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Rule Book
Event List

1. Short Film Making

2. Technical Quiz
3. Poster Making
4. Photography
5. Blind Coding
6. Technical Extempore
7. Start-up Competition
8. Short film making
9. Treasure Hunt
10. Logo Recreation
Rules for Events

Short Film Making

1. It’s a team event with 1-3 members.
2. Theme of the short film will be given in the morning.
3. Time duration of short film can be from 15 sec-30 minutes.
4. Theme of the film should be clear in video.
5. The short film must be original and no watermark of any kind should be on
the film.
6. Judgement will be on the basis of theme, clarity, quality and content.

Brain Grilling - Technical Quiz

1. There will be 2 students per team with max of two teams per class.
2. Qualifying round will contain 20 question in written format.
3. Final round will consists of identification of logos, CEOs and taglines.
Debugging Competition
Common Rules for Both Rounds:-

1. A team shall consist of one member.

2. The participants shall not be allowed to use mobile or other electronic gadgets
during the event.
3. Replacement of any participant of a team is not allowed after registration.
4. The decision of the debugging coordinator shall be final and shall not be
subjected to any change.
5. Time limit of each round is 30 minutes.

Specific Rules for 1st round

a) Code of statements would be in C/C++ programming language.

Specific Rules for 2nd round

a) Finalist of 1st round will be the participant of second round.

b) HTML/CSS Based tasks.(Template Designing)

Blind Coding

This is an individual event.

This event consists of 2 rounds.

Round-1 contains program of medium complexity (Time Limit: 15 minutes)

Round-2 contains program of high complexity (Time Limit: 15 minutes)

Coding question will be provided at the moment


1. Each participant has to write the code for given problem, with MONITOR

2. Participants whose code gets executed will be given higher preference.

3. The second preference will be given to code with least number of errors.

4. Shortlisted participants of Round-1 will appear for Round-2 for which above
rules are applicable

5. Preferred Languages are C, C++, Java or Python

6. Any participant after finishing with code will raise hand so that host can note
down the timings

7. Participant is not allowed to switch on the Monitor even after they are done
with code

8. Only 1 representative is allowed from each College

Logo Recreation
1. It is an individual event.
2. Software platform is Adobe Illustrator/Corel Draw.
3. Theme of the Logo will be given on the spot.
4. No internet access is allowed for pictures or drawings references/ideas.
5. Time Limit for designing Logo will be 40 minutes.
6. Logo should be clear and relatable to the theme provided.

Start-up Competition
1. Only one team is allowed from each college.
2. Each team will compromise of two participants.
3. Each team will present their Idea/problem/solution and USP. Mode of
language English only.
4. Preparing PPT of Business Idea is optional.
5. Sustainable and Financially feasible ideas will be preferred.
6. Duration of presentation of idea will be 5-7 minutes. First bell will ring after
5 minutes and second bell after 7 minutes. Under time and overtime will
have negative marking.

Poster Making
1. Individual participant.
2. Time limit for completion of poster making would be 1 hour.
3. Student need to choose social theme while making poster.
4. Student can choose any kind of color according to their choice like pastel,
oil, water.
5. Sheets will be provided to students
Technical Extempore

1. Maximum two teams are allowed from each college.

2. One Participant per team.
3. Each participant will be given a topic through a slip.
4. Four minutes will be given to participant to think about the topic.
5. The Participant will have to speak for 3-4 minutes on the given topic.
6. First Bell will ring after 3 minutes and then final bell will ring after 4
minutes. If a participant stops before 3 minutes and after 4 minutes then he
or she will have negative marking.

Treasure Hunt
The object of the Hunt is to have fun. Any incident during the Hunt resulting in
injury or worse may mean the end of the Hunt. Recognize that success of the Hunt
is designed to be based upon clue complexity and your ability to solve them.
The following rules are in the interest of Our event .Random spot checks will be
done at certain sites by Hunt coordinators.

1. All teams must have at least 7 members .You may register in advance by visiting
our link and completing the online registration form.
2. Teams must stay together during the Treasure Hunt and are encouraged to work
together to solve the clues and retrieve the Cards from each location.
4. Each team will be given a “Clue Booklet” at the beginning of the treasure hunt.
5. Teams will be scored on the total value of the clues collected and the amount of
time taken. Once all clues are collected teams must return to the finish in order to
be counted as finished.
6. All the classes will compete in the first round together.
7. Each team in the hunt is assigned a number. A paper with this number on it is
provided to you at sign in on the day of the hunt.
8. The Treasure Hunt begins at 10:00 AM. “Clue Booklets” will be distributed to
team members at that time and may be opened and the teams may start solving the
clues and retrieving “Treasure Hunt trophy”.
9. Disqualification will result from any of the following
a. Damaging any property
c. Interfering with other teams or their members in any way
d. Copying from other teams.
e. Stealing from other teams.

THEME: - The best part of the campus, where, you can make the most Amazing
memory, that you like the most.

General Rules for the Event:-

1. It is an individual event activity.

2. Specific time limit: 9 AM to 1PM.
3. Submission by 1:30PM.
4. The photographs should be relevant to the theme of the fest.
5. The photographs should be captured within the campus only.
6. 5 best photographs should be accepted.
7. Students must submit both soft and hard both copies of the photographs
8. No submission shall be entertained after stipulated time.
9. Students are required to provide the technical details of the image to retain
its originality.

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