
medications are pretested for ADRs. In assessing, detecting,
provide data on adverse drug reactions and unfavorable
and identifying the medicines that produced a specific ADR
consequences of other therapies (e.g., drugs, diagnostics, and the mechanism by which it caused the harm, PV plays a
devices, therapy protocols).
crucial role.
Safety signal: Safety signals, which can come from The rate of suspected ADRs among hospitalised patients
post-marketing data as well as other sources like pre-clinical has been estimated by studies to be between 2% and 3%,
data and events linked to other products in the same depending on the region of India. A recent systematic
pharmacological class, refer to a worry about more adverse investigation assessed the typical incidence of ADRs that led
events than one may anticipate being connected to the usage to hospitalisation and those that occurred while in the hospital
of a product. to be 2.85(%) percent and 6.34(%) percent, respectively.
ADRs cost the hospital a total of Rupees 1567397, according
Pharmacoepidemiology: Study of the effects and usage to research. ADR patients who are hospitalised often incur
of medications in huge populations.
management expenditures of about Rupees 5000 (115 in
dollar). The costs were revealed to be rather high for a country
Pharmacology: Study of drug usage, effects, and where the annual per capita health spending is close to 109
mechanisms of action US dollar.ADRs lengthen hospital stays, raise the expense of
care, and place a load on the healthcare system of an nation.
Pharmacovigilance: The knowledge and methods used
in the detection, assessment, comprehension, and reduction
of adverse effects or any other drug-related problem.

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The National Pharmacovigilance Programme (NPP)
Inform the public of adverse drug reactions: would encourage reporting of all alleged adverse medication
 Report a significant adverse response: A reaction is reactions, including those that could have been caused by
serious when the patient's outcome is one of the herbal, conventional, or alternative therapies. It would be
following: death, life-threatening illness, hospitalisation, crucial to record adverse responses that appear to be minor or
or the need for an intervention to stop long-term harm or frequent because they might draw attention to a widespread
disability. prescription issue. The initiative specifically requests reports
 Any healthcare practitioner may file a report (doctors of:
including dentists, nurses, and pharmacists) Please send  All adverse events thought to be brought on by novel
the completed form to the National Coordinating Center medications and "Drugs of Current Interest" (List to be
or the Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Center that is published by CDSCO from time to time)
closest to you.  Any conceivable drug interactions
 What happens to the supplied information? All  Reactions to any other medications that may have a major
information is treated with absolute confidentiality. At impact on a patient's care, including those that may: Death
ADR monitoring centres, the causation evaluation is done Life-threatening (actual risk of dying) (real risk of dying)
using the WHO-UMC scale. The ADR database was used Hospitalisation (initial or protracted) (initial or
to send the evaluation can be made to national centres. prolonged) Disability (severe, chronic or permanent)
 National Coordinating Centers examine the report on an (significant, persistent or permanent) Congenital defect
ongoing basis. The data produced based on this study aids Intervention that is necessary to stop lasting harm or
in ongoing evaluation of the benefit-risk ratio of impairment
pharmaceuticals. The data is given to the PvPI steering
group, which was established by the Ministry of Health B. Who can report?
and Family Welfare. Any health care provider, including doctors, dentists,
nurses, and pharmacists, may report possible medication side
IV. PROGRAMME COMMUNICATION effects. Reports from laymen or anybody else who is not a
healthcare professional are not acceptable for the Programme.

C. Where to report?
The completed form must be delivered back to the
original pharmacovigilance Centre where it was first
obtained. Any of the country's pharmacovigilance entrées that
are close to the reporter can receive reports. (A complete list
of pharmaceutical surveillance facilities may be found at If in doubt, the form can be forwarded to
the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization in New
Delhi, the country's pharmacovigilance Centre.

D. What happens to the information submitted?

The data in the form must be treated with absolute
confidentiality. The form must be sent by peripheral
pharmacovigilance entrées to the corresponding regional
pharmacovigilance entrées so they may conduct the causality
analysis. These details must be sent to the Zonal
Pharmacovigilance Centers. The information will be
statistically analysed before being sent to the WHO Uppsala
Monitoring Center in Sweden's worldwide
pharmacovigilance database. The National
Pharmacovigilance Advisory Committee, which was
established by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
will regularly evaluate the final report based on the analysed
data. The Committee is charged with reviewing data and
recommending any regulatory measures that could be
necessary either regard to the medicine.

