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Project Management DMA II-16 Ma Eaindray Oo 28 June 2021

I. The role of project manager is critical for successful business in the chaotic environment.
Discuss the role of project manager in your own business.
A project is an endeavour to accomplish a specific objective through a unique set of
interrelated activities and the effective utilization of resources. It has a clear objective that
establishes what is to be accomplished in terms of the end product or deliverable, schedule, and
budget. A project also has interdependent activities, uses various resources, has a specific time
frame, is a unique one-time endeavor has a sponsor or customer, and involves a degree of
uncertainty. The successful accomplishment of the project objective could be constrained by
many factors, including scope, quality, schedule, budget, resources, risks, customer satisfaction
and stakeholder support.

The project life cycle has four phases: initiating, planning, performing, and closing the

Initiating Phase, Projects are identified and selected, using the document referred to as a project
charter. The planning phase includes defining the project scope, identifying resources,
developing a schedule and budget, and identifying risks, all of which make up the baseline plan
for doing the project work. In the performing phase, the project activities are carried out to
produce all the project deliverables and to accomplish the project objective. The project progress
is monitored and controlled to assure the work remains on schedule and within budget, the scope
is fully completed according to specifications and all deliverable meet acceptance criteria. In the
closing phase, project evaluations are conducted, lessons learned are identified and documented
to help improve performance on future projects.

Project Management DMA II-16 Ma Eaindray Oo 28 June 2021

Fig : Project Life Cycle effort

Project Attributes

1. A project has a clear objective that establishes what is to be established. The project objective
is usually defined in terms of end product or deliverable, schedule, and budget. The project
objective may also include a statement of the expected benefits or outcomes that will be achieved
from implementing the project.

2. A project is carried out through a set of interdependent activities that is a number of

nonrepetitive activities that need to be accomplished in a certain sequence in order to achieve the
project objectives.

3. A project utilizes various resources to carry out the activities.

4. A project has a specific time frame or finite life span.

5. A project may be a unique or one-time endeavor.

6. A project has a sponsor, customer or stakeholders, the people who will be the end users of the
information system.

7. A project involves a degree of uncertainty.

Project Management DMA II-16 Ma Eaindray Oo 28 June 2021

The successful accomplishment of the project objective could be constrained by many factors,
including scope, quality, schedule, budget, resources, risks, customer satisfaction and stakeholder

Fig : Factors Constraining Project Success

I would like to discuss my own business. I am doing as the project manager at Pestech
(Myanmar) Ltd. In here I would like to present about the one project called solar Mini-grid
project at Labutta township, Ayawaddy Region.

The initiating stage of the project is looking for the area where willing to the electricity and
should be the rural area because this project funding is especially for rural area. At first, our team
seeking the area then we have to negotiated with Township DRD (Department of rural
development) several time to get approval of doing solar mini-grid system at there. After that we
educated to Village/ community, if we get the electricity what is advantages and how our area
will develop. Then we made initial agreement with 3 parties such as a company, community and
Township DRD as MOU.

Project Management DMA II-16 Ma Eaindray Oo 28 June 2021

The Planning stage of this project are when we get the MOU, I need to inform/ report to Head
Quarter (Main office) which village will we install the mini grid, how many house hold there
have, how much KW need to install, and tariff structure as so on. The technical team started to
prepared line diagram, volume of generation, quantity of solar, battery and other related
equipment based on our report. The financial department also prepared the ROI period based on
tariff structure, operation cost and life time. I and management team also start prepared the
project construction period, when shall we submit the proposal to PMO (Project management
office), how much budget shall we expected for the whole project.

The Performing stage, after planning with management, technical team and financial department,
we can start the operation at there. Our project goal is to accomplish construction of the solar
mini-gird mill, transmission line and to get electricity at each house at there. During this stage all
of our group member/team are doing by own responsibility to finish the operation.

The closing stage, after finished the above stages we shall inform to township DRD and PMO
office to check our mill is consistency with their rule and regulation. Once we get the approval
sign from them, we can start distribute the electricity at this area.

Project Management DMA II-16 Ma Eaindray Oo 28 June 2021

II. Explore the criteria that applied to select the technical project proposal and explain the
reasons you choose these criteria.
There are two types of projects: those that help advance your business goals, and those
that help you do business more effectively. You can often hear entrepreneurs talking about
working ‘in’ their business and ‘on’ their business – normally in conversations about spending
more time in the business serving clients than on their business growth and strategy plans.

Here are 10 project selection criteria that you can adapt for your own project selection process,
whatever your projects.

1. Expected revenue

Delivering new products and services generally come with a revenue expectation. This should be
recorded in the project proposal or business case so that you can easily see how much extra cash
this project should be delivering to the bottom line once it is live. Note that new product launches
often make up the largest source of projects that are to do with working in the business.

If we don’t know the expected revenue, our project’ budget shall be out of control and will fail.

