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ICOM 1302

Essential Employability Skill Self-Reflection

Student Name:__Maddy Hamlyn _____________Student ID Number__100814786___________________

Lab:___________________________ Faculty/Staff:_Karen_______Date: _december 14 2021__________________________

The purpose of the self-reflection is:

1. To promote student success class and in the field by promoting and evaluating essential employability skills
2. To reflect upon professional communication skills essential as an OTA/PTA student

Please rate yourself on the following essential employability skills during the semester in ICOM 1302. Use a one to four point
scale, where 5 = Always 4 = Often; 3 = Sometimes; 2 = Rarely; 1 = Never. Use N/A if an item is not applicable to you.
Please include a short rationale for your overall ratings in the comments section.

Essential Employability Skill Rating

I actively participated in class discussion 2

I actively contributed to breakout room activity and discussion and team meetings 4

I communicated with my classmates in a respectful way 5

I used professional emails when communicating with my professor 4

I emailed my professor in advance if I missed a class or part of a class 4

I took initiative to complete class optional handouts and submit if I missed a class 5

I handed in projects and assignments in a timely manner 5

Comments/Rationale I do regret not participating as much as I would have liked to I will definitely participate whenever I can in
my future classes and in placement

Your success in this program matters and we can all work together to assist you to meet your goals.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, please access supports through our Coaching Services
There are also supports via SALS
Please also consider seeking supports through our Access and Support Centre (ASC)

Updated: Jan 1, 2021

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