E. Importance of PV and its governance structure in India

It is research that deals with the difficult process of
comprehending and outlining the nature of adverse drug
reactions (ADR) that occur when a patient receives either
oral, parenteral, or intravenous (I.V.) medications to treat a
Fig 1 Programme Communication condition. To determine if a treatment is safe for use in

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
treating a particular ailment and to determine the precise side  National Pharmacovigilance center: Zonal
effects connected with it, the pharmaceuticals now on the Pharmacovigilance center, regional Pharmacovigilance
market across the world have undergone a wide range of center, peripheral Pharmacovigilance center.
testing as well as clinical studies on both human and animal  ADRs monitoring center: MCI approved medical college,
subjects. Even yet, a sizable portion of it escapes unreported, private hospital\health center, and autonomous institution.
and some ADR are found through post-marketing
surveillance. According to estimates, there are a considerable B. Goals of pvpi
number of ADRs, which lower quality of life, lengthen
hospital stays, and raise mortality. According to a seminal  Short term goals
research by Lazarou in 1998, ADRs are between the fourth  To create and execute an Indian pharmacovigilance
and sixth largest cause of mortality in the US and are system
responsible for between three percent and seven percent of all  To persuade medical professionals to disclose any
hospital admissions. negative effects from medications, vaccinations, medical
equipment, or biological products
V. GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE  Gathering data and case reports.
 All medical colleges that received approval from MCI
implemented the programmes.

 Long term goals

 Adding all hospitals and public health initiatives in India
to the pharmacovigilanceprogramme
 Making ADR reporting necessary for medical
 To create an online reporting system.

Fig 2:- Governance Structure

A. PvPI Programme: Fig 3:- Pharmacovigilance programme in India (PVPI)

The Indian government's Pharmacovigilance
Programme of India (PvPI) is a body that finds and fixes drug VI. ADVERSE REACTION REPORTING
safety issues. Receiving reports of adverse medication CHALLENGES
occurrences and taking the appropriate measures to address
issues are among its activities. A. Opinions of healthcare experts on ADR reporting:
A common challenge throughout most investigations
Its components: has been the absence of suspicion surrounding the emergence
 Administrative Body: Steering committee, Technical of ADRs. It's a common fallacy that ADRs don't need to be
support committee, Strategic advisory committee. reported unless there is solid proof demonstrating a
connection between the medicine and the adverse event. It is

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
problematic when spontaneous reporting is ignored. Medical more important than reporting them. Lack of incentives for
professionals frequently think that one case cannot possibly healthcare workers to complete this activity, which is already
add to the corpus of knowledge. There is a common a strain given their heavy workloads, is another potential
misconception that since only safe medications are licenced barrier. There is a belief that running into ADRs are a regular
for marketing, they must be safe. Prospective reporters aspect of patient treatment and do not require reporting.
frequently struggle to pick up the phone and figure out if an

