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Numerous obstacles in the life of students negatively impact their academic success.
Including social standing. On children's academic performance, parents' socioeconomic, social,
educational, occupational, residential, and marital status have an effect (Edem et al, 2021). In
addition to the sociodemographic profile and socioeconomic level of the students, social status
also includes their sociocultural background. According to Esther et al. (2022), sociodemographic
refers to a study of the characteristics of, such as gender, level of education, and socioeconomic
status of the family. Socioeconomic status is described as "the combined measure of individuals'
and families' economic and social standing relative to others based on income, education, and
occupation." This includes family income, parental education level, parental occupation, and social
status in the community.

According to the study conducted by the researchers, it is crucial for families to promote
their children's academic progress and school growth. When they have the full support of their
family, students excel. However, many parents and families are now neutral or not supportive of
their children's academic pursuits. This impacts their academic achievement. In addition, a child's
academic performance could be affected by a financial crisis and the lack of family planning before
to marriage.

According to a newly published study on education by the World Bank (2022), 90.9% of
10-year-old Filipino children appear to be in a state of learning deprivation, while 90.4% are
categorized as suffering from learning poverty ( Mojjaro,2022). The Department of Social Welfare
and Development (DSWD) is a government organization charged with overseeing grantees and
the distribution of grants to eligible recipients (Flores et al,2019). They implemented the Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program ( 4Ps). The researchers discovered that this approach provides
significant assistance to persons who are incarcerated. They give beneficiaries with conditional
cash grants.

Chubaienla and Imsutula (2022) demonstrate a correlation between social position and the
academic performance of students.63.33% of students were determined to be performing at an
average level. Consequently, the vast majority of them were from the lower middle class. Their
family situation appears to have a direct relationship with their academic performance. Moreover,
36-7% of students performed above upper and higher middle-level averages. This implies that
socioeconomic position has a direct effect on the academic achievement of students.

Recent research has revealed that socio-demographic and socio-economic issues are major
obstacles for Larayan Extension students. They are unable to concentrate on their studies due to a
variety of issues at home, such as financial difficulties and lack of family support. Teachers are
the first to know about the situation, as they are the students' second parents, and they behave like
eagles towards their children. In addition, a lack of concentration prevents kids from learning. The
objective of the study is to determine the association between sociodemographic profile and
socioeconomic level and academic achievement. To impart knowledge and a remedy regarding the
issue. To inform parents of the consequences of their acts or deeds. Finally, to inform teachers,
students, parents, and future scholars that this issue is not as simple as they believed.
Conceptual Framework of the Study
Figure 1 depicts the paradigm of independent and dependent variables on the effects of
ninth-grade students' social status on their academic achievement in Larayan Extension.

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Social Status of Grade 9

Students of Larayan Academic Performance
Extension *Class Participation
*Sociodemographic Profile (Level)
(Age and Sex) *Weighted Average
*Socioeconomic (WA)
(Family Income and Number of

Figure 1.
The conceptual paradigm illustrates the relationship between social status as the
independent variables in terms of sociodemographic according to their age and sex, and
academic performance as the dependent variables in terms of a weighted average (WA) and level
of class participation for the ninth-grade students of Larayan Extension.
Statement of the Problem
This study intends to explore the influence of social status on the academic
performance of ninth-grade Dapitan City National High School students throughout the 2022-
2023 academic year. The study seeks to answer the following questions;

1.What is the social status of the students in terms of:

1.1 age;
1.2 gender;

2. What is the academic performance of these students in terms;

2.1 Weighted Average;
2.2 Level of Class Participation;

3. Is there any significant difference in the academic performance of the students when
group to demographic profiles?

4. Is there a significant relationship between social status and academic performance of

Grade 9 students of Larayan Extension?
Null Hypothesis
This is tested at a 0.05 level of significance

HO1: There is no significant difference in the academic performance of the students when group to the
demographic profile of the students.
HO2: There is no significant relationship between social status and academic performance of Grade 9
students of Larayan Extension.
Significance of the study
The purpose of the study is to inform students, parents, teachers, and the agency of the
significance and gravity of the socio-demographic and socio-economic state of the family on the
academic performance of students. The following demonstrates the importance of the study.

Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)

They will develop successful techniques for assisting these students' parents. This survey
yields favorable results, particularly for the respondents' parents.

The Classroom Teachers

Since they are responsible for monitoring the students' academic achievement, they will be
the first to discover that the students have a problem. Teachers can also assist in solving this

The Future Researchers

This study can be useful because it provides information on the case. This may assist
them in future studies.

The Parents of the Students

They will gain from the results of this investigation because they are in control of this
situation. They have a significant obligation in this situation. This study will supply them with
knowledge and reveal who and what the actual problem is. In addition, they should be made
aware of how financial difficulty and lack of family planning prior to marriage affect their
children and family.

The students
Students affected by this situation will have a plan for addressing the issue. By providing
students with knowledge with the assistance of their researchers and their parent’s involvement.

This chapter explores the pertinent literature, including articles and studies that
support the sociodemographic profile and socioeconomic standing of high school students.

It is known as the relative age effect because older students perform substantially better in
academic contexts due to their greater experience and maturity (RAE). This effect is greater for
younger students (Navarro et al., 2022); hence, age influences the academic achievement of students
based on their family's socioeconomic level (SES). According to the findings of the researchers,
the effect of students’ understanding and awareness of their surroundings on their academic
performance diminishes as their maturity increases. In fact, they can assist themselves and their
family in resolving the current issue. However, the impact on academic achievement is larger the
less mature the learner. For instance, younger kids lack the maturity to completely comprehend
the problem; hence, they are unable to assist themselves.

Kimani et al. (2021) counted 402 Orang Asli students (n male = 39.05%, female 60.95%,
age 14 = 57.1%, n age 42.20%). The majority of respondents had an external locus of control,
according to the survey. There was a statistically significant variation in age between loci of
control. In late adolescence, the locus of control tended to be internal, with significant variances
across academic achievement levels. Students of a more mature age had greater academic
achievement than those of a younger age.

According to the World Health Organization(WHO,2022), gender refers to the socially
built traits of women, men, girls, and boys. Scholars, politicians, and practitioners have
recognized socially created distinctions between men and women and their consequential effects
on their lives. There is a significant gender disparity in academic achievement, according to
global studies of students of varying educational levels (Parajul, 2017). The study by Chubaienla
and Imsutula(2022) reveals that the academic performance of female students(57.9%) was
significantly better than that of male students(15.4%) at marks 70 and above, whereas male
students performed better than female students at marks 50 and above (but less than 70). In other
words, the study reveals that female students had superior academic achievement than male
students. Nonetheless, Gobena(2018) demonstrates that males did much higher than girls on the
mathematics component of the scholastic aptitude exam, despite the fact that this was an
interdisciplinary discovery.

Family Income
resources such as pens, pencils, and books, they are likely to perform poorly in school.
(Akpan & Monday, 2020). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC,
2022), all members of a household earn income prior to taking. Family income has a positive
effect on children's outcomes, including cognitive and social-behavioral development and health,
in households with an advantage in how income starts (Kerris et al, 2021). Low socioeconomic
level students have lower test scores and are more likely to drop out of school. Children whose
parents have low socioeconomic status are required to engage in petty trade to generate money to
pay school fees and purchase books, whereas high socioeconomic status parents urge their
children to receive extra coaching after school. In other words, when children receive inadequate
care and are deprived of fundamental learning.

However, the government has a program to address this issue, particularly for the
"poorest of the poor." This is named Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps). It was
intended to assist impoverished households with their short-term consumption needs while
encouraging investment in the education and health of their children in an effort to break the
intergenerational transmission of poverty in the country (Basas, 2021). In the past, students in
San Gabriel, La Union, attended school barefoot, with just cellophane bags for school supplies,
no food for snacks or lunch, and no school supplies. With the aid of the 4ps, students now arrive
at school with appropriate, if not complete, school supplies and meals. No longer do children
bring their younger siblings to school, as their parents have acquired new livelihood skills and
are certain to receive monthly financial incentives.