2. Market share growth

In a competitive market, grabbing a bit more of the market share is always going to be an
aspiration for senior leaders. Make this part of your project selection criteria and they will easily
be able to compare projects that aim to grow market share. The way you measure market share
should be transparent and easily replicable, with a defined definition and calculations that can be
repeated for each project. This also helps with benefits tracking, as you’ll be able to look back
(should the project go ahead) and compare what market share improvements were expected to
what were achieved.

Project Management DMA II-16 Ma Eaindray Oo 28 June 2021

3. Improvement to brand awareness

Sometimes projects aren’t about making more money or growing the business in such an overt
way. Improving brand recognition is also a metric that can be used at project selection.
Depending on the phase of your business growth, many of your projects may use this as part of
their justification. Again, if this makes it on to your criteria list, specify how you expect brand
awareness to be measured and how the project team will be able to report against the

4. Risk assessment

Some projects are riskier than others, and this needs to be taken into account during project
selection. You should be advising decision makers to keep the portfolio adequately balanced at
all times. This means not taking on a bunch of high-risk projects when the business’ risk appetite
is low. Equally, if all projects are very low risk, you could probably afford to take a few chances.

5. Resources required

All projects require resources, whether that is people or cash. Every project proposal should
include clear statements about what these resources are and where it is proposed the funding
comes from. Then decision makers can compare the relative cost of projects against their
expected benefits.

6. Improvement to key business metrics

Let’s use healthcare as an example here. In a healthcare business, you may have business metrics
around patient outcomes, infection rates and customer satisfaction. The business case for a
project that influences these key business metrics should include how much improvement you
should see as a result of the deliverables.

Project Management DMA II-16 Ma Eaindray Oo 28 June 2021

7. Reduction in cycle times

Cycle time is how long it takes you to do something. A project to cut three days from the process
of paying an invoice could then be compared against a project to shave 30 seconds off producing
something on the factory line.

8. Improvement to customer satisfaction

All businesses have customers, and even those departments that only serve internal customers
can still measure customer satisfaction. Whether you are surveying your accountancy clients or
members of the public who recently bought your new shampoo, you can calculate expected
improvements to customer satisfaction and present these in the project proposal.

9. Cost reduction

Many business change projects focus on process improvement, with the overall goal of reducing
the cost of doing work. Perhaps that’s automating a process, or moving something online. The
project proposal should outline how the project meets these criteria and by how much. This
enables it to be compared against other cost saving initiatives.

10. Resources required

Projects that work on the business still need to be conscious of resources required to deliver the
work. You want to ensure that you aren’t over-committing existing resources or stretching the
budget. And you want to know what’s required before you commit to the project going ahead.
Whether it’s capital expenditure or people’s time, a clear view of the resources required will help
you decide whether this project is going to be worth it.

Project Management DMA II-16 Ma Eaindray Oo 28 June 2021

III. What are some skills for an effective project manager? Describe the essential skills that are
required to work under Autocratic leader? Explain.

The project manager is a key ingredient in the success of a project. In addition to providing
leadership in planning, organizing, and controlling the project. Effective project manager has
strong leadership ability, the ability to develop people, excellent communication skills, good
interpersonal skills, the ability to handle stress, problem-solving skills, negotiation skills and
time management skills.

Leadership skills are skills you use when organizing other people to reach a shared goal.
Whether you're in a management position or leading a project, leadership skills require you to
motivate others to complete a series of tasks, often according to a schedule Project leadership
involves inspiring the people assigned to the project to work as a team to implement the plan and
accomplish the project objective successfully.

Ability to develop people – A capable project manager provides opportunities for

learning and development by encouraging individuals to assume the initiative, take risks, and
make decisions. The process of training and developing your employees or team members to
enable them to become more effective, take on bigger/ more significant challenges. Developing
others also involves helping current employees learn new skills as the nature of their work- or the

Communication Skills - Good communication skills help to develop better

understanding and beliefs among people inspire them to follow the principles and values which
their leader wants to inculcate in them. Project Managers must be good communicators. They
need to communicate with the project team, as well as with any subcontractors, the customer,
their own organization’s upper management and other stakeholders. Effective and frequent
communication is crucial for keeping the project moving, identifying potential problems,
soliciting suggestions to improve project performance, keeping abreast of customer satisfaction
and stakeholder issues, and avoiding surprises.

Interpersonal Skills - Interpersonal skills are the qualities and behaviours we exhibit
while interacting with other people. They are considered to be one of the most sought-after soft

Project Management DMA II-16 Ma Eaindray Oo 28 June 2021

skills. Strong interpersonal skills are a key indicator of success in a working environment, as
benefits include the ability to cooperate with teammates to solve difficult problems, as well as
simply enhancing your popularity around the office.

Ability to handle stress – Stress is likely to be high when a project is in jeopardy of not
meeting its objective because of a cost overrun, a schedule delay, or technical problems with the
equipment or system; when changes in scope are requested by the customer or when conflict
arises within the project team regarding the most appropriate solution to a problem.