B. Knowledge gaps and insufficient training: Eventually, insufficient ADR reporting causes a number
There is still a major ignorance regarding the existence, of critical signals to be missed or needlessly delayed in being
function, and use of national pharmacovigilance programmes gathered, enabling potentially hazardous drugs to remain on
and ADR monitoring systems, despite the fact that doctors the market and endangering patient safety. Based on the data
and other healthcare professionals are rapidly becoming more currently at hand, including surveys of medical experts, a
aware of them. The specifics of what has to be reported are number of potential steps to improve the in-situ adverse event
unclear to healthcare providers, who also lack knowledge of reporting system in India have been identified.
how to do so. Although doctors and other healthcare
professionals are gradually becoming aware of national A. Greater participation of all parties involved in reporting
pharmacovigilance programmes and ADR monitoring ADRs
systems, they still have little knowledge of their existence,
function, and functioning. The information that healthcare  Nurses and Pharmacist
professional’s need to report and how to accomplish so are Despite evidence that suggests nurses are frequently
unclear to them. Lack of formal training in ADR diagnosis, unsure of their role in spontaneous reporting of adverse drug
reporting, and recommended protocols among medical reactions (ADRs), studies have shown that increased
personnel is another hurdle. Both the general public and the involvement of nurses in not only gathering and managing
medical community feel that the spontaneous reporting of ADRs but also reporting and documenting them contributes
ADRs has not been adequately promoted. The impression of to the improvement of the system. The statistical and
the danger associated with over-the-counter, herbal, and subjective analysis of nurses' reports of ADRs was done in a
relatively older medications as well as the information and Swedish research. According to the statistics, the rate rose
experience necessary to accurately detect ADRs are both from 2–3% in the middle of the 1990s to 12% in 2004. For
insufficient. identifying and reporting adverse medication reactions,
nurses are a valuable supplementary resource. Additional
C. Potential conflict problems: studies have revealed that there was a considerable increase
Potential conflict problems have also been said to affect in the proportion of severe and unlabeled ADRs as well as the
the reporting of healthcare practitioners. Many respondents reporting rates of ADRs after integrating nurses who had
worry that they would become mired in legal problems received adequate training in reporting ADRs. Customers
brought on by the reporting of ADRs. Since patients are must be included in ADR reporting alongside doctors since
frequently reluctant to provide their personal information, it they regularly contact with pharmacists, whose reports may
is difficult to manage them and handle their confidentiality be supplemented by reliable and relevant information from
concerns when reporting. pharmacists. The reports also take into account any potential
worries the patients may have regarding the ADRs they
D. Organizational issues with the pharmacovigilance system encounter. Despite the common belief that pharmacists don't
in hospitals and with patients: have a lot of room in India's drug delivery system, offering
It has been noted that there is insufficient awareness of consumer reporting forms through pharmacies can greatly
the goals and possible benefits of ADR monitoring. Lack of enhance direct patient reporting of ADRs.
understanding of the available ADR reporting forms. There
are logistical problems, such as the shortage of ADR forms at  Patients/Consumers:
pharmacies and hospitals or the inability to get them when Expanding the use of patients or consumers as reporters
needed. Due to the patient's inability to provide the necessary is a very important step that can help to overcome the issue
information, pharmacists believe that the information needed of under reporting of ADRs. Hunzel et al assessments of 11
to report the ADR is insufficient. nations highlighted the significance of allowing members of
the public to report adverse reactions in order to increase the
E. Health care practitioners' perspectives on reporting scientific value of the pharmacovigilance data that has been
ADRs: gathered. According to findings from a previous study on
Healthcare professionals commonly bemoan their lack patient reporting, individuals are more likely than healthcare
of time, interest in, or access to the appropriate reporting professionals to recognise and report the negative reactions
form. It has been said that professionals might not be as eager they experience. Additionally, patient reporting sheds
to disclose a negative reaction they observe. This is made information on potential novel responses, giving expert
worse by the requirement that they complete extra paperwork reports of ADRs significance and relevance. Patients and
in order to disclose ADRs. Lethargy and procrastination in consumers have so far had excellent experiences in countries
reporting are the outcomes of this. Moreover, several studies that have included them as reporters. By incorporating
have highlighted the notion that handling individual ADRs is patients, we may gain a better understanding of their thoughts