This program may be excellent and helpful, but it also has disadvantages, such as parents
no longer working and some parents not being careful enough with the cash payments they
receive. Instead of financial grants, it is advocated that governments promote employment
possibilities (Islam et al, 2017). The household recipients must not only work for their immediate
necessities, but also for their sustainable future (Basas, 2021).
Number of Siblings
According to studies, the influence of the number of brothers and sisters on the income
level after maturity is notably negative, i.e., with the growth in the number of brothers and sisters
possessed by individuals, the income level decreases dramatically (Tong, 2021). The study by
et al. (2020) indicates differently. It was estimated that in Bahawalpur, Pakistan, over 64 percent
of families had at least five children. A larger number of children in a household may place a
financial burden on the parents when it comes to providing their progeny with superior education
and health care.
This study aims to determine the effect of sociodemographic profile in terms of age and
gender, as well as socioeconomic standing in terms of family income and number of siblings, on
academic achievement.

In the sociodemographic profile of students, age has a bigger impact than other factors. It
has been suggested that the more mature a student is, the less impact their age has on their
academic achievement. Because if they lack the maturity to comprehend the situation, they
cannot do anything to themselves or their family to fix the problem, exactly like children aged 5
to 11 years old. However, when students are old enough, they have the guts to comprehend and
take action to aid themselves and their families.

Family income has a favorable effect on the outcomes of children (Kerris et al, 2021).
When a family lacks stable financial assistance, they may be unable to pay for their daily
necessities, especially if their income is insufficient to cover their monthly expenses.
Consequently, this may have an impact on their children's academic achievement. There is no
statistical significance regarding the number of siblings. According to the study, family money
has a greater impact on the academic achievement of students. Nonetheless, governments have a
remedy for this issue. They created the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) to assist
disadvantaged households. They provide pupils with conditional cash awards to improve their
health, nutrition, and education (Guo, 2022)

However, parents should continue to work and not rely solely on government assistance.
They must have secure employment to maintain their family and meet their basic necessities.
Moreover, to provide a better life and future for their family.
This chapter explains various methodologies used in data collection and analysis that are relevant
to the research. The methodologies will include areas such as the study’s location, research design,
sampling and sample size, data types, data collection method, and time management.

Research Design
In this study, descriptive correlational survey methodology will be utilized. Descriptive
correlational because it seeks to examine the relationship between the effects of social status in
terms of sociodemographic according to age and gender, as well as socioeconomic status in
terms of family income and the number of siblings, and academic achievement.

The researchers will examine the weighted average (WA) and class participation of the
students with the approval of their respective advisors. This survey will be administered to
students in grade 9 at Dapitan City National High School Larayan Extension.

Research Environment
This study will involve ninth-grade students from Dapitan City National High School,
Larayan Extension. This study will evaluate the influence of socioeconomic position and
sociodemographic profile on the academic performance of ninth-grade students at Dapitan City
National High School Larayan Extension.

The Dapitan City National High School is a public secondary school in Dapitan City,
Zamboanga del Norte. It was founded in 1997. In addition, it has school extensions such Bacong,
Bucana, and Larayan. In this study, the researchers will focus on ninth-grade Larayan Extension
students. Each of the four grade levels in Larayan Extension, namely Grades 7, 8, 9, and 10,
consists of a single section. In the ninth-grade class where the study will be conducted, there are
41 kids, however only 38 will be surveyed due to the sample size calculation utilizing Sloven's

Ariyo, E., Amurtiya, M., Lydia, O. Y., Oludare, A., Ololade, O., Taiwo, A. P., Olukemi, L. A., &

Ogunniyi, D. (2022). Socio-demographic determinants of children home learning experiences during
COVID 19 school closure. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 3,

Mojarro, J. (2022, August 8). Learning poverty. The Manila


Flores, M. J., Espinoza, C. A., Enrico, H. C., & Casimiro, R. R. (2019). Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
program (4Ps): Its effect on the academic performance of student-beneficiaries in Calaba national high
school in the Philippines. Journal of Public Administration and Governance, 9(2), 193.

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