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It is the one you actually see.

Ideal Self Actual self

Self Concept Self Knowledge
___________is derived from social
interactions that provide insight into
how others react to you.

Self Knowledge Self Image

Ideal Self Actual self
Personal growth
Generating ideas
Managing Stress Determination
Persistence Creativity
The purpose of Journal Writing is to help you
set goals, reflect, and track your daily growth
by jotting it down in a piece of notebook.
It yields self awareness in which way you will
know what your reactions are in different
situations. It will also boost your imagination.
In addition, writing is your time alone. It is a
way of loving yourself more and not letting
anyone judge you.
The process of self-actualization and
learning that combines an individual’s
physiological, social, cognitive,
psychological and spiritual aspect is called
holistic development.
- the tangible aspects or the
physical attributes of the self that may include
the height, weight, body and facial appearance.

the assessment of how

well you reason and solve problems, to create
and learn, knowledge, wisdom and insights you
these are the typical
feelings you have, try to avoid, enjoy, feelings
from your past and present and associated with
each other.

refers to the senses – sight,

hearing touching, speaking, smelling that you
use the most in taking information
Include descriptions of
your strengths and weaknesses in intimate
relationships and relationships to friends,
family, co-students and strangers in social

this is how you nourish

describes the area of your
maintenance of your
living environment

include your feelings about yourself

and organized religion, reactions about your spiritual
connections to others, feelings about your spiritual
development and history, and thought about your
metaphysical self.

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