Problem-solving Skill – Early identification of a problem will allow more time to

develop a well-through-out solution. In addition, if a problem is identified early, it may be less
costly to solve and may have less impact on other parts of the project. Good problem
identification requires a timely and accurate data-driven information system; open and timely
communication among the project team, the subcontractors and the customer. The project
manager should encourage project team members to identify problems early and solve them on
their own.

Negotiation skill - Negotiation is a process that involves activities needed to resolve

different kinds of disputes by conducting consultations between the involved parties to reach a
consensus. In project management, the process of negotiation is categorized into phases and
these include planning, discussing, proposing and reviewing.

Time Management skill – Effective project managers manage their time well. Project
require a lot of energy because they involve may concurrent activities and unexpected events. To
make optimal use of the time available, project managers need to have self-discipline, be able to
prioritize, and show a willingness to delegate.

The essential skills that are required to work under Autocratic leaders,

1. Motivation: Autocratic leaders must be self-motivated.

So that we should have own motivation skill for doing the tasks.
2. Skills: such as empathy and communication help these leaders understand what their
team needs and outline realistic strategies for their team to achieve.

Project Management DMA II-16 Ma Eaindray Oo 28 June 2021

3. Leadership skill: Require to make almost all of the decision and the ability to dictate
work methods and processes.

In autocratic style of leadership, the leader is the sole determinant of what is done: his main
contact with his subordinate occurs when he is giving them instructions. It is a very popular
style among manager commanding subordinates and it is still used around the world. This style
basically comes natural to many leaders and brings many benefits; thus, many managers start to
lead using this style and try to improve on it when pursuing their own development. The style is
used when leaders their employees what they want done and how they want it attained, without
being advised by their followers. Excessive use of authority will decrease productivity in the
long-term in the academic library. People either get fed up and leave or fall into malice without
creativity and innovation. This style got work done through fear and this style of leadership tells
workers what to do and how to do it.
Autocratic leadership style prevents the use of creative ideas to problem solving. Therefore,
leaders should learn to exercise restraint in the use of the style in the running of their institutions.
Autocratic style could sometimes be a good method to achieve success in a workplace situation.
It does not completely make institutions to malfunction. The representation of autocratic
leadership style just presented has been an extreme one. Actually, the style has its shortcomings
and numerous advantages. In short, autocratic leadership could lead to higher productivity but in
the long-run, lack of initiative and institutional squabble is common. The increase in productivity
experienced in an autocratic situation is as a result of the leader’s use of performance recognition
and sanction.

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Project Management DMA II-16 Ma Eaindray Oo 28 June 2021

IV. Why is it said that there is no 1 in team? Do you agree or disagree? How can you be an
effective team member?

There is no “I” in the word “team.” It's a popular business saying that is sometimes
overused. For this reason, the leader's focus must be on facilitating team's success–not on
fulfilling his own personal ambition and glorification.

I agree that there is an “I” in the team – there is simply no getting around the fact
that teams are comprised of individuals. The simple fact is that no team can maximize its
potential by ignoring or minimizing the strengths of individual members.

Working on teams can be rewarding, but at times it can be difficult and downright
frustrating. If there are poor communicators on your team, you may often feel left in the dark,
confused or misunderstood. To create a successful team, effective communication methods are
necessary for both team members and leaders.

5 Qualities of An Effective Team Player,

1. Willing To Learn. Knowing things is not enough. ...
2. Always Ready to Give a Hand. Successful team players are always ready to give a hand
and reach out to their members. ...
3. Shares Their Expertise. ...
4. Contribute Ideas. ...
5. Respectful To Others.


If you have a problem with someone in your group, talk to him about it. Letting bad
feelings brew will only make you sour and want to isolate yourself from the group. Not only
does it feel good to get it out, but it will be better for the team in the long run.

Don't Blame Others

People in your group lose respect for you if you're constantly blaming others for not meeting
deadlines. Pointing the finger will only make you look cowardly. Group members understand if
you have a heavy workload and weren't able to meet a deadline. Saying something like, "I'm
really sorry, but I'll get it to you by the end of today." will earn you a lot more respect than trying
to make it seem like it's everyone else's fault that you missed your deadline.

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Support Group Member's Ideas

If a teammate suggests something, always consider it – even if it's the silliest idea you've ever
heard! Considering the group's ideas shows you're interested in other people's ideas, not just your
own. And this makes you a good team member. After all, nobody likes a know-it-all.

Listen Actively

Look at the person who's speaking to you, ask probing questions and acknowledge what's said by
paraphrasing points that have been made. If you're unclear about something that's been said, ask
for more information to clear up any confusion before moving on. Effective communication is a
vital part of any team, so the value of good listening skills shouldn't be underestimated.

Get Involved

Share suggestions, ideas, solutions and proposals with your team members. Take the time to
help your fellow teammates, no matter the request. You can guarantee there will be a time in the
future when you'll need some help or advice. And if you've helped them in past, they'll be more
than happy to lend a helping hand

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