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
and broaden our perspective on ADR5 reporting. In terms of were required to complete the form and place it in the drop
India, this addition is recent and is expected to strengthen and box when they encountered an ADR. These forms were then
improve the present programme. Less than 12% of ICSRs delivered to the national pharmacovigilance Centre as a
submitted to PvPI are believed to be directly from consumers group. Due to this, the number of ADR reports in the three
at this time. months nearly doubled. To improve reporting outcomes,
these novel strategies may be evaluated and used in medical
B. Making the reporting process more time-efficient, settings. Drop boxes and telephone contact are the most
comfortable, and easy: favored ways of communication, according to a survey of
resident physicians and nurses. As low-cost and effective
 Promoting eHealth tools for reporting: ways to urge clinicians to routinely report the ADRs they
Many polls among healthcare professionals on how to observe in their patients, both within and in the OPD, periodic
improve spontaneous ADR reporting have advised the emails and/or SMS alerts have also been suggested.
creation of techniques to make the reporting process faster Economic enticement may be viewed by some as a motivator
and more convenient. Regulatory organisations are to promote ADR reporting among healthcare providers.
increasingly leveraging data collected through social media However, a survey revealed that almost 80% of participants
and mobile applications to speed ADR reporting and enhance did not believe that financial incentives might improve the
consumers' capacity to report unfavorable situations process. Additionally, using financial incentives to prevent
instantly. Although these initiatives have already begun in biased and excessive reporting is not generally recognised.
India, acceptance rates are still modest at less than 1%. In For the programme to be successful in the long run, building
2015–16, mobile platforms were used to receive individual positive relationships with stakeholders like physicians and
case safety reports (ICSRs). Using a website that allows for pharmacovigilance entrées and changing how ADR reporting
online form completion and submission can speed up the is seen are crucial. It is essential that physicians make
ADR filing process and make it more efficient. According to reporting of adverse reactions an integral part of their daily
a French study, this strategy significantly reduced the tasks and that all healthcare workers view it as their duty.
reporting duration and boosted the quantity of reports by Regular feedback for ADRs reported to specific healthcare
around 50%. It has also been recommended that the reporting professional’s (HCPs) or groups of HCPs can help to
status be improved by automatically filling up some elements strengthen the voluntary reporting culture.
of the reporting form (if it is online). At hospitals with the
option for electronic patient records, especially in the D. Medical students and professionals can benefit from
critically underserved private sector, a hyper link to an online educational programmes and training.
ADR reporting form can be included to the record. A The majority of participants in several researches on
Portuguese study found that after including a hyperlink, the improving spontaneous reporting of adverse events across
number of ADR reports increased from an earlier average of India supported adding training programmes and continuing
1 to 4. medical education (CME) series. According to a randomised
controlled trial (RCT) conducted among physicians to see if
 Increasing the accessibility and usefulness of forms for educational interventions for pharmacovigilance could
spontaneous ADR reporting: improve spontaneous reporting of adverse events, the
One important aspect of the pharmacovigilance reporting rate (RR) increased by about 65% in the
programme that can have a good impact on the process is the intervention group, indicating the significant impact of the
design and content of the spontaneous reporting forms. ADR intervention. Another RCT found that the intervention group
forms should be more widely accessible, which is equally was almost 10% more likely to report adverse drug reactions
important. Reports forms can be updated to be less than the controls (adjusted RR 10.23%). This RCT also
complicated and more user-friendly, as well as to include all included a multifaceted educational intervention for doctors
the essential information. The healthcare providers may be that included a weekly outreach visit, a card of reminders, and
discouraged from voluntarily reporting an adverse occurrence an ADR report form. . In the first four months, there was a
if the form is overly complicated. A study evaluating the sharp increase in ADR reporting, and the effect remained for
effectiveness of ADR reporting forms from other countries the first year. It is evident that targeted outreach programmes
found that Malaysia's form is the most detailed and capable like this one can boost the number of ADRs that doctors
of capturing the necessary data. Due to diverse designs, the report. As a result of awareness-raising training seminars, the
data collection methods used by the others differed. amount and quality of spontaneous reporting from healthcare
Synchronizing the forms and producing a comprehensive practitioners has consistently increased. Workshops that
form is essential to streamline the filing procedure and lessen include concise explanations on the basic terms used in PV
confusion. and the necessity of ADR monitoring, followed by the
presentation of a clinical case and hands-on form filling, have
C. Instruments to strengthen the pharmacovigilance system produced notable and long-lasting benefits.
and promote clinicians for reporting:
An education campaign for boosting understanding and
awareness of PV as well as ADR notification drop boxes were
established in a research conducted in India. These boxes,
which also included straightforward reporting forms, were
placed in every OPD and ward in the hospital. Physicians

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Union: Exclude quotes Off Exclude bibliography On
Exclude matches Off Challenges and Perspectives”,
We gratefully thank the management of Ideal College of Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science, 2018
Pharmacy and Research (ICPR) for providing the necessary
resources for this research as well as for their support. We
owe a great deal to Dr. Smita Takarkhede, the principal of
Ideal College of Pharmacy and Research, for inspiring us to
take on this project. Additionally, we owe it to our mentor
and fellow employees. Without their valuable expertise and
tremendous assistance, our task would not have been feasible